Steady Flying

if they cancelled pathfinder it would only be a net positive…

absolutely no down side.

only 1 person would be butt hurt…


Well, I would not say if they cancelled it, but if they uncoupled it from being able to fly and made the reward a cosmetic mount, title, or something along those lines there would be no down side.

I think it needs to be kept, as something people can strive to get, should they want, but not make it required for anything as far as core gameplay goes so Blizzard has a way to see them keeping current cash flow.

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quests for mounts are always a good thing…


yes he did…I saw the post myself.
DISGUSTING attack on lesser abled players. That poster is UNWORTHY of your attention. Persona non grata…


another attention seeking troll to add to the ignore list

It would be a list of attention seeking trolls being rump hurt in here, no doubt. lol.

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There is no reason not too allow steady flying…its just one person that works for them issue that started back in WoD when they tried to remove flying all together for the game and blizzard took a huge punch in the nose and had to back track on that idea of removing flight which then introduced this sticky Path Finder results.


and went against what even those of us in the middle were pushing for (blizzard made it patchfinder over an actual pathfinder).

You couldn’t fly in most of the previous expansions until max level or pathfinder.

Trust me I haven’t been a happy camper with these Pathfinders each expansion since WoD but I am PO’d with this Pathfinder for TWW and not Dynamic flying being locked behind same pathfinder…its just seems to me another Stick it too players that like Steady Flight over Dynamic flying…its like someone has to get their last laugh in on flying and its posing towards many that have medical or physical issues with Dynamic flying.


Which is a total lie and we all know it.
PF is to waste your time, fighting on the ground from A top B because they want the most /played time for the LEAST amount of effort.
Until they get out of this mindset that travel=content this game will always have a stink factor higher than it needs to be.

We’re god killers…trapped on a frikkin ground mount again because the next god in line decided to get froggy and wants to rumble and our mounts just turn stupid and forget how to fly again.
Jesus christ, Its annoying me enough to take another long break just thinking about it again.

And FINALLY Ion figures it out…comes to terms with his flight issues…but not really…PF it is…again…only now its affecting players who are having trouble with HIS flight.
Yeah…i can feel another long break from the game coming on again…


Correct, and ones like ma hated the “wait till future patch” aspect of pathfinder. In short, ones like me feel that if Ion/Blizzard implemented our form of pathfinder, back in WoD/Legion, a lot of the issues could have been avoided.

This argument I can see, but I can all so see it from the aspect of dynamic flight is the tool for speed or to rush through content, TBC flight is still king for gathering, exploring small areas, etc.


And then we also have TROLLS in here insulting those same players, pretending THEY are the ones who get to decide who is and isnt disabled enough, lol.

486 posts…thats how long the trolls have been trolling in here just to get attention.


Someone proved her wrong too by posting the law. It only about voice and UI option, not game play itself. So shut up. And stop trying to twist my words and take them out of context. Trolling is not your strong suit or understanding what people are saying in response to someone else’s post.

I posted the 2019 law because someone said video game producers did not have to follow any. That is was their choice. On top of that I don’t think any such company deserves a gold star for doing the bare minimum. I’m not including Blizzard here. They have simply made a baffling choice about when you can use steady flying at the start of TWW.


They’ve had your business for (according to you) SEVEN YEARS. If that is the result of them making the wrong moves then pretty much every gaming company wishes they could also be making those wrong moves. :laughing:


Im sorry…I meant to ignore you yesterday…I’ll get to that right now. Its clear you have NO point to make but need my attention and you aint gonna get it anymore byebye

Nothing has changed in my response to you son…all the details are exactly the same…

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Yes, my insertment was that when it came to the whole flight argument though, the law itself if someone actually went to them saying with a complaint that Blizzard was in violation of it, they would simply laugh to themselves pretty much because it doesn’t hold anything really about the mechanic of flight within the realm of WoW. The fact that people was taking what you said as a way to complain to a federal authority to get something changed in the game I found to be absurd and I voiced it. Not really as so much an attack on you but the whole idea on those who was hailing it as a way to force a change in their favor.

Now, when it comes to my statement if a person, this include myself ever becomes so disabled or old or just simply so unable to do the simplest of task in a video game to play it, then yes I would say its time for them to retire or move on, clearly the game itself has become to complexed or demanding for them to play. I do not believe that game makers are required to just keep making a game easier for an ageing group of players or people whom somehow become so disabled in life due to issues in medical conditions that they become to a point unable to play a game they once enjoyed when they was younger. At some point on just has to realize they are not a spring chicken anymore and need to move on to something else as a hobby. Nothing about being cruel, its just life.

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Bingo there isn’t another class or race that can out do a Tauren Druid in flight form going after herbs …nobody can beat them …can almost say the same about a HM Tauren Druid that is mining even though they get popped out of flight …they have instance cast to pop back in …I think they can give anyone else a run for mine nodes easily…since HM Taurens have fastest mining aspect…


But that damages the argument that an “inferior” form of flight is locked behind an achievement.

It almost seems that part of Blizzard’s thought processes in this case are based around "most players don’t really gather or explore till after they reach max level and have done the story (keep in mind, the “explore” part of the achievement is just filling the map out or whatever).

I still disagree with the locking of it, but can’t help but wonder if Blizzard, once again, made the blunder of thinking one thing (that players just zoom to max level/end game) and don’t do the monor things, like gathering and proffs, along the way. As such, they give players the fastest mode of flight from the get go (not the superior or whatever, just the fastest) and lock the better one for detail work behind the achievement.

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Nope I disagree…they know how the player base plays…this locking of steady flight behind a pathfinder is nothing but pure spite…simple as that.