Stop gating allied races behind reps

Mythic gear is the badge not the race.

This entire post sounds like Panda racism, lol

It won’t let me do their starting zones, unless you are literally saying it would make sense for me to have to make a toon I do not want to make to go see why those races joined the Horde? That’s backwards. That’s forcing me to play a race I do not even want to play instead of earning the ability to make a race I do want to play lol You don’t even- I don’t even!

Well first and foremost there are 8 races to be had in total, not just one and after you are done gaining them, and doing their quests you get a mount for each and everyone…something we never have gotten for any of the races we got in the past. So for doing the task we are not just be rewarded getting to play the new races, but getting 8 new mounts, in which any of are characters can use…so there’s a big difference back then and now…

I agree with your assessment Chetal! Its very arbitrary of Blizz to come up with this when originally people were wanting more customization for core races. While on the other side of the isle people dont mind the grind. Personally, i have grinded all of the AR’s since end of Legion.

TBH, now that its 8.1.5 I am getting tired of the leveling them to 120. I have decided if there is anymore announcements for new AR’s I will just do a race change and be done. My tolerance level is getting thin. I am ready for new “Core” races/classes released normally in expansions without reputation grinds!

Because Core races and Allied races, are two completely different things.
No- You didn’t have to “grind rep” for Goblins in Cata. Because they are a Core race (official Horde race). In which, we are probably never going to get anymore Core races. Allied races are “allied with” the Horde. So you have to earn rep with them, to recruit them.

Allied races are a feature, not a main component.

I’m not sure why you think them having 8 races and them having a rep grind for those races are specifically connected to having those 8 races. Unless you are saying this business model is the only reason we have the races?

The only thing that bugs me is that if I want to make an alliance DI dwarf I gotta either faction swap this guy who has the reps or level up an alliance to then level up and alliance.

Originally you had to have a max lvl character to play a Death Knight, was that so wrong or was that a crime also…cause it was stopping players from letting them play a Heroic class…

Lol and what exactly makes goblins more “core” then zandalari exactly? As it stands only the rep grind is the difference. Seems like you might be playing semantics to defend this system.

I will quote an MVP who explained it much better than I can-


You started at 55 and left the introduction(that took maybe an hour) at 58. Are you saying this is the same thing? lol

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That’s a pretty crappy explanation. The unlock system is very different from the Hero classes. Starting at level 20 is the only somewhat understandable option but they could have easily made you have a level 20 toon before starting one of those characters. What exactly are the other perks? This is just a weak attempt to defend blizzard(Which MOST MVP’s are very famous for).

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The Ion is strong in this one!


The Horde is a band of “allied” races. Blizzard uses the term “Allied races” to differentiate them from the races with original models and animations. 2 of the hordes allied races could just me cosmetic options for the tauren and orc.

They’re just vying for green text! Soon we’ll get an ignore function again and they’ll be gone again.

Yea saving Jaina and Boralus Harbour wasn’t enough to earn there trust apparently.

I said I was going to quote an MVP who could explain the Allied races better than I could and that’s exactly what I did. Your beef with anyone on the forums, is none of my business. Doesn’t matter if you wish to dismiss that for the sake of a free unlock.

I have no idea what this even means. But okay. :+1:

But this happens so far into the reputation with Proudmoore Admiralty that it’s basically the catalyst for the allied race.

Making us earn reputation with the factions makes a lot of sense to me.


The Kul Tirans and Zandalari were already gated to a certain point in the story, I find this acceptable, the additional rep grind was not needed.

I already had that rep well in advance, but I can see it being tedious for future players.

Unlocking via story and questing is better.

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