Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

And you do realize Steve Danuser essentially went up and said “we take that back now”

Except that he never ever did. He never took that statement back.

I followed every interview, every tweet and more and he never took it back.

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Yeah the handful of them that are left, anyway.

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This is the second time Blizzard has tried to kill them off. First with the burning legion, now with Sylvanas.

They just won’t die.

Don’t give them any ideas, oh my god.


Let’s be honest, we all know Sylvanas is going to be shown to have been working for the benefit of Azeroth the whole time.


Really? Because you seemingly omitted something very important from the OP in order to suit your narrative. Because it was right there next to this:

And you then left out these other 3 points.

  • Tyrande will figure prominently in the Ardenweald storyline, both in 9.0 and some things going forward.

  • Her story is a thread from BFA that couldn’t just be wrapped up neatly by the end of the expansion.

  • The loss of the Night Elves is a huge story and the team wants to give it the proper reverence.

  • Tyrande is also grappling with the huge influx of power tied to the Night Warrior.

  • There may be some cool cinematics that tug at the heartstrings!

well, you are, as a race, responsible for bringing sargeras to the world and everything that follows including Shadowlands is a direct link to your initial action. Reap what you sow, imo.

And yet the revenge statement wasn’t taken back.

I know that the Night Elf story will continue, but it won’t have to do anything with revenge or justice so it will be very dissatisfying for every Night Elf fan.

You be an Inferior race anyway. We all know Trolls are the true rulers of the world.

Yeah, okay, the queen tried to do it. Then the rest of them outside of her loyal entourage stopped it with the aid of the wild gods and allies. So one person tried to do it and 90% of the race went against it. What a foolish post to make.

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If you watched the interview live he essentially took it back. Hence the reason why the team wants to go back to the Night Elves and give it the proper reverence it deserves.

That is a statement being taken back. Also, with Tyrande being a big influence, she may very well get her revenge when Sylvanas dies.

They attacked us first. Killed our forsaken warriors during a peaceful time. And Anduin did nothing to punish Genn. Slyvanas was sort of right that Alliance and horde always find excuses to attack each other. Even when BFA started the alliance had attacked us first in Silithus. The night elves were on there way to kill us… when Slyvanas attacked… The alliance doesn’t get punished either. Baine is the only one who punished his people when they wanted revenge against the alliance for what they did in Camp Taurojo.

I also don’t see anyone mad at Jaina for what she did to the Zandalari. Talanji should still want her dead… but it is all but forgotten.

At this point, I’ll believe that when I see it.


I watched it, and I didn’t hear him say that anywhere. Apart from the points that are listed in the wowhead summary, he didn’t say much and he especially didn’t take that statement back because this statement still holds true.

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But we haven’t seen how Tyrande’s story ends… Or Sylvanas’ for that matter.

We know that the Night Elves got their justice and that Tyrande is crazy as of 8.3. The Horde is forgiven and Sylvanas and Nathanos are doing just fine.

yeah well its not really the kind of thing you can take back. “sorry sargeras that i got in touch with you thru the well of eternity and made a huge cross on my planet on your map, please forget we exist” doesnt really cut it. I am not saying something childish like “its your fault”…im saying, whether or not you tried to stop your queen from doing it, you shudda known right then and there that consequences were in the package, there’s a huge sword stabbing the planet you can go check out if you dont believe me.

So what’s your issue then? If you think they got their justice now.

The Horde shouldn’t be accountable for the actions of one. Also, the Horde helped rat out Sylvanas, so they’re allies…

Yeah, sure they are. Nathanos, seemingly dead after his confrontation with Bwonsamdi, and Sylvanas being set up for raid boss material.

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I guess they should have made it more clear that literally every horde member except Sylvanas didn’t approve of the tree burning, because from the way it looked, they were all pretty okay with it. So yeah they should definitely take some blame.