Steady Flying

lol. i rolled both Tauren to do what the do best and i swear early DF it seemed like the racials were trashed or something. Might be my imagination, I spose…like they were gathering MUCH slower than before

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Exactly, but who is to say the metrics they have, like say how many people are max level just 1-2 days into the expansion, points to a lack of other activities outside of quests and such?

It is just a case of “Blizzard has the numbers, but the numbers don’t paint the full picture”

Not disagreeing, but to get it by some of the bean counters and everything, Ion has to frame it in a way that does not come across as such. Like if he can show the metrics prove that no one stops to gather before max level, he can get the go ahead to do as he wishes as far as locking TBC flight.

and if you want evidence of ‘spite’ where this PF is concerned…just read some of the mean spirited responses above in this thread and the others on the same topic in here over the last year or so.

Not saying Ion has the same disdain for lesser abled players like the attentiontrolls in here do, but I aint saying that he doesnt dislike them either.
Ions a bright, intelligent man, who for some reason doesnt SEEM to learn from his mistakes often enough.

Since he IS intelligent, i have to assume that its not that he ISNT learning from them…its that hes just obstinate and demands to have things HIS way no matter how it affects the sub count for this game.

Included evidence is reference to an article from 2015 where he actually thought it was a good idea to remove flight from the game. lol.

he HAD to know better than to think the player base who loved flight as a whole was just gonna sit down and not speak up or even quit over it.
yet he was gonna do it anyway…

I want to believe the best, but the evidence says we cant.


You think Ion has to personally report to Accounting to get sign offs on things like flying?

Not report, but potentially explain his thinking if they, or more likely shareholders. notice things they don’t like, a drop in $$ for instance.

Do I have to repeat this? Yet again?

All four of the TWW zones are ground mount friendly and can be traverse by your ground mount. And to think otherwise would be lying to the masses.

If the argument was still over the disabilities, yes you would, but that has nothing to due with Ion being a spiteful little cough

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What other topics do you think he has to report to accounting on? Transmog gold costs? Flight path locations? Ilvl of world quest gear? Pet battles? Battleground queues? Lack of playable Ogres?

Where does it end?

Did Accounting sign off on Earthen being a playable race? Did they sign off on Sylvanas burning Teldrassil?

They must have signed off of the Maw not even allowing ground mounts, right?

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I might have said bean conters, but who said those bean counters have to be in acconting, who said they could not be the ones above him, or shareholders that got the figures from accounting/the ones they talk with and want answers?

I am not saying Ion has to report to accounting to sign off on anything, I am saying he has to be able to cover his hindquarters if his boss, or someone who has the ability to request he be fired and have it seriously considered, confronts him on falling profits.

Thinking about it, I feel the people who enjoy static over dynamic is probably a decent size. I know the concept of one person liking something that someone else dislikes is a foreign concept to a few people. Because what someone enjoys is an objective fact. People will go on about how Blizzard hates fun but when it doesn’t affect them they will immediately be pro blizzard. Some people like to go fast others like a slower pace, some people may even prefer no mount use at all.

Sure blizzard may have made pathfinder easier just enough so people can go. “Hey guys look we’re listening!” Having one form travel, especially one that has a comparable method locked just comes off as blizzard being petty whether its true or not. So what if someone turns on auto run? How does that affect your game? PvP issues i could see but in that case why not just disable static flying if someone has warmode on? Alsomake it so warmode can only be toggled on at certain areas, which would be a win for pvpers I would think. (Assuming this isnt already a thing, its been a long time since I used it.) Bots won’t be slowed down one bit. They’ll be programmed to utilize dragon flying, hack the map, or just plain walk theyd still probably be able to be just as much of a nusience.


Because I am in such a good mood today, I am buy one guild member in my casual guild an epic ed of TWW xpac. Which is not the Guild that this toon is in, this is a raiding guild that this toon is in. This will make the 5th epic ed of this xpac that I have gifted since it has been put in the shop.

For all those who just love to think I such a heartless evil guy.
I also on Nagrand and any connected realm offer a free ride on my back on launch day for anyone whom is have an issue with flight while leveling. Have a wonderful day everyone.

This does not happen. Any communication between shareholders and ATVI (and now, Microsoft) go through investor relations, and public facing communications, which are governed by the FCC.

They don’t even publicly report wow specific MAU’s, and you think they’re going to give out specific detailed information on things like player’s gathering behaviors at the start of an expansion?

Still leaves his boss/s to confront him, which I think would still be internal if not face to face.

Look, I am not claiming anything is as I say, I am just trying to point out how Ion might have kept his job as lead game designer while being as spiteful to players as he is.

Might I recommend simply asking for both flight types to be unlockable at the same time, and not peddling in conspiracy theories or accusations about Ion and his supposed hateful spite towards flying enjoyers.


BlizZard’s failure to communicate is not a conspiracy theory but reality.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Would love to, but most of my responses that lead to out line of discussion started with my replies to those saying things like:

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Folks probably really enjoy the game, and just have some issues with dynamic flight. It could be a medical thing, for them. O,o


And while accessibility options can be included to reduce the affects, they can only do so much.


I’ve thought that the locking of regular flying is a design decision to make people not… gather mats…? Maybe?

That’s the only thing I can think of. Because not having the option open to people that prefer it, makes no sense. Why lock the one that’s easier for folks to do?


lol…these trolling sorts NEED it to be more complicated that the simplicity of your thoughts here, otherwise they have nothing they can rant about if its actually just simple medical/physical issues.

And they CANT ALLOW it to be handicaps at issue here…because THAT would mean…gasp…they are disgusting individuals who ATTACK and INSULT DISABLED players, lol

precisely why one or three of them have decided to claim that some are faking disabilities to complain about skyriding and pathfinder.
I mean, if theyre not faking…again…that means they are demeaning handicapped people and EVEN THEY know how bad that looks lmao.