Stop rewarding the 1%

Yep, the player housing was amazing, but the game just was way too focused on hardcore players. WoW has been trending this direction since Legion as well. This is probably why they’re hemorrhaging players like crazy to FF14.

I don’t have any data to back up this claim, but FF14 has been eating WoW’s lunch now for years. ESO has tons of WoW refugees as well. Been in that game since beta and their has been a huge influx of new players the last 2 years.

The point is that if you have to pick between raids or housing, housing isn’t enough to keep an audience. WildStar had the best housing of any game and it wasn’t enough.

I think these threads just reinforce what we have all been telling you lol. Oh man, this is hilarious.

Wildstar had amazing raids too, so I don’t know what you’re getting at with this lol.

Are you seriously trying to argue that covenant powers & soulbinds don’t matter for raiders? And who cares what Ion said before SL, considering that he backtracked on everything after the xpac came out.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t like them. Borrowed power systems like covenant powers & soulbinds have a bigger impact on your gameplay and performance as a raider than they do on someone who runs around and does world quests all day. Blizzard knows this, which is why they spent so much time on them and even delayed the expansion bc the balancing was so out of whack.

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The sad part is that they already have +5000 assets ready for use. All they need to do is to build a system. It’s not that much work besides having a running system where you can place things.

True. It’s more of a RP-content. But WildStar has no legacy content worth of 20 years also.

Yeah, it’s evident that this dude doesn’t want to agree and is deliberately finding ways to disagree with us even though we have already established that we’re all in agreement.

I’m starting to wonder if this guy is the one with the persecution complex….

Wildstar had great raids my dude. I was there, played all of them.


BRO, the people on your side of this argument were the same ones saying locked covenants were a good idea and that Shadowlands was going to be good for casuals in those threads. They blamed raiders there for wanting otherwise, then they were completely wrong, and now you’re still saying this mess is because of raiders despite Ion saying these changes weren’t for raiders, despite raiders being against all this crap before the game launched, and despite all the casuals banding together in those threads supporting all the bad decisions Shadowlands made and ended up reverting?

You are completely lost and delusional lmao.

Why? Because Blizzard wants to keep you subscribed for as long as they can. If you can get the best gear by doing the easiest content, many peoples with do that and leave the game with nothing to work towards.

I’m not talking about its raids I’m talking about its casual content.

This tribal thinking puts you at a huge disadvantage.

Look in the mirror mate.

You’re misremembering how things went down with Covenants.

Casuals didn’t care about being hard locked into Covenants, raiders absolutely did.

Just go back to classic m8 and do GDKPs if you care so much about pixels

That’s true. It was a war about “fantasy flavor VS raiding”

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I genuinely don’t understand why this conversation is still going. We all were in agreement 20 posts ago.


So, it had great raids and dungeons, the game should have flourished according to your arguments.

Because we’re all suckers for posters like Ddzz. We think they will finally understand our perspective after 40 posts, but in the end, it is the same song and dance. The above poster just entrenches further into their echo chamber.

Until they actually had to play them. Then they absolutely did.

Like, you’re in here in a thread arguing against restrictive gameplay in a thread about reward restrictions being bad and now you’re backtracking saying restricted Covenants are a good thing when the guy who was arguing alongside you brought them up saying locked Covenants were to appease raiders and were a bad thing.

Just a whirlwind of inconsistency and bad points; the only common theme through it all is no matter what it is, it’s a raiders fault somewhere.

Did you really just try to gauge peoples loyalty by the content they do? :joy:


This is the problem with you trying to jump into every comment chain obsessing over my replies.

Before that comment, I was specifically saying it failed to capture the casual audience. That was the context.

Stop jumping the gun trying to get my attention if you aren’t gonna read the replies.

Now piss off pls

I never gave my opinion on Covenants lol. I just pointed out what casual players were saying during SL.

Personally, I hated SL and didn’t care about Covenants. I just picked what I liked and never gave it a second thought in the beginning.

You’re putting a lot words into people’s mouths here.

maybe u should read the wall of text one more time. no where is the OP demanding any mount; the OP is simply stating why is there not a reskin for everyone else to work towards who are not part of the 1%.