Steady Flying

Exactly. They won’t. Is it hard to understand?

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I wasn’t answering you bro.
Read the nonsense I was responding to before jumping to reply next time.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my Skyriding mount flying at 1200%

I don’t care, bro. What you’re saying is genuinely stupid.

We already have a system that accommodates all players. Just give it to them. Really ain’t complicated.


Are you being dense on purpose. You keep making false equivalencies.


Damn, you are so mature…

You said that everyone was in the same boat at the start of DF when we didn’t have Steady Flight. What am I missing genius?

Have you tried using a non dragonflight mount in valdrakken?
Spoiler alert: It literally doesn’t work.

I get it. My concern is Blizz being limited in their game design in regard to incorporating Dragon Riding into encounters because every time they do we’ll get threads like this.

I wouldn’t mind having to do the same pathfinder to get Sky Riding btw. I’d have it unlocked by Saturday the latest either way.

Sure. But it’s not what it is. Why not include everyone?

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What does that have to do with the nonsense I was responding to?

They had to cave because people were unsubbing in WoD over it. I didn’t ask for a second “modern” form of flight and I’m actually one of those people who hate it. Why have Pathfinder at all if they are just going to let people fly from the start? It 1000% feels like extreme dislike towards players who like regular flying, we both know -if anything - regular flying should be available at the start and then you can unlock Skyriding.



The difference is now Blizzard has provided options for persons with disabilities but they are going to be locked behind pathfinder. I don’t know why you or anyone else who prefer DF, are complaining or questioning we who choose steady flight. The flying issue is working to your advantage. I think you don’t like to face up to the fact some people will be disadvantaged with TWW.


Fine with me. I could care less. I’ll never use steady flight but obviously blizz does care for whatever reason.

If I had to guess it’s to hammer home to new and returning players that Sky Riding is the norm and to get them used to playing it by the time they cap.

Less blizzard cares, more they are doing it to spite everyone. Remember how they tried gaslighting everyone into saying we want pathfinder after removing the option to buy it with gold?

This is the same situation, except now it’s not hurting you as much, so you don’t consider why someone would want steady flight as well from the start.


That is slow get it to Mach 10 and we will talk again about which flight is more superior.

Please stop. This BS that Blizzard is spiteful is laughable. They have design goals for sure that may not jive with every player but they aren’t antagonistic.

I do think they get a chuckle out of some of the posts on GD for sure though.


Oh sweet summer child.


You’re delusional bro.


I suspect you would feel differently if you prefferred tbc flight, for whatever reason.