(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Again, we save Nelf souls, so no that’s not true.

People have told you numerous times this isn’t the only part of Azeroth they have. And named the areas. You don’t want to accept it. And yes, Alliance won the warfronts. Just like with Silvermoon, it’ll never show the updated lore, for in game reasons.

There’s more than are left in Stormwind. Again this was also something explained to you. Stop with the victim card.

Yea, but also only a small part. So that means the Night Elves’ resolution for Teldrassil was having their souls obliterated. Can you see how that’s just bad?

And I’m telling you that the only purely Night Elf zone left is Darkshore now.
They only have a number of small outposts elsewhere in Azeroth, and there are “far too few” left.

Yes, a handful on the streets of stormwind, that probably perished now due to lack of food and shelter.

Stop trying to rationalize the writers hating night elves.


If the writers hated night elves, they just wouldn’t write them. It would be a waste of time hate-writing something for a living when they could focus on stuff they do like instead.

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What you’re describing isn’t hate, it’s apathy - and I absolutely would have preferred such.

If they hate Night Elves so much, can you imagine how they feel about Trolls, Gnomes, and Goblins?

I mean, there is the quest in Uldum called Gnomebliteration where you kill 1000 gnomes with a rolling ball of fire. Every expansion it feels like we’re killing Trolls left and right. Then there are the Goblins who get it all the time too.

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Yeah who would be rational here. I’m guessing you are doing this cognitive dissidence thing to be cute, or troll. Maybe they will all starve and die to give you something to really cry about. Putting all your ridiculous posts on mute.


I’m not trying to say you or Ethriel have to like how night elves are portrayed at all. But the whole “the writers hate us and that’s why they invest man hours into making us miserable” thing feels like conspiracy theory stuff.

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When you have eleven years of content that was engineered to establish that Night Elves are a bad playable race choice, there’s only so much benefit of the doubt that you can give.

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I mean, I feel that way on the faction level but I know Blizzard’s not intending to come off that way. It’s just my own miserable reading on it.

Danuser is in charge of the narrative team. He’s pro horde so its not surprising he would do this to Tyrande. Seeing that Sylvannas is his waifu. Can’t let another female character whose race has been abused and neglected gain any upper hand. He’s prejudice towards the nightelves and it shows.


We can’t know, because it’s not possible to get in peoples’ heads - but as I said, I see no reason to give the benefit of the doubt at this point in time. The ball is in their court to change my impression.

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Catering to American, Israeli, and Chinese audiences. No justice. “Renewal.”


Night elves have been scolded since Legion, BfA and have reached their lowest point in Shadowlands.

All for the fun of fans of the gravediggers muse.

Can this generate a feeling of enormous discredit towards the race and the alliance as a whole?
A negligible price for the joy of the horde and the games that worship Syl.
We had to see Garrosh words that defining the syl character being removed from the game.

I am not surprised if Shadowlands ends with another empty resolution for the night elves, in which Tyrande ends up losing the fight to Syl and the death of the night elves is left with no retribution, revenge or justice.

Let’s remember that Dazaralor is (cynically) considered by Blizzard the payback for Teldrassil.


Val’sharah says hold my :beer:

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And do you want the nelves to abandon their land in Kalimdor? For the Horde?
May they leave the continent to move to one where the nightbornes already exist, to continue to ruin the Night elves’ lives as the orcs have always been doing?

This has to be one of the dumbest things blizz has ever said. Danuser played a part in that. Tyrande and the nightelves never wanted to attack Dazaralor. That was on Anduin and Jaina, not Tyrande and the nightelves. They didn’t even play a part in it. But honestly I wish Activision would fire and get rid of these people that come up with this garbage. Cut there departments budget. They don’t deserve any funding towards there work. If you can even call it work. Or even have china pull its weight and have these people jobless. All the creativeness left with Metzen. At least alot of his stuff made sense.


It’s really the most annoying part of the alliance-side war campaign. Everything about it makes it sound like the rest of the alliance left the kaldorei out to dry and just did a bunch of victory laps for things only humans and dwarves care about.


Yea technically it shows the writers and devs are horde supremacist. The nightelf race is a minority they just enjoy abusing. Darkshore had nightelves bound while horde soldiers tortured them. Poking at them with spears and other means. Destroys the tree which was serving as a home to the nightelfs and gilneans. Now both are refugees in Stormwind. Let’s also not forget the cannibal corpse incident at blizzcon. Were the devs tried to brush it off as nothing. Until alot of players coplained about it. During that same blizzcon a female fan wearing a nightelf lanyard got attacked by horde fans. The devs never really acknowledge it. Was on the old forums, tried to link it but looks like they got rid of it. Just have to search for corpsegrinder incident blizzcon to see what happened. Also youtube has plenty of vids on it. Seeing as the video they played of him was pre-recorded they knew what slurs he was gonna use and did nothing about it. Alot of stuff so far is looking racially driven against the nightelves and to the extent the alliance.
I won’t even touch on key aspects of the warcraft Q&A’s.


Can we, like, not start pretending people are literally oppressed irl over faction choice because of a dumb con fight?

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Well, they do like spitting on Night Elves, why do you think their resolution was to:

  • Give up on justice
  • Have their souls obliterated
  • Watch as Sylvanas gets away with everything

I mean if they didn’t hate them, their resolution would’ve atleast included something positive, right? It’s not like they didn’t hear all the negative feedback from BfA. And don’t get me started on the Horde keeping Ashenvale and everything.

Pretty sure he even plays undead, hence the massive difference in how Teldrassil and how Undercity were destroyed. One was a genocide and the extinction of a playable race, the other wasn’t. One was destroyed by the Horde, the other was destroyed…by the Horde.

Yea, that will definitely work with no lands left and all of them dead. Nice logic :roll_eyes:

Well, that’s what happens. Tyrande loses to Sylvanas and the Night Elf souls are obliterated, now Sylvanas is getting a justification for her actions and a book to portray her as good.

Which is funny because more Night Elves died for it than Horde members because of Anduin’s suicide mission.

These are a few small neutral outposts

Well, they don’t have any land on Kalimdor left, the Horde took it all.

It’s just weird that they are getting paid for driving a part of the playerbase (night elf players) away from the game.

Edit: Someone please reply after me so we can keep the thread visible.