Stop rewarding the 1%

This game is fixated on rewarding only a small percentage of players with the best looking stuff. Why?

Look at the state the game is in right now, hardly ANY new players at all, and even if someone does try to get into this game they quit immediately when they find out they can’t even get the coolest stuff this game has to offer unless they outplay people that have made this game their full-time job for decades.

Gladiator mount? Wow amazing cool soul-dragon thingy, awesome. Hardly anyone ever gets to experience it and there’s ZERO alternatives that even look similar for people who can’t hit glad or don’t have the time to. Why? Why not make a dragon like that obtainable for “casuals” and just give gladiators the titles, or a recolor? Why does the 1% (less I think, actually) deserve the most unique stuff in the game and the rest of us get to miss out on it?

They get a unique gladiator mount every season, a unique weapon illusion every season, unique weapon transmogs every season, unique tabard, unique titles (THAT THEY CAN KEEP, unlike Rival or Duelist).

And there’s even unique LIMITED TIME armor sets every season at 1800.

There’s a unique FOMO mount for KSM and there’s NOTHING like it in the game aside from that. There’s a unique mount for clearing mythic raids although that was handled way better since at least there’s a chance of getting that later in future expansions.

And I haven’t even delved into how you turned some of the best stuff in this game - say yeti outfit and Deathwing mount - into more FOMO stuff. This “YoU jUsT hAd tO bE ThErE” kind of stuff gating the most unique stuff this game has to offer is ruining this game, it’s the reason nobody new even wants to start playing this game or even knows how to approach this pile of entitlement.

What do the casuals get? Recolors of the same obnoxious mount, horrible open world progression and armor sets, basically next to no rewards.

I’ve never seen a game so fixated on rewarding ALMOST ALL the cool and unique stuff they put out to the smallest audience of players they have, less than 1%. Meanwhile the rest 99% of players get next to squat.


The best mount in the game is the White Riding Goat so I’m not really quite sure what your point even is.


Back when story people like Metzen were the most influential people in the company, it was more balanced. These days the top people all seem to be mostly from the raiding community. As a result story and questing is just a perfunctory thing tacked on to go through the ritual of quick levelling on your way to the mythic hamster wheel.


I have to strongly disagree with this statement. IMO, the only cool thing from SL that came out of a normal or higher raid was the Sylvanus bow. All the best looking armor came from the covenant campaigns. The majority of the raid armors looked like garbage. Same goes for the mounts. You got numerous mounts by doing your covenant campaigns. And I say this a casual player who never sets foot in mythic plus or mythic dungeons.


This is the exact opposite of how a game is supposed to be.

Just because you’re bad doesn’t mean you get the rewards of those who are good.

That is called entitlement, and this post reeks of it.


Remove PVP


Elitists assemble!


No they don’t.

Because that’s how being the best at something has always worked. Screw participation trophies.

No there isn’t. The “f” stands for fear which means the problem is one inside your head, not something material.

No it isn’t. It’s also hilarious to make the argument you are and then try to call others “entitled” :clown_face:

Fixed to accurately state what this is really about. Grow up.

It’s literally the entire basis of it


At what point does it stop being entitlement and becomes preferential treatment though? If a game had 5 million players but only the single TOP player in the world ever got the cool rewards - actually unique stuff - is that okay? No, no it isn’t.

Entitlement is wanting the exact rewards top players get without the work. Nobody is saying that. But at least have alternatives for the rest of us. Asking for alternatives because WE TOO play this game isn’t entitlement.


Working on it. Its ok if you dont agree with my POV.

Personal attacks without a basis for argument is pretty expected. Most people DO get upset when they realize their entire world-view has been utterly demolished by an actual big-brain opinion.

That’s okay bud, I can sell you a tissue.


Ion’s hate for casuals is one of the primary reasons these last two expansions have been such catastrophes and the reason they are trying to go back to their roots with dragonflight. Ion thought he knew what was best when infact he didn’t know anything so people left in swarm, we can only hope he has learned his lesson and dragonflight doesn’t disappoint.


I thought it was the brown riding horse.

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But that’s not the case. So, until it is, let’s stop making up make-believe scenarios in order to get upset, shall we?


There are alternatives

Mythic sets from wod, legion, bfa and sl are alternative recolours of those 1800 sets. Mage tower is literally elite set recolours

Bc mount: netherwing rep mounts
Wotlk: icc meta mount
Cata: obsidian sanctum, island expeditions
Mop: every cloud serpent
Wod: gronnlings nobody likes
Legion: valarjar cache and island expeditions
Bfa: none identical to the big jaw, but could come next expansion (legion alternative came out in bfa)
Sl: none yet but also could come next expansion

Wanting the exact same models without getting the achievements is the definition of getting rewards for no work. Recolours and alternatives are good and do exist, like legion class hall sets also being alternative models of the mop CMs

Re: rank 1 gladiator titles that 200 people get per season, m+ keystones and hall of fame raiding have the same thing

And no, the top % should always be rewarded. Otherwise why bother trying to improve?


Typically, the harder the task requires you to do, the better the reward when you complete it.

It would be like complaining about not getting 10 million dollars after doing the first race in a racing game.

I do agree with that the concept of limited time rewards, as well events need to full stop and just have it be permanent.


They are creating hamster wheel content to keep people subscribed.


I fully agree that casuals and largely solo players should have more to work for, rewarding achievements and goals that combine skill with a time investment. But FOMO has become an accusation of convenience with a definition to match. It’s tiresome and counter-productive.


Disagreement isn’t a personal attack.

You’re right they do, which is why I understand you not having any rebuttal but instead just hurt feelings.

And yet you’re the one here crying about what you can’t have. Funny how projection works…


If we are talking pvp, casuals get 2 transmogs and a mount at 1k rating.

That’s 3 things. That’s awesome.