(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

And give up on the alliance too (the Horde is waiting for you), as nothing we had in BfA brought any feeling of acheivment and just any appeal and prestige of the faction in the trash.

Blizzard is too disconnected from the game and the players to do anything better than what we are having.

I think that anything that could bring some sense of victory to the alliance, would involve several of them having an aneurysm in the formulation process.

For them it would be like having the Star Trek series written from the perspective of the Klingon Empire.

They just don’t care if what the alliance will have is relevant.
Just have something. If you ally, liked, your luck if it doesn’t matter, as well as several things we are having in Shadowlands.

A.k.a. Nathanos Blightcaller


I have been waiting for renewal since Gnomeran’s recovery.
Since the end of Pandaria, I have waited for the reconstruction of Gilneas.
With Theramore’s obliteration, I started to lose hope that something positive would happen with the alliance related to something important for the faction’s internal affairs.

The last relevant thing for the alliance, was the punch that Greymane gave Syl during Legion, frustrating the kidnapping of Eiyhr and the pact with Helya and bringing the feeling of victory for the alliance and of revenge carried out for Greymane and worgen.

With the extermination that took place in teldrassil, added to the humiliating and amateurish way in which the Night Elves lost a battle, being flanked in a territory in which they live, correcting, living for at least 10,000 years, being portrayed as very incompetent for Syl a military jenium was acclaimed, where malfurion, one of the most powerful mortals on the planet, is defeated and saved for the second time in less than an expansion by his wife who leaves her city and people in the hands of the horde and is portrayed as a meany woman afterwards , complaining of being abandoned by the alliance, leaving the feeling of unity of the faction in tatters while in the horde the feeling is of renewal after the end of the war, in the alliance it was all in vain because even the Arathi plateau cannot be attached to the alliance at stake. Only in books.

And I do not expect any renewal in 10.0, as signs are being given that Blizzard is going to create a narrative in which Light is the great villain and that the alliance that worships it, must be defeated since the clamor to turn Turalyon into a fascist is very big in the horde.
Then the Horde can destroy another city in the alliance.

I fear for Ironforge.

Have Mercy :clown_face:


You can also look at it another way. You only have to see how the nightelves have been treated. The writing itself doesn’t do any justice. Darkshore was almost like a concentration camp with nightelf prisoners until very little got changed. The forsaken writing itself was no different then the nzai party and Sylvannas at the time a female hitler. Has me questioning alot about the devs and narrative team members. Then if you take a look at the patch storyline on the ptr with Tyrande its garbage. Yet they will still push it to live. Now tell me how they aren’t Horde supremists.


The alliance literally consists almost entirely of white-coded races

It’s always been almost all white dudes.

Some of the people who get obsessed with this stuff need to take a long, hard break from the game and possibly touch grass.

Night Elves = purple humanoids

Humans - multi racial

Gnomes - multi racial

dranei - blue and purple demons

dark iron dwarves - literally black

lvl 45 troll confirmed :frowning:

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I don’t have a single toon at level cap because I stopped playing in Legion.

Dark Irons have been an alliance race for about five minutes and were literally an enemy race from vanilla to Legion

Human skin colors are entirely a thin veneer over stereotypical western euro fantasy.

Draenei feature even less in alliance stories than nelves.

Your projecting. Your racial hatred and intolerance are showing.

Especially when this poster nailed it.

Yes it is a Western Euro Fantasy, and it is alright to enjoy that.

Go play another game if you cannot stomach it.


They were kind of an enemy. we got involved in business as mercenaries, i wouldn’t compare them to threats like Arthas personally
like they weren’t gonna take over azeroth if the king kept the king’s sister or whatever ya’ know?

and sure, but it’s not a race of all white dudes like you said. as long as we don’t take it there i’m cool with whatever hehe

a lvl 23 hiding behind a character has no authority to tell anyone what to do or how to feel. be nice :slight_smile:

and i disagree, multi racial is multi racial. humans aren’t a race of only white dudes. :nerd_face: hehe i love a good troll debate every now and then!

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You wish you were oppressed so much lmao.

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Cool story. You still seem like a rather crappy person on the inside though based on your posts and half-baked attempt at a rebuttal. Nor is it worth arguing with further since you appear to be a zealot from your statements. Thus trying to convince you of anything otherwise would be a total exercise in futility.

Sad to see someone with raging such a raging hate for the game. Suggest you quit if it causes you mental anguish. No one should be so belabored over fictional races in a fantasy setting. Everything you said is completely wrong as Saithis already pointed out.

I wasn’t asking for your permission.

I will leave it at that for you both. Good night! :slight_smile:

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If that is indeed the final play then I feel it’s quite horrible.

Leaves one feeling gutted and wanting to just exit game.

Hopefully there will be something else following, but this dribble that they are doing and then leaving one hanging with an empty feeling is not a good thing.

Already have lots of people leaving from boredom and loss of interest in the story. That scenario OP, will not help.

I’m not playing SL at this point, just don’t enjoy it. Everything seems like a chore, I’m playing in old content. But honestly with the direction they are going in, I doubt I’ll be purchasing any more expansions.

That is totally nasty.

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cannot wait for 9.2 where Sylvanas is redeemed and is revealed to be super important in saving the universe!

I’ve given up caring about the story anymore. I’ve given up on trying to RP with any sense of belonging to my character. I feel guilty for playing a night elf. Like by playing one I’m making the worst choice I could.

I don’t think I’ll ever connect my character with the story ever again. As a roleplayer, this is an awful thing to consider.


The lore has been a complete joke. Legion was actually a solid opportunity to move away from the “chosen one” storyline only for them to shove a necklace down your throat in the next.


This is gonna be hilarious to watch them try to pull off. Seriously Danuser trying to argue that sylvanas is really working for the good of all. Sorry but hitler wasn’t a good person and neither is his female counterpart. Killing innocence and putting them into camps on darkshore, hillbrad and other areas say otherwise. Not to mention the experiments on captives both factions did.

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I am obviously a little late to this thread considering it’s 10 days old but i have to admit i think if we get to help setup a new Night Elf Homeland that it has some strong story telling possibilities after we return from Shadowlands. Also i am quite happy that Tyrande didn’t just get plot armor (Night warrior) abilities so she could auto win against Sylvanas.

Not sure where all the story is going since i am mostly on a break at the moment and have been for a few months but i am looking forward to seeing what happens next and also glad if they don’t kill off Tyrande and/or Sylvanas. Yes i would like to see greater justice for the genocide that occurred but maybe in a cutscene somewhere with Elune this is addressed or somewhere else i haven’t seen or heard of yet.

Have to admit i was shocked they killed off Nathanos anyways and felt some payoff when Tyrande finished him off even if it wasn’t completely destroying Sylvanas herself. Honestly looking forward to see where they go with Sylvanas over the course of the rest of this expansion or if this is the end of the road for her or some sort of redemption arc will start.

i used to really try to care about the lore in this game. was why i played so long. then they lied out of their teeth about sylvanas/tyrande/related stuff. and now i am really only subbed anymore because of my collections stuff. i don’t find mythics fun except in really small doses. the raid stuff doesn’t matter to me anymore because of the lollore. i wonder if they intended to do this, to casual players. i spent the vast majority of my game time playing f2p mobile games. throw them $5 here or there to support them.

the only reason i even sub to wow anymore is because my wife loves it and it’s her main game. at this point with what they did to the story and the stuff they’re doing to cater to only a small minority of players. doesn’t feel worth it to be subbed for any other reason.

i knighted blizzard for many years. but at this point wow is unrecognizable to the game it used to be. it’s not “bad” and i don’t think it’s"trash" but it’s not something i want to put a ton of time into, anymore. i have mostly stopped coming to the forums too cuz there isn’t really anything i wanna talk about. meh.

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I feel you, man. I’ve never taken the lore of this game all that seriously, but it’s still sad to see just how hollow it’s all become. I think there’s a few types of players that they try to cater to, but there are other types of players whom they don’t seem to really understand or care about anymore.

they initially went for the casual market. people that play for story. wow was essentially EQ lite at release. then they released arena. then everything became an e-sport. some like it, some don’t. mostly i ignored it as it didn’t harm me. but given what they’re doing with the story
 and how they’re treating casual players in general
 not sure what they’re doing.

you can look at my profile and see i’ve done a bit of everything in the expansion so far. i’m 209 or something right now, which isn’t great, but you can look at my gear and see i have weeks of mythic+ box loot and some raid stuff. without the other stuff behind it though it doesn’t feel like anything but a loot simulator.

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I think we tend to fixate too much on the idea of casual-vs-hardcore, when there are other way more meaningful ways to look at different kinds of players and what motivates them.

If you look at something like Bartle’s taxonomy of player types, it’s interesting to think about what types of players are well-served in WoW these days, and what types are underserved.

I don’t think it’s a perfect breakdown, but it’s interesting to think about.

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A friend was talking saying that there already planning on a redemption arc for Sylvannas. Nothing official has been shown but the rumor has it her soul was split. Having her bad side in control while the other half was in the maw. Danuser wants to make his waifu look good like a hero. Already seen this coming if it turns out to be true. In wotlk they did it similar with arthas and the child spirit. So not surprising if this truly happens.