Stop gating allied races behind reps

I don’t understand why they insist on gating allied races behind rep, It’s not immersive it’s annoying. We have never required a rep to unlock a race before until allied races. Which aren’t even new original models they’re existing models in the game which all they had to do was make new player animations at the most.

It sucks because I came back looking forward to making a zandalari warrior and leveling it. But i was met with a requirement to first level a character to 120 and then grind zanadalri rep all the way to exalted, just so I can level it and do it all over again.

EDIT: Since some of you severely lack reading comprehension, i’m not talking about the grind. Why is the grind there in the first place?

Edit: Called it, I knew Blizzard would listen to me.


The game evolves over time. Just because a thing is done one way, doesn’t make it a requirement that it must be done that way for all-time.


This is my main issue with the Allied Race rep grinds. Not a single one of them ADDS to the story by making us gain reputation with their factions. We’re not doing anything to earn their trust, because the means through which we gain rep are literally just repeats of the quests we already did as part of the expansion’s leveling process.

We ALREADY earned that trust through the story.

The rep grind is too arbitrary for me to get behind. They could make a rep grind that actually pushed the narrative of earning trust, but that’s not what they’ve done for any of them so far.

Hell, back at the end of Legion, we had defeated freaking Sargeras before I had the rep to unlock Lightforged Draenei. Literally the leader of the faction they had been fighting for millennia is locked away thanks to us, but they won’t join us until we grind some 0-rank demon fodder for a couple weeks?


As long as there’s no story effort put into the required rep grinds, I don’t think they should be a requirement. Requiring endgame content to unlock a race creates a really unfortunate situation for anyone who’s returning or new to the game if they already know they want to play one of those races.

It pushes people to level up twice in a row, effectively making the first character a throwaway piece of garbage.

I guess that’s kind of a tangent since requiring even the story portion would force people to level up twice, but something to consider.


Trying to portray a blatant time sink as “evolution” is laughable.


I agree with OP, its stupid. I helped the Zandalari against the blood trolls in Nazmir, aided them in Voldun and in defence of their capital city, i have earned their trust to unlock the allied race, this rep grind is completely unnecessary


Do you understand what a turnoff it is to realize you need to hit exalted with a end game rep on a max level character when all you wanted to do was level one of the new races?

What purpose does that serve to new/returning players?


Takes about as much effort earning allied races as it does to make a Thread crying about em.

Stop complaining and get it done.


you mean like how they tried to hide the fact that dailies got turned into world quests, but are still in fact dailies. you mean that kind of evolve.


It didn’t take me 3-4 weeks to make this.


I just assume the allied race content was not made for me as I will do no such grinding or quests to acquire them. Not really all that insane to be worth all that effort and time.


Hence why I said “effort” not “time”.

If you actually put real effort into it, you will get em 2 weeks tops.


i have all of them unlocked except kultirans. you can’t get any easier than the zandalari unlock though. you legit just grind some rep and watch a video or something. i don’t even remember doing that though. i had them unlocked the moment they became live and i didn’t farm it. i wanted maghar so i did that. then didn’t do zandalar. waited a month or two. then only did the zandalari emissaries until that was exalted as well. it legit was logging in every few days to see if it was up, then doing a few quests. it wasn’t difficult.


my zandalari


20 years ago nobody had a cell phone either. But innovation happened, and now it’s practically required.

It’s not like every new race ever to be added will require rep, just allied races. I only disagree with the rep once the content is irrelevant.

Eg. Legion races should just require the story and in the case of suramar, the rep gated story should be removed too.


my maghar

to show that i do in fact have the horde ones open.



they look AMAZING in mogs my dude. they really do. it’s worth it. just grind out the rep. i know you can do it!

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I agree. They need to find a better way to integrate them. The quests are fine, but the idea that you have to level to to max, sit there for about a month, only to level a character you want. People who have been playing since launch dont really care because they most likely got the races passively, but any new or returning players are pretty screwed for a month or more.

Races are about the onl thing I dont like locked behind content, since it is so fundamental to starting a character/class. But I doubt they will ever change their stance with this. The money they make off race changes probably more then makes up for it in their head.

Still I doubt this helps get new or returning players very excited on the whole, this pretty much is designed to milk those of us who keep playing.


Yep, i am revered right now, waiting for the emissary to pop up for Zandalari xD

Haha, thanks for the motivation :smiley:

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Stop crying about rep that is insanely easy to get. If you are crying about the current allied races that just got released then that is all on you. You could have gotten the rep knocked out within in the first 1-2 months of BfA launch.

Just another lazy mmo player who wants everything handed to them.