Steady Flying

I dont know if you cant keep up with the CONTEXT of this discussion or are just saying random things just to participate. My ex did that. lol. Not even know whats going on but blurting out anything to be in the conversation.

THIS conversation is about their wanting old flight WHEN new flight is out and NOT having to do pathfinder to get it.
With me so far?
YOUR post that I responded to …that was you quoting mafic above.
Mafic said the company ISNT paying attention to the player base…to which YOU said we buy the game ANYWAY.
You still paying attention here?

in THAT CONTEXT, your argument is that the company can do anything they want and NOT listen to the players but we’re still gonna pay that sub anyway. lol

No…they DIDNT “make the right moves” son…theyve IRRITATED and AGITATED the player base for the seven years that Ive been playing this game.
The ONLY reason we dont unsub…and maybe you should actually pay attention this time…is BECAUSE theyve BARELY managed to do JUST ENOUGH to keep our attention that BARELY outweighs the ANNOYANCES and BAD DECISIONS theyve made.
We see lists of players saying stuff like they took breaks for all of shadowlands because it sucked so hard.

YOU make it sound like they are doing a bang up job DESPITE not doing what the players actually asked for.
They are BARELY hanging on with a lot of the base and we see that in the constant complaints in here. That AINT “making the RIGHT moves” lol

Hopefully you paid attention this time.