Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

Didn’t you know? In order to be seen as important you can’t have ANYTHING bad happen to you like,ever :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously OP,the victim card is really getting old most races have went through Hell,you think I LIKE being beat over the head with a villain bat or Baine nearly executed for standing up to a tyrant?! No,but it eventually evens out as a crappy,selfish leader does not an entire faction make.

Before the war ended,everyone was being affected,I get it losing your tree sucks but you’re NOT being oppressed,it’s a game not a personal attack,ease up.


Well they already consider Gilneas to be the WoW version of the MCU’s Asgard, so it’s not like Gilneas is ever getting retaken by the Worgen anyway.

Gilneas at this point is just the name of the people and they simply aren’t going to bother reclaiming the territory by the same name.

You think that’s the end?

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I wish they would, but one person can’t stand against the “vision” of the edgy 12-year-olds in the dev team. So we’re just going to keep lurching drunkenly from one “rule of cool” cutscene to the next, and if the story in-between doesn’t make sense…well, who pays attention to anything but the rule of cool cutscenes, right?

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And? Sylvanas played them, like how she played everybody. The Horde forgave them. So as long as they never betray the Horde again.

Have you not seen her new armor? She’s wearing Jailer Armor.

Did you seriously link me to some tinfoil hat theory, rather than actual evidence?


They know that. They’re trawling.

If the premise is true, this is disgusting. My first character was a night elf druid that I still play daily. The only thing night elves ever did to me was enhance my sense of wonder and enjoyment of this game from the first day I played. No. I will not stop playing her, regardless of the the trash writing by a certain woman who is of an age that edginess is the saddest pretense possible, who clearly hates a whole faction. This is as dumb as killing off Ysera for effect.

Not really humans took care of Arthas, the only reason anyone did anything with the Sunwell was because of the burning Legion and they got purged again in Dalaran with no proper compensation.

“The Jailor rots her to dust except her head, and proceed to pick it up wielding it as an off-hand”, there you now have the head on the loot table.

Blood Elves - A human was racist and mean to us a long time ago. OMG we will never get over it! We are treated so poorly!

Also Blood Elves - Why cant Night Elves get over their homeland being destroyed and most of their race wiped out? Who cares if you god tier leaders can even slow down a simple dude with a bow? That was like last week, get over yourself.


Idk man… Doesn’t seem like he’s even struggling or anything…


That sounded more like he’s bored of the fight and just decided to back off and Tyrande and Malfurion couldn’t do anything to stop him from doing so, all they could do was watch.

So? The horde is now better and stronger and it’s totally a victory for alliance. Yeah right.

By sacrificing half of his troops in Nazmir as bait, which is a dumb move btw. The main reason we launched that assault was to hold Rastakhan hostage to force him to not join the horde, did we got what we want or did we just sacrifice half of the army to strengthen the bond between the horde and the Zandalari? Tell me again what did we won from that assault?

Not mentioning about burning the tree but, how is cutting through night elf sentinels, laying siege to a race’s homeland “an attempt to create peace”?


The fact that we didn’t even try to chase him down was perhaps the saddest - and dumbest - part of that scenario. “I will have vengeance! …oh wait, he’s flying slowly away on a bat, well that’s that I guess. It’s not like we have The World’s Most Powerful Druid™ standing right here, who could shapeshift into a bird and pursue.”

I’ve done that part of the war campaign twice, and I still have no idea WHY that had to be a suicide attack rather than a guerilla assault meant to confound, confuse, and distract. It seemed like they were throwing their lives away because the writers thought that would be edgy, rather than for any tactical necessity.

Of course, every time the devs try to write anything with tactics, they seem to come up with something nonsensical. I think the writing team needs to consult a five year old child about these things, as the Evil Overlord Checklist recommends.


If you think the lead writer would allow himself to be killed then I have bad news for you: Bwonsamdi is with us in Shadowlands, which means he’s like dead.

“The World Tree was more than a city. It was an entire land, home to countless innocents. How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people. Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide .”


noun: genocide ; plural noun: genocides

1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.

“a campaign of genocide”

Weak attempt at downplaying it but I guess tell yourself what you have to to make yourself feel better.

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Appreciate the enthusiasm but it is impossible to know what what is going to happen. It is possible Tyrande will find out that the Night Warrior consumes itself over time or gets absorbed back into Elune. I sincerely hope that the Horde doesn’t just get a “nothing to see here, move along” after what, so far, is very little retribution. Nothing should be settled until Darkshore and Ashenvale are free of the Horde present time in-game.


ten chars

The scene really should’ve gotten a cinematic to show how it was happening, but in reality it was Nathanos saying “Crap, we can’t win this, we need to leave now.”

It’s a victory for the Alliance because now they’re at peace with the Horde. There’s no more threat, as there’s no more corrupt leadership. Also, the Alliance did reclaim Arathi and Darkshore, and it was confirmed by the devs that the Alliance essentially won the war.

It wasn’t half his troops. It was a suicide squad. And it worked.

You crushed the Horde. It seems like you don’t have a Horde character, so allow me to explain, after the battle Nathanos tells Sylvanas that the Horde was on its last legs and was close to being annihilated by the Alliance. So you won there.

By forcing the Alliance to demobilize their quest for Azerite, and force the Alliance back into Eastern Kingdoms, away from the Horde. The Horde was originally okay with this, but they weren’t okay with just flat-out genocide.

How about you lead me to the proof where Nathanos is a self-insert. Truth is, he’s not. A writer is allowed to be proud of their work. Steve is happy he made a character that emanates with scumminess.

Okay and what does that prove? You got beat up once. Genocide is just when a large portion of a race is killed.

It’s not a downplaying. What I said is true.

I honestly think they intended Darkshore to be the big climax for the Night Elves. Then when they realized absolutely nobody thought it was adequate they panicked and said “Uhhh… We’ll do more in Shadowlands!” despite having zero intention of actually doing so.

Stringing along Alliance players with promises that things will get better in the future has been Blizzard’s strategy since Cata.


Did Rian Johnson made this writing or was it his cousin. Bob Johnson?

All joking aside. Blizzard proves that their writing style is no worst than Game of Thrones and of course other Shonen Animes. In fact the writing has gotten very worst now that its already down in the pit of no return.

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