So which one of those were Allied Races? Ill give you a moment.
That’s like complaining that you had to have a level 55 character on that server to create a DK instead of just getting them when Wrath launched or complaining about DH’s requiring 70 on that server. Yeah, those requirements are far less stringent, but the point being that they exist because Hero Classes =/= Normal Classes.
Allied Races =/= Traditional Races and are basically the “Hero Class” of races, thus why they also start at 20 as oppose to level 1 along with other perks. Also, it has already been stated as NOT being a replacement to traditional races just in case anyone wants to try and say they are.
Allied Races are an unlockable optional reward for those who want them.
Again, Normal Class =/= Hero Class. Did you have to Unlock DK’s and DH’s? Yes. Monks? No.
Come on man, you can do better I believe in you.
EXTREMELY subjective. Do you think someone who hates PvP enjoys the process of unlocking it?
Making a big assumption there man. That’s like saying if you wanted the Mage Tower skins you loved the Mage Tower. I LOATHED every freaking moment of the Healer Mage Tower but still did it.
No, again, making massive subjective assumptions. I know several people who do not want to raid at all but their BiS trinkets come from the raids. They would much prefer to do nothing but M+ but do raiding solely for a chance at their BiS pieces.
Also, I love how you say this here–
but can’t seem to wrap your mind around the concept of “If you want the Allied Races, you must go through due process for the Allied Races”
Its such a contradictory mind set, dude.
Again, Allied Race. Entirely different, Chief.
As stated, that’s entirely subjective and opinionated. Personally, I LOVE Questing out in the open world and doing World Quests, doing the story quest lines, ect. and I am pretty sure there are others who agree. Clearly, you do not and I am sure there are also others who don’t like them either. Once more, that’s fine that you don’t like the content as not everyone like everything.
If I wanted to be overly difficult, like you are being, I could make the argument: “Raiding is arbitrarily time gated because lockouts reset each week and I only have so many bonus rolls. Clearly Blizzard is arbitrarily time gating raiding, I should be able to do the bosses I want over and over until I get what I want.”
“Also, its dumb that I have to go through each boss sequentially, I should be able to skip whatever bosses I want! Also, its really really REALLY dumb that I have to play with others. Everyone else I play with is really bad and make the experience no fun. Blizzard should really add a solo mode so raiding is fun.”
Dude, come on. Not every bit of content is for every person, and that’s fine. The fact that you don’t personally like it is fine, you are entitled to your opinion but your arguments are filled with a ton of poor formulated analogies and assumptions based purely off of your side of the situation.
Exactly! Sure, not liking the content is one thing and its okay to not like the content but if you want the reward you have to put in the time and effort, which is exactly what it is even if you don’t enjoy it.