Steady Flying

I think your assessment is spot on target.
No…I DONT think Ion sat down and decided to target lesser abled players with pathfinder, even though it seems like thats how I feel because of how the man has handled this and who it affects.

I think in his blindness over old flight hatred that he just doesnt care who and how it affects players. Which is just as callous as targeting them specifically.

Either NO ONE should be paying gold for flight…or WE ALL should be paying gold for flight.
Any of the trolls in here saying otherwise is clearly biased and shouldnt be allowed to express an opinion because any opinion they have isnt worthy of notice.


If this was the case, why would the delay for steady flight be reduced from 6-9 months to day 1?

Because like back then in WoD the bean counters are saying knock it off.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Oh, by the way, I believe one of the beta content creators said while leveling and doing the main quests, you won’t have to hardly ever go skyriding, or whatever they’re calling it now.

Call me whatever you like, but Blizzard is not fond of just dropping systems they put work coding into the game. How long were mission tables around for? WoD to at least BFA, even in nerfed forms. Glyphs, as another example. Ones that actually gave you player power, are the ones I’m specifically pointing at.

They also designed zones around this new type of flying. This isn’t new, as Wrath allowed you cold weather flying that was needed to level in…I believe stormy peaks. Pathfinder is yet another. It’s an incentive to finish the story in each of the zones and look around.

I’m not trying to invalidate your feelings or dislike of the way flying has turned towards, but trying to offer information.

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a better idea…fire the problem employee. put them back in their place.


The questing gives you a loaner mount to fly up to mountain top questing areas. Flying skill not required.

Yes that is the easier solution.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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You know every time I hear someone on the forums say they want or hope someone at Blizzard gets fired. I really can’t wait to see that person to go find another game to go play and shut the door when they leave. Because really choices at Blizzard is not a one person thing and that has been made clear, no matter who is in charge at the top or the announcement person in a Q&A.

If your best argument or suggestion to an issue in a game that you don’t care for is to have a person fired. Well, sadly you are not being a person with a solution but yet just another person being a part of the problem. Because you have more if a deep seeded dislike for anyone you see in the company that supports and idea that you don’t like in the game, to a point you just want any of them fired or to just blame them for your issues to that extreme. When it gets to that point, it shows that really you are as ever bit of a bad person character wise as the person you are trying to get fired. It is the Pot calling the Kettle, per say burned.

P.S. Clearly if Ion has kept his job this long and continues to keep his job. He is doing exactly what those who are higher up than him expect him to do and want him to do. Specially with the huge turn over that has just happen with the Microsoft buy out. Pretty clear they too are impressed in his skills to keep him there.


How dare you use logic instead of irrational and misplaced emotions!

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Even if Ion got fired, he would be fine. He’s not an average dev. Wanting him fired is far less callous than the garbage you said earlier about disabled gamers.


Yep its a personal issue with someone on their staff…if you don’t lock toe step with their ideas they could careless…


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

theyre just in here to troll for the attention they cant get at home…clearly.

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No what I said earlier was about a statement a person kept saying about filing a complaint with a federal law about disabled access to things which has not a bit of legal standing to stand on. Which it doesn’t and yes the people processing the complain would have totally ignore it or politely told them that their issue with flight was not an issue they see as one they would take up, mean yes, just as I worded it, that tell them no, you don’t have an issue worth their time.

You can try to demonize me all you want and I could care less, if you can’t accept the truth, then too bad. Just because one is disabled doesn’t mean by any legal law or means that a game designer has to put mechanics of game play itself to be set in super easy mode, just to make it capable for every single type of disable person to play their game. They are not forced by law to make the game play itself in a manner that is complaint to any sort of disabled play mode.

Yeah, and it is these kind of people that I want to be like the, as Mafic said


when dealing with them.

Mainly, I am trying to ask for proof/facts that what they are claiming is true. I brought up my disability before, and it, at the core, is just one that without some kind of proof or fact backing things up, I have issues seeing things as others do.

BlizZard even admits that TBC normal flying is an accessibility issue and I have never agued it should have been. However, it was brought up in the DF beta and it has remained an important topic in TWW beta because there is an entire dungeon designed around DR. I already provided the link

So at this point it just reveals the consequences of trying to attack a net positive feature like TBC normal flying and how there are consequences for said choices.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You’re lying. I’m way too smart to be lied to like that. You literally said if people were too disabled to play the game they should just quit. If you had it your way, there’d be no subtitles, colorblind options, or anything like that.

Someone earlier also proved you wrong about US law, not that I get my morals from the U.S. government anyway.


I discovered something interesting last night when I was finally able to get in the beta. They start everone off with the ability to choose which type of flying you want. There is the button to switch whenever you like. I tried SkyR with a previously SteadyR only mount. It was better for me to manage long distances. Using a horse mount is very different than a dragon. I found myself using both, steadyR moreso. I wish it would be the same on launch day.


Back in Legion when I first started playing, people used to complain about Pathfinder quite a lot. Blizzard’s response was that they wanted people to experience the content they created and that flying everywhere would allow people to skip too much stuff. I was fine with that and honestly agreed that it would ruin the experience. But then they created dragonriding and made it available from day one. Obviously they don’t care whether people experience the content on the ground or not. So what exactly is the reason to make normal flying unavailable?


Every forum poster in the history of ever

I might think you are over the top at times, but you at least back up what you are saying and all that I am looking for in these kinds of arguments.

No, Mafic, if I hit you with my requests or whatever, it is, unfortunately, collateral damage which I do apologize for if it did happen.

But the thing is, just as there are

There can also be consequences for trying to attack a company that has made strides, however slow, to make up for their blunders in earlier times, not saying Blizzard is innocent but at the same time am a bit fearful if one day Blizzard just decides enough is enough and Ion gets his wish as Blizzard feels they can never win no matter what they do.

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