Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

The ease of a game does diminish things. And if the rewards in the game can be awarded through an easy way or a hard way, then players will follow the path of least resistance, which basically trivializes the design of any hard content.

Might as well just give people the ability to click a “Max iLvl BiS gear” button then. Heck, why stop there? Just give everyone GM powers to one-shot every mob and raid boss with the click of a button. Hey, you can still do it the traditional way, right? What does it matter what someone else does? That would “great” gameplay, right? /kappa

The fact that you don’t see that harder content rewards the highest ilvl gear and realizing that the game entices people to worker harder to get better gear show’s you don’t understand how games are designed…

You don’t keep the hamster hitting the feeder bar for another food pellet if you’re giving them food pellets for free.

I’d still do them for rep or attunement requirements, sure. Getting gear that’s sometimes an upgrade is icing on the cake. Which brings up titanforging; probably not the best system for sure. I think it’s “working as Blizz intended” as a random, unexpected bonus. This I think should only happen on High end gear specifically as the “bonus” to doing that content.

I’d be OK with this system…

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As someone who did raid a lot on a few accounts, I understand perfectly: People like you want to feel great even if it is on someone else’s expense. These “dirty casual” players do not affect you in any way and yet you insist your $15 is worth more than theirs just because you CHOOSE to do harder content.
Perhaps you’re not aware there is a lot of elderly players and from their point of view, WQ’s are as difficult as hardcore raiding for you.

At the end of the day, Blizzard runs a business and casual players will spend much more through microtransaction that hardcore raiders and that’s why “welfare” gear is not going anywhere.

Also, If this “welfare” loot from WQs is so great why don’t you gear up that way in few hours and then push in even more difficult content?


WQ’s are basically auto-completion tasks that take no real effort or skill to complete.

So you’re basically saying you would like the ability to get targeted loot from an auto-acquire feature.

That’s horrible game design.

Hey, games are even harder for people who have no hands or feet, or even blind people, but you can’t just simply the game down so those people have access to the same loot as bleeding-edge mythic raiders.

Games don’t work like that.

$15 gives you access to the same content and challenge and asking that they give you the gear based on the way you play just because you bought the game comes off as entitlement.

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True WQs are very easy; but “auto-acquire” is grossly hyperbolic. You still have to do them. No, sir, auto-acquire is gear vendors… which are coming back. that’s the “catch-up” gear argument… which is totally separate.

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Which wqs are giving mythic level gear or even heroic cos gear again?

Agreed, you absolutely play the game you wish. We all have different lives, commitments, desires, goals.

What im saying is, if i have time to log in and do a few world quests or the lowest level of content available to me, i dont expect gear tantamount to heroic/mythic raiders - that seems unreasonable. Im putting in a quarter the work, and i dont actually have a need for mythic equivalent gear, because thats not the level of content im playing the game at.

I dont think its unacceptable to offer similar level gear in different avenues (Arena, RBG, M+), as long as the degree of difficulty or time commitment is similar, e.g. 2100 Arena rating, M+ 12.

What we have right now is a disconnect. Theres ways to get top notch gear by accidentally killing a mob for a quest objective and my loot uprolled to heroic content level. Now, this has created a level of expectancy from its players that i should be able to get what youre doing for a tenth the effort, and simply getting lucky.

Look, i get it. Its cool to get the top level stuff like the top dogs, but they also put in a high level of work and commitment to get there.

You’re so wrong there. The gear vendors require you to get pearls (currency) from doing WQ’s.

And WQ’s being compared to Auto-acquire is a lot closer to true than comparing WQ’s to Mythic Raids.

No one fails a WQ when doing it on solo play.

The fact that you want to try and give any sense of the word “effort” to WQs is laughable.

Well said. To be honest though gear in vanilla meant 10x more than it does now but blizzard catered to the casual player base more than they should have over the years.

I have issue with comments like this. Its ignorant at best. Its not at anyone expense. Everyone has access to the same content, whether or not they choose to that is completely on them.

This BS of “i pay 15$ too” is laughable. You do pay 15, just as i do, and we both have access to the same content. Your 15 gets you the exact same access to this game as me. Thats all it gets you. What you do from there is again on you

I only raid heroic, and never have i ever thought i deserved Mythic quality gear. They EARN that, i dont. I have complete access if i so choose, but i dont find enough value in that nor should i be rewarded as such. If you dont find value in doing harder content then thats fine, but players shouldnt expect end game caliber welfare for trivial things that could be completed through auto attacking


You do realize it takes effort to figure out which flight point will put me closest to that free WQ loot, right?

And, do you know how difficult it is to time my arrival on a kill so that I only have to tag it before the group takes it down and I get full credit!

Come on man… this is not easy stuff!!!

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Lol love it

I know right?!

It takes effort to have a computer. And to have the ability to know how to use a mouse. Oh, and read!

I mean, we can’t just have this game favor the people who have access to the above, right?


Hey now I was going for my Industrial Technology Welding degree and they threw us into a computer course where they actually had people that didn’t know how to move an icon on their desktop.

When did we start talking about having to read… I’m out!

Now you’re being pedantic; I never suggested WQs were not easy, minimal effort. All I said is it’s not automatic. And correct me if I am wrong, but WQ gear does scale with your iLvl, right? So if you just hit 120 you are not getting 385+ pieces for quite some time.


Took my last alt exactly 1 week to go from fresh 120 to 395ilvl. It takes no time

True dat!