Steady Flying

New thread. Can’t wait for next week’s. And the week after…

It’s pretty disgusting that even in the face of people admitting and telling you why they can’t use DR you still insist it isn’t a problem. You’re not going to shame me or others because I’m being compassionate for other people.


Can anyone tell me if flying is absolutely required in order to get pathfinder in TWW?

If DR was gated behind campaign completion nobody would be complaining about accessibility or discrimination, or now, compassion.

Sure. But it’s not. So that point is irrelevant.


It’s absolutely relevant. It’s the core issue at play here.

Is DR gated? No.
Is steady flight gated? Yes.

The problem therefore exists.


If PF is gated behind DR, that’s a problem. If it’s not, then people hating on DR can just stay on the ground until max level like they have done since the very beginning.

Not disputing those facts.

If they were treated the same, nobody would be claiming that having to complete the campaign on the ground is an accessibility issue.

The current situation is only an “accessibility problem” because people feel FOMO or jealousy or what have you.


Sure buddy.
Just use your ground mount.

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Will you quit with this already? I’ve already agreed with you multiple times that yes, IF if was that situation then it’d be fine, but it’s not. Why do you insist on this hypothetical? We’re not this universe.

I have not played the beta, but I highly doubt that any part of the campaign requires the use of Dragonriding to complete.

If that was the case, we would have already heard about a specific quest, and I would join people in asking that DR is not mandatory to complete the campaign.

No, because gating TBC flight such that the campaign is completed on the ground is not an accessibility issue, as people claim it is.

Glad you agree though. Others do not.

That said, I’d be fine if blizzard gated DR behind the campaign as well, out of fairness.

Then I fully expect you to use ground mounts only.

DR is active flying I think is the major distinction, at least that’s the one I’m pretty sure they gave.

Why is that? Because I think people are being disingenuous in their rhetoric to try to guilt Blizzard into giving them steady flight sooner, or delaying DR to parity with steady flight?

I have said I agree that the disparity is not fair. I just disagree that completing the campaign on the ground is an accessibility issue.

Because for the 18 years before DR was added, nobody said using ground mounts was an accessibility issue.

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Give them 60% TBC steady flying mount.
It fix the accessibility problems :heart:

“Its not good enough, give us flying at launch or we either sue you or we make you loses ton of subs like we did in WoD”
you can’t really reason with them, even if you blizzard just nerf down just only to explore every zones for PF they still complaint and refuse to do it.

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The forums today = shills. So if you come here with feedback or critique the shills will tell you to just quit playing the game. They demand full conformity to blizzard’s vision

TikTok has programmed them to submit to authority and yield to group think. They despise independent thinkers


So those of us that have physical issues with Dragon flying are now forced to the ground and have to use ground mounts cause you don’t like the idea of us using steadying flying as it is easier for us to use…wow what a humanitarian you are now…NOT