Squishing levels solves nothing


but im getting my way you arent so i win

Or returning players.

This does more to discourage veteran players than helps new players IMO.

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Just because they haven’t doesn’t mean they won’t. Contrary to belief if an idea does get a lot of support they do listen from time to time.

Are you sure about that? Have they confirmed more changes to leveling already?
Frankly i agree with you. I’d love to squish the levels. I don’t see a problem with the pace though.

“X is stupid” isn’t quite the same as pointing out the flaws with simply squishing numbers.

But okay.


You see the pace as an issue. I do not. I think the pace is fine. The problems to me are.

  1. new players see 120 levels and thats absurd to think about.
  2. veterans find it unappealing because the lack of rewards later on

Imagine you quit in WoD.

You return next expansion you see a level squish and the same talent tree but talents given at lower levels. That does not feel good lol.

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That is why i propose scrapping the old talent trees. They are bland. Go back old school and it appeals to veterans.
Getting abilities and talents more often level wise appeals to everyone.

Seeing a level cap of 60 appeals a lot more then a cap of 120

Honestly unless they do something about the length of time it takes to get max level, whatever max level happens to be, nothing will feel better than right now. The number of levels isn’t really the problem, it’s the total time it takes.

What should have been happening is this:

Base the total time needed to level on levels 1 - Max on the WOTLK time it took to complete levels 1 - 80 on average.
Whenever a new Xpac comes out, the previous leveling (classic through Legion in this case) should shrink down to fit into my first point.
This would create a situation where every level below the current content goes faster, then when you hit 111, it’ll slow down in order for you to experience the content and feel relevant.

For me, this would fix a lot of it.

OR even something like having an option to accelerate XP to even that scale out in areas you don’t like (I’m looking at you Zangarmarsh) and slow it down in areas you do (like Borean Tundra). Prob too much to ask, but i would enjoy that. In the end it would even out.


Here is something else to consider.

Is vanilla content going to be level 1-10? LOL How is this going to work when you have vanilla servers opening up soon which has level 60 cap. That would be more confusing to new players lol.

This x100.

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Lies. Legion baby here, I like high level caps, tyvm.

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Its literally faster to level now then it was during wrath. This is why i laugh when you guys talk about it being slow.

You say to make it around wrath speeds and fail to realize wrath was slower then this

Vanilla ranges can be up to 45ish. First 3 expacs take you to 50. Next 3 55. BFA to 60

Maybe you are right but like you said there was the old talent system to work with. Problem is how receptive are the current devs to reworking the current talent system back to the old talent system?

And have you noticed how i have repeatedly stated to bring back old talents?

Yes but the current dev team believes less is more which is why I would be shocked to see the current talent system changed back to old school.

I don’t think that is true though. Considering I leveled 12 players from 1-80 in Wrath I have a good sample to fall back on.

Remember we had guild perks for XP boost too. From what I saw just looking quickly, in Wrath it took people 2-3 days played with full heirlooms and guild perks to get to max level. Now it seems like it’s pushing somewhere in between 3 and 4 days. It might not be THAT much longer but it’s definitely longer.

That’s it, much better


I am actually worried that they will make things worse if they were to squish levels. I mean we haven’t had an ilvl squish were things didn’t have issues, now trying to rebalance the entire game around half the levels…