Stop gating allied races behind reps

Allied races are rewards.

Rewards have a criteria that must be met to be earned.

That criteria is level 120, and is a rep requirement.

I don’t see the problem here.


No, you had to be level 55, the max level was 80.

Can someone please explain to me how people come to the conclusion that they’re losing something by unlocking and creating an allied race character? You still have the 120 that you did all the stuff on. You’re still exalted on that character with those reps and can start earning paragon rewards. Blizzard doesn’t go in and delete your 120 character.

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It’s not that. They are basically creating fallacies to argue for the same thing they did back when DK and DH had their requirements. They want the requirements removed, so they can freely create the allied races when they want and where they want. Even going as far to argue that “we should be able to create multiple DH’s on the same realm”- which is the equivalent of saying “Horde races and Allied races, are the exact same thing. So why do we have to earn them at all?”

It’s those situations all over again but a different vein.

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The character I hit exalted with isn’t rewarded. zandalari aren’t a pet i can summon, they aren’t a mount i can ride. My character in-game isnt’ rewarded by them being unlocked.

Because races aren’t rewards.

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Remember the storyline coming into BfA. Kul Tiras and the Alliance have been on the outs with each other for some time. You come along with Jaina, who is heavily regarded by most of her people as a traitor to Kul Tiras, and therefore YOU are under suspicion as well when you first arrive.

It makes PERFECT sense that in order for Kul Tiras to join the Alliance war effort (using their own people) you as the ambassador of the Alliance will have to put in a lot of effort for them to accept that you mean to help them reunite their country as well as help save the only person who can truly save them.

At least for Kul Tiras, the way Allied races are set up makes perfect sense.


That’s the basis for all allied races. They are earned and gained as an ALLY to your faction. Different races have different story lines and reasoning but it is the same gist for them all.

Velves are outcasts who dabbled in void magic and had no where to go. So an ex High elf assures them that they are welcome with the Alliance. Etc etc.


Allied races are rewards as per the devs.


Hmm, well, I can see this is not going to get anywhere. I am relatively sure Allied Races will be a staple mainstay for the foreseeable future, so I guess you guys have fun discussing. But, you could also be spending this same time getting allied races or leveling them! lol


Glad I don’t play on a roleplay server so that makes absolutely no sense to me and doesn’t justify gating a new race in the slightest sense. The only roleplaying I do is with my husband after the kids go to sleep.


Pff, reputations are at least solo-able.

…stop gating them behind dungeons.

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I’m mainly referring to new/returning players who didn’t play BFA at launch. Let’s say they want to roll a zandalari warrior for BFA and they go in expecting how it to work like past expansions. But to their surprise the race they want to play is rep gated behind a max level toon and 1 month grind just to play the new race.


I don’t play on a roleplaying server.

I just try to at least read the story and quests.


One month is nothing really.

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So wrong. lol

You weren’t even able to play a death knight if you didnt have a max level character back in the day, now I don’t know if they took out that requirement, but during WoLK thats how it was done. So the point was if a new player coming in wanting to play a DK, and didn’t a max lvl character, would been fair back them just to give them a DK…???

My biggest problem is the faction specific crap. I would LOVE to make a Zandalari troll… but playing alliance I can’t. Even though I have everything alliance exalted with all the races unlocked but still have to jump through flaming hoops of nonsense to play a horde race.

  1. Level up a horde character to 120 (or pay to faction change).
  2. Grind the reps to get exalted again (since I did so already for alliance).
  3. Level up again on my new race (or once again pay to faction change).

It’s a joke and I will probably never see the horde side of things because only the Zandalari trolls interest me to play and I do not feel like rep grinding all over again for a different faction just for a race.


Not at all. That’s basically what it is. You had to earn a hero class, which starts at a much higher level. People demanded the requirements be removed completely (and still do. Of which, blizzard has already said that the realm requirement will be removed for DH’s but not until a later expansion).

Throwing around fallacies that “They are the exact same thing as base/core races”, is a poor argument.
That’s like saying “DK is no different than Warrior. So why do we have to earn it?”

We haven’t gated races behind rep, but we’ve gated mounts, tabards, gold discounts, gear, potions, recipes, questlines, pandaren farm enhancements, toys, battle pets behind rep. I do agree killing the boss of an entire expansion should just kick all your reps to exalted for that expansion though (or maybe clearing all the raid bosses). For all of that, rep is pretty easy to come by if you play the game.

Gating flight behind a bunch of suramar achievements or getting to a hundred wod treasures was more painful imho. And maybe explore stormheim was rough. Not sure the 1-2 month allied race/rep grind is as bad as giving a collector’s edition flying mount to people in an expansion with an 18 month gate on flight.

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Wait… people are still complaining about this? Lool