Squishing levels solves nothing

you can level to cap in 45 hours right now. so don’t come at me with this 3-4 days crap.

i know for a fact that i could do the last 10 levels in around 5 hours now. probably faster.
i was doing 110-120 in 10 hours after 8.1, since then my characters now have the potential for 60% boost on top of that.

Nobody is playing 45 hours straight, so that’s roughly 3-4 days. >_>

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Du you even life, bruh?

(only joking, don’t get mad…but really, I could never do it in 45)

when people talk about leveling speed they are talking time played smart one. always have. straight from the beginning.

obviously not in one play session and you obviously have to not waste time.

  1. war mode on.
  2. use some of those 10% exp potions.
  3. heirlooms.
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I am seeing NOTHING that short anywhere, not Reddit, not the WoW forums, nowhere. If you did it in less than 50 hours played then you must be 100% ultra focused the entire time with the 10% pot and full heirlooms up to 120. I am seeing several people with 60 hours but most are saying 72 or more.

This is sort of besides the point though. Bottom line is it takes too long to level.

45 hours.

still faster then wrath. which was your baseline. you said wrath speeds. wrath was slower then live.

Agreed. Make a new leveling path too with some new zones players don’t level out of after five quests.

Or, let players decide what expansion to start with. Maybe new characters could choose to start in BC or Wrath with an optional class tutorial.

Also, giving players something for every level, even if it’s not an ability or a talent tree level, would help. Maybe just a bag of goodies for each level. Stuff like buff potions, health and mana potions, gold, piece of blue gear, crafting mats, maybe a toy (if you can also getting some other way), etc. Not saying players would get all this every level, but just a random-ish assortment.

Yet another idea is to give players more abilities sooner but make the abilities get better at higher levels. Blizz already does this with some abilities. Noticing on my new druid how at some level Sunfire levels up to rank two and does aoe damage too.

Another idea is to level in some other way past, say, level 100. Not that I want to be locked into one gear item again, but what if in Legion leveling was just filling out our artifact weapon talent tree and not gaining levels on our character? We’d still have gotten more powerful as we played the game, but we wouldn’t have gained more levels.

Another idea is to add some ‘fluff’ talent levels between the current levels that simply add some passive, easy to balance, zero mechanics buffs. Maybe it wouldn’t even have three choices. Maybe two. Just minor, like, racial level stuff. Like +1% arcane damage or +1% stun resist or something.

There’s a lot of options to make leveling seem more fun and take less time. No real reason to squish levels to do it.

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Then use a different metric. My point was to even it out and then make it drastically slower in the new content.

It’s also like over 75k gold to upgrade a set of heirlooms right? So people might only have them to 90 or 100, whatever. If i had to guess the devs would not base the standard leveling time on a full set of heirlooms, they would base it on no boosts at all.


It’s a one-time adjustment that will come along with a general change in the game. It’ll be easily compensated for by giving the player their shiny new “next expansion” upgrades.

wow now your moving your goal posts. typical of people like you, i’m really not surprised at all. and you can bypass the need for gold by doing timewalking dungeons to get badges and upgrade your looms that way.

Yeah, the lack of abilities and/or how they are spaced out in the talent trees are brutal. Makes levelling feel completely unrewarding with nothing FUN to look forward to.

i think the pace is only “good” for people like us that have aquired full boa’s, have all the leveling zones, processes down pat, general game knowledge, etc…

for a new player its got to be daunting

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People like me? Lol. You seem like a great person. Seriously, honestly, a truly great person. I really hope my kids are like you. <3

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I actually agree with OP here. Leveling is already currently fairly speedy. Particularly if you’re fully decked out in heirloom gear. Speaking from this character, I don’t even notice how long it takes for me to gain a new ability. Since it takes roughly 15-30 for me to gain a new level (currently), I find myself reaching the next tier in no time. Plus I always love hearing that epic SWOOSH of a new level being dinged. Slowing down how fast I get from level to the next, for me at least, would be more of a deterrent than the current system. I get not everyone feels that way, and that’s fine. I personally though wouldn’t want to long in one day after reaching level 120 to find that my numerical level has been sliced in half.

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You get 90% of your abilities pre 60 and after that’s it’s pretty void of any progression.

There needs to be a better talent/mastery system to keep players buffing themselves up. With secondary stats continually getting nerfed blizzard could easily put in a sphere grid type system where you invest points into maybe 1/4-1/2 of a stat point and take paths to new abilities or ability enhancements like we had with artifacts.

No offense, but do you have a character over level 80 yet? Because that’s when the drought of abilities comes, that everyone is complaining about.

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Because most of the abilities that were added post-60 were pruned.

But I suppose that’s another matter entirely.

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Yes I do :slight_smile:

I know. This is an alt. Thanks though. :slight_smile: