Spoilers: The Fate of the Night Elves (more tragedy)

With Shadowlands coming up, some were hoping for a conclusion for Teldrassil and the near extinction of the Night Elves and sending all the deads to the maw - basically losing everything and getting the worst fate possible, but:

Instead of freeing the Night Elf souls from the maw, we will instead fight them and most likely permanently destroy them

The Maw has created an amalgam of tortured night elf souls. Help Tyrande fight them off.

Tyrande also seems to have some tragic moments coming to her, because a writer hinted at a Night Elf ingame cutscene (not actually calling those abominations cinematics) that will have a tragic outcome in relation to Tyrande:

  • Tyrande is also grappling with the huge influx of power tied to the Night Warrior.

  • There may be some cool cinematics that tug at the heartstrings!

Well, guess thats it for the Night Elves. Shadowlands was their last hope of receiving some sort of conclusion or justice for Teldrassil -but since more negative things will happen instead, that really clears up all the questions.

Combine that with the fact that their entire revenge was killing 1 of Sylvanas Val’kyr and that Sylvanas will be redeemed in Shadowlands so that the genocide and eternal torture of the Night Elves will be seen as a good thing by everyone I really only have 1 question left:

Why does Blizzard hate the Night Elves and their fanbase that much? What did we do to deserve the worst of the worst always?


cant wait to re-kill all those nelfs


The Night Elves never should of invaded Ashenvale, ancestral homeland of the Orcs. :smiling_imp:


How dare the Kaldorei breath our air and look at our trees!


Lol good Tyrande finally got what she deserved I have hated her since Wc3 she is rude and treats people like garbage I couldn’t care less what happens to the night elves they have always been my least favorite race.


I love it when people just make stuff up and then get outraged by the thing they made up.


Oh please Blood elves got over their genocide why can’t you guys?


You do realize that Orcs home planet isn’t Azeroth. You did watch the movie “Warcraft” or even read the books (Warcraft novels or the Chronicles). Ashenvale isn’t the ancestral homeland of the orcs. Orcs ancestral home planet is Draenor. You know where the broken world we all try to avoid questing in call the Outlands. :wink:


same here dude

Nah, this is bad writing.

Is it a coincidence that this is all conveniently the least satisfying way this arc could have been concluded? I dunno. It’s just bad and you have to try your hardest to avoid cool things.

They probably thought this was “metal” or something.


People always feeling personally attacked when storytelling doesn’t go a way they want. You’re not a night elf.


I don’t even have a night elf character above 100 and I know exactly the quality of this.

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teldrisile burning was such a great cutscene but BFA… just sucked. Sorry bud but dont take it personal.
If you want closure… wait till sylvanis is a raid boss. us loyalists will be complaining at that time.


Man, you didn’t just take that bait, you bit down as hard as possible.


Whooooosh. That’s the sound of satirical humor going right over someone’s head.


I’m so tired of terrible writing. Can they just hire someone who actually knows how to write decent stories for each faction and somehow they work together to make an actual good story, please?


Probably because the blood elves received justice coupled with a revitalized Sunwell. Tiny (big) difference.


The whole point of trying to create an immersive experience is to make you feel like you’re part of that world. Having an emotional reaction to that world is very much in line with an immersive experience, at least to some degree. Spend enough time in that world and you’re bound to identify with it to some degree, it’s not super different from grown men becoming attached to sports teams and being sad or depressed when they lose.

Or should we just abandon that entirely? I’m all for not having to choose a specific covenant.


If Blizzard hates Night Elves then they must REALLY hate the Horde. There’s no way you can logically jump to the conclusion that Blizzard as a company hates the Night Elf fanbase simply because they have some really sappy and depressing crap going on.
If you really think that the only way to show appreciation for people playing a certain race is to give them victory after victory then I think you’re the problem.


They don’t. While you may not like the way the story is being told, you’re race is at least a central figure in the story line.

This is why I can’t take you seriously and think you’re being emo.