Shadowlands will be a Success

Why? Because money comes from most players, not a minority of tryhards who are mad at covenants forcing them to learn to play without stacking meta/fotm and roflstomping through content.

During all expansions of any Mmorpg there’s a huge number of players joining but the majority leave after a month, that is a fact of mmorpgs, your goal as a dev is to keep as big of a part of those returning/new players and shadowlands will absolutely achieve this.


-Covenants are a return to serious RPG design, real meaningful choices, you get to be part of a special group, slowly unlock stuff including , know allies and progress a story. Not only is this core system that will keep going throughout the expansion but it provides a certain flavor we didnt have before as they are seen as a sub class society of sorts which is a strong rpg element.

-Torghast, this will be a huge success because unlike what many wannabe elitists want to believe, there’s a huge group of players who enjoy solo activities and playing by themselves, Torghast not only provides a great challenge for fun but a great repeatable activity for everyone that loves solo content. And with the amount of tower and power combinations as well as the possibility of trying it on other classes that will attract a huge amount of players

-Story is going to be far more interesting, no silly war that ends with a peace as expected, major lore characters, Sylvanas, Jailer and most likely arthas in later patches, far more interesting storyline than previous ones

-M+ design is going back to a more casual side, nothing like bfa’s tryhard MDI made dungeons and trash of bfa, back to healthy dungeon design with all covenants giving dungeons different buffs so all covenants get some form of boost so tryhards cant stack 5x

-And of course raids, which have always been the standard part of WoW

In other words, yes, many tryhards wiil ragequit because they arent allowed to stack OP classes and be optimal by changing their build for every single boss, but there will be a far larger wave of casuals that are gonna love shadowlands and will easily replenish the losses.
Plus many people who obsess with meta quitting would improve the community, WoW needs less tryhards who call things that dont perform as meta “gargabe” or call anyone not playing meta that they “dragging their group down”, with such people gone, community instantly improves


How many times are you going to basically reword this exact thread?


Of course it will be! Because I’ll be playing it of course

Hands out cookies and tentacle flips.



Yay, a Ralph thread !!!

We all were wondering why you haven’t posted lately.


wait. Grumbles left the job of handing out cookies ??

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He’s not in the basement.



Same :poop: different day


forums have started feeling incomplete without seeing such posts by Ralph :sweat_smile:


If by success you mean more popular than BFA I agree. If by success you mean Blizzard is going to deliver on everything they promised for Shadowlands… I don’t know about that.


My Dearest Mood, I am the Cookie Gnome. Perhaps you could be the Cake Zombie?

Also with regards to what Ràlph is saying - there are still some rather glaring issues other than Covenants and Torghast with SL so who knows how it will play out?



He got loose! Ahhhhhh


Pretty sure Tryhards will just adapt to the situation my friend.


So then wouldn’t that make Shadowlands more widely popular with these systems being seemingly geared towards the casual player? They might find more fun in the game now with Covenants (which is debatable of course), and the big boys are going to play regardless of what Blizzard throws at at them.

I feel the day covenant restrictions are removed, the day entire forum will Troll Ralph very hard :rofl:

They will just have multiple of the same class with different covenants and go from there. They did it with corruptions.

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Good luck with that, cuz I know covenant will launch locked like this : )

Feel free to wait till 9.3 for that chance xD

Yeah, but the issue is we have no idea what the overall community perception of the Covenant restrictions is. We can’t just go by GD to speak for what can be good or bad, considering we just complain about everything.

I just wish they did in-game polling like OSRS and posted results so we can see the actual split on this whole Covenant debate. It’s one of the biggest things I love about that game.

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tryhards are subbed for entire expansion
casuals leaving after finishing story


So I have Ralph ignored but I’m guessing the thread basically goes like this
haha minmaxers are getting slammed, u dont need to be optimal in ALL SITUATIONS AT ALL TIMES, defy the meta and make fun builds!!!
for the 90th time


I understand where you are coming from. I like that poll system also.

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