Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

It’s not what I think, it’s what the writers said and I highly disagree with that and I find it not acceptable that they just dismiss night elf fans like that.

The loyalists are also forgiven that actively slaughtered innocents.

No, they both got away scot free and Sylvanas is so obviously going to be redeemed that I can’t see how anyone would not see that.


That’s definitely a fault of BFA story writing. You’re right Nillah.

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Not a “Raid” boss till you can spray Raid wasp spray on it :wink: :honeybee:

And I just told you otherwise. They’re not dismissing you, they’re going back and addressing your concerns.

Actually, that’s not true in the slightest. If you played during the War of Thorns, Saurfang will tell you to rescue civilians. Yes. During the book, some are rounded up and killed. Sylvanas Loyalists.

Who… are now in chains in Orgrimmar being paraded around by Blood Knights.

She’s wearing Jailer armor, and they removed the loyalist storyline. She’s evil through and through.

Not just like them. When it happened to the orcs and blood elves, it happened in warcraft. In other words, not in WoW. This is the first time an event like this has happened in WoW. It feels much more personal because the races are playable now.


Who invaded whose kingdom? Who killed whose son?

No. SI:7 agents went there to see what the goblins were up to, were attacked first, and fought back. And even if the agents were the ones who attacked first, that hardly justifies burning down an entire city and slaughtering non-combatants.

This again? What is it with you Horde fanatics always playing the Taurajo card? It’s hardly even comparable, since that place was barely a fifth the size of Teldrassil and had way less people to kill, even if they had wanted to; which they clearly did not. In fact, they intentionally allowed the non-combatants to escape from Taurajo. Never seen the Horde do that.


They didn’t say how they would address them, it could very well be in a negative way since they think that 8.1 was already enough of a conclusion for Teldrassil.

Many Sylvanas Loyalists were also forgiven in 8.2.5 if they changed their mind or pretended to do so.

No she’s not. If you want to know why it’s obvious to me why she’ll me redeemed you might want to check out this

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man???

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And yet you are cool with Slyvanas… Kinda hypocritical there no.

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That didn’t make it obvious at all for me. Just your speculation on what will happen.

“I figured it was their fault too for being on our land when we got here” Mel Gibson in Maverick

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They let them free but they they lead them straight to Quilboar settlements in which they were slaughtered… IT is actually comparable to Teldrassil… it’s just that the size is way smaller.

I hate Sylvanas just as much as the next person but this thread wasn’t about her.

Way to basically prove my point for me. The Alliance forces only destroyed one small village. That’s it. They didn’t also bombard their capital city with fireballs and personally slaughter non-combatants. Also, they couldn’t have known about those Quillboars, or at least it’s unlikely that their intention to send the non-combatants to them. If they had, I’m pretty sure they would’ve sent them in a different direction.

Actually, it kind of is, seeing as how she’s the one who got this whole ball rolling in the first place.

Still wasn’t the topic of it

Why are players so self-centered and take everything so personally?


How many more expansions do you want them to focus on our race? We’ve had Legion and part of BfA and now an entire storyline in Shadowlands.

No, the souls do not need redeemed. They’re souls. They’re gone. They aren’t coming back. That’s okay. Not everyone has to come back.

This was never going to happen. I don’t even know why people thought it would. No one is “getting justice.” It’s done, it’s over, we need to move on. So does Tyrande.

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You are not literally a night elf. The story of Warcraft is not over.

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Blizzard retconning lore to suit a notable of a specific race hmmmmm. Sounds like a pattern, either notice it or be deleted from the game.

That’s one way to trigger people. LOL

I almost responded with lore, then my brain smacked me upside the head and said, “it’s humor to trigger you, ya crazy lore nerd!” :grin: :innocent:

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