Steady Flying

LOL no I wouldn’t because I’m not a lunatic.

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At first I was really annoyed with standard flying being locked behind an achievement and imagining it taking months to become available.

But you can unlock the achievement in the first few days. For quests requiring flying, an optional mount is usually offered that will fly for you.

For people who have issues with strobe and visuals, there have been attempts to lessen the impact - you can turn off some of the visuals - though finding all the turn off options is not simple - there should be a guide made that comes with the game and the turn off options need to be in one place.

I think the reason for the block is that gathering is way easier in some zones/areas with standard flying - and standard flying is preferred by bots. The quest design for getting to 80 seems to be filled with quests that will be harder for bots like needing to click on small sparkly objects that you can’t tab to easily, or following a set of random orders from NPCs like add carrots/stir the pot/add spice etc. or puzzle quests… so the only justification for not having standard flying from the start that makes sense for me is bot prevention.

Well I am, certifiable. I continue to take a stand when it concerns others with accessibility and usability concerns.


That’s great but it’s hard to take anyone seriously who says the devs are antagonistic against the player base and are intentionally petty to get back at them. It’s cringe.

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TWW zones all four zones are doable via a ground mount. You can traverse all of the zones with no skyriding necessary at all. All of these disinformation about skyriding is necessary to traverse all of the zones are straight up lie.

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Well, good thing I never said that.

Take care.

  • SoulsoBreezy

Put dragonriding behind the pathfinder.


Including the Dracthyr racial flight. Put all flight under Path Finder. If TBC flight is going to be punished all flight should share in the punishment.


I have not questioned this

I recall back in the pro-flying vs flying debate days being told that “choosing to be grounded would not be a disadvantage”. My have times changed.

Regardless, I have said that treating both flights the same way would be fair.

Because they need to exploit time played metrics from disabled people who cant dragonride. At this point they are predatorial without hiding it. Or maybe its just Ion’s arrogance.


Why not? With early access most will have pathfinder by Saturday or by the end of the weekend at the latest.

Since none of the prog stuff is available that weekend I’ll just be doing chill leveling and being grounded would be fine.

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Having flying being available at launch was literally one of the requests for years when Pathfinder was the standard.

Pathfinder in TWW is literally what people were asking for, and is a “Pathfinder” in name only. No time gate. No rep grind.

The current hubbub is only because DR is available for the brief few hours or day until a player would complete the campaign, and therefore unlock steady flight.

They should just gate Dragonriding behind this new short “pathfinder” to end the incessant complaining. I don’t care if I can’t dragon ride or steady fly while leveling.


Thank you for your reply. :slight_smile:

Yes, I use the motion sickness option, it allows me to play and I can do pretty much everything as far as motion sickness goes. But not the dragonflight. It’s fast, jerky, and as I’m not super coordinated, I crash constantly. Doesn’t help that the flying gives me a massive headache and nausea which sometimes requires a lined trash can… :frowning:

I’ve gotten a lot of the pathfinder requirements done, but there are some I simply can’t do. No way can I do the fire flower thing, I just die all the time. Tried for 2 hours.

Same for Ezrigeth, I can’t kill it. Tried on my main right now, my wwmonk and on my DH, both specs.

I can’t use a controller, my arthritis doesn’t do that. And sometimes my hands jerk.

So, since I can’t do the pathfinder bit, I’m stuck. Ground mounts all though Azeroth.

WoW is one of the few games I can play with my motion sickness, or could… Well I still can, as long as I don’t fly.


Lock DR behind same pathfinder they are locking Steady flight behind…then its all fair to everyone for TWW …if not then those players that need to use steady flight are being held back and discriminated against.

It is discrimination when a player is forced too use ground mount to unlock pathfinder cause they can’t use DR due to either mental or physical issues…all while other players with no issues can fly using DR day one.


This is somehow difficult to understand for some.

yea no one really Wpvp anymore.

Agree. there really no sense of danger when you’re flying and reality some of folks wanted to AFK in mid air because RL. Some of the pro TBC are using disability as leverage which I find pretty disgusting and Some of them don’t really represent them. So you got do some work to get normal flying and these requirement are really easy to do but problem here those who are complaining about flying, don’t like doing quests because its lot of work and they HATE chores. I still think it was mistake for Blizzard adding flying to game.

Personally I can live and without any flying in game. If Skyriding and TBC were gated, I wouldn’t care and I just work for it to get it unlock.


Yeah they don’t understand what a Stroke can do to your body esp when you had two of them. Add in a Heart attack …and physical damage to ones hands and wrists from work from years ago…


I’m sorry if this happened to you. I’m hoping you can keep enjoying the game in a manner that doesn’t disadvantage you.


It is pretty disgusting that it is happening and we know it, but it puts these on a victim position that if you question anything then you’re an insensitive horrible person etc.

Even though Blizzard has added many features to help people with disabilities and motion sickness…