But it was to emphasize that there are players in the game who would probably prefer other content streams and the only reason why they are playing the content they have in front of them is because that’s all they have.
It doesn’t mean casuals want it removed. It’s just a hypothetical. You don’t have to take it literally.
But you’re not. You’re accusing us of having persecution complexes and being spiteful.
Like I’m starting to wonder if you’re trying to find reasons to argue with us, because again it seems like all of us are on the same page. We don’t want raiding removed. You don’t want raiding removed. We all want content that appeals to everyone.
Posters like him get really defensive when people suggest anything negative about how the current end game works in WoW. I’ve been on these forums since 2004 and this is always the same song and dance.
WoW has always catered to this style of player since beta, it just wasn’t so pronounced in the older versions of the game as it is today.
I personally think what MMO players want out of their MMOs has shifted quite a bit the last 5- 10 years. Players want more open world exploration, player housing, more quest content, fun crafting that is meaningful, more story driven gameplay, open world PVP objectives, more tools for players to create their own content. WoW has been dropping the ball on this for years, basically just creating the same game loops over and over each expansion.
This is why they’re losing players to other MMOs.
I can’t fathom that the bulk of MMO players enjoy running the same 8 dungeons for years as their main form of content. At least raiding gets new raids.
I personally think a lot of WoW players are just stuck accepting this style of content, because A they love WoW and B they have a lot of sunk cost fallacy going on with this game.
Bro, you “DOWN WITH THE 1%ER” crowds have existed for so long, and what your “target” is is based on whatever raiders do or don’t want.
Something absolutely hilarious about this is that if you scroll back to those locked covenant threads, the “casuals” on these forums were arguing heavily in favor of the locking of covenant power using the exact same “we are the 99%” sentiment.
There is a lot to not like about WoW. You’re just making stuff up about me that sounds good in a forum post to high five someone over.
What I’m disagreeing over is all this drivel about how it’s the things that are meant to “appease raiders” that have ruined the game, when the majority of the time the raiders are at the forefront of not wanting those things.
And yet yall still say dumb stuff like:
Those things were NOT to appease raiders. Stop attatching them to one another.
Uh, yes they absolutely were. What players do borrowed power systems have the greatest impact on? Raiders and other high-end players. Do you really think Blizzard spent so much time attempting to balance covenant powers and soulbinds for casual, open-world players? Lol, no.
Raiders may not like borrowed power systems. But Blizz definitely created those systems with raiders in mind.
Ion actively said in interviews before Shadowlands that Covenants were the way they were in spite of raiders, and he responded to the negative feedback from raiders essentially telling them it wasn’t meant for them.
What are you talking about?
You guys honestly just rewrite this stuff to put whatever anti raider spin you can.
Was no one here for the Ralph posts? Honestly? No one? Do I have to give a GD history lesson?
I have been respectful to you our entire conversation. Whatever impressions you have of me, you’re mistaken. I am not sure where this hostility comes from, especially when we all agree on the same things. I don’t know if it’s because you simply don’t understand what it is we are saying or if it’s because you want to find reasons to argue, or if it’s because you misrepresented something someone said.
Either way, you can settle down and act like an adult or you can continue to lash out.
Bro, he was specifically talking about the power when he said it. That’s where all the “you aren’t meant to do everything” and the “meaningful choice” stuff came from.
But that is what we’re telling you though, a lot of the design decisions and content focus is aimed at RAIDERS lol.
I was a raider for years mate. I was in a top guild on my server up through MoP basically. I gave up on raiding in Legion though, just couldn’t hack the culture and didn’t want to commit to a schedule anymore. M+ also played a huge factor in me quitting raiding after Legion. In BFA, all the decent guilds expected you to run M+.
I honestly don’t care about this game anymore. I don’t expect DF to any different from what we have gotten since Legion. I expect more of the same from Blizzard, basically them pandering to competitive players.
I sub once and while to check out the patches or to dabble in Classic. I moved on to ESO and FF14 as my main MMOs. That is not to say I wouldn’t play WoW again full time if they actually started catering to MMORPG players again.
No, they were the most vocal about wanting them unlocked.
Which only the same “down with the 1%er” crowds seen ITT were arguing against doing, citing “meaningful choice” only to actually play the game and realize the raiders were right (but, obviously, as seen here wouldn’t give them credit for and are instead rewriting history saying locked covenants were to appease raiders)
Yeah, because they were unbalanced and some of them gimped your character performance in raiding bad lol.
Most casual players just picked the covenant they liked and didn’t care about what gave them the best performance. Raiders, on the other hand, complained nonstop about how not being able to switch these abilities was dumb because it would handicap their performance.
You guys need to read through some of these threads
The threads this dude made got all the same people you see in these threads going, rallying against the 1%ers, only to be wrong on basically every account despite getting hundreds of people involved in the “down with the raidy bois” rhetoric yall are doing