(Spoilers) Teldrassil finale is absolutely awful!

Not that it would stop the story from doing it anyway, but I don’t think calling the split souls a good and bad half make any sense because the same should then apply to Uther, but neither of this pieces are a bad one, just hurt and unable to heal.

Frostmourne messing up your soul was established lore before Danuser became story lead afaik


Can’t wait for this guy to just return from the dead as if nothing happened

Yea, then later they came up with children being burned alive, tortured in the maw and eventually obliterated. No happy ending for them.

It’s even funnier that they promised us a resolution, and yet doubled down on the Night Elves’ misery instead and made things even worse with the whole Tyrande losing to Sylvanas or the Night Elf souls getting obliterated thing.

And return to the Horde as if nothing happened together with self insert Nathanos.

Yea, and that’s how the writers… or even Blizzard wants you to feel, for some reason. I myself can’t explain it other than the writers being terrible human beings that want to ruin others enjoyment out of spite.

The writers would say differently.

  • Putting them into wow hell where they’re tortured and obliterated.

We don’t. The Night Elves have no land left, no people. And Blizzard most certainly won’t spend ressources to build a new home for Night Elves which would be positive for them.

How will this be addressed when all their souls have been obliterated after an eternity of torture?

They also have a 300 page book telling us about how genocide is good because Sylvanas did it.

There’s zero consistency. Sylvanas will just suddenly be good and be part of the Horde again, and everyone will have either forgotten or forgiven like Tyrande.

Edit: Another reply needed!


it sounds so dumb you know its probably true

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Well there is still Hyjal and/or Nordrassil. But there are also opportunities to take land in Eastern Kingdoms and help the Worgen retake their homeland or just something new.

I don’t know. It could be that Blizzard just drops the ball. I hope not as it is kind of a big deal to any Night Elf player but anything is possible. However it’s up to them to decide how this will be addressed hopefully beyond (in the lore the Alliance won) what they have said already.

That would be a step forward, but it’s clear they aren’t going to try and take any more steps for the night elves regarding their state. I am sure they’re content with the story how it is now and would be happy to just leave it where it’s at. They say renew but I doubt there will actually be more story elements about it. The best I can hope for as a night elf roleplayer is that they don’t use the race as another punching bag.


the nelf need to ALL die i think if we burn the tree , all the nelf need to die ! in game all nelf get a delete or races change too troll it is good troll is so cool nelf is bad

I would really rather not have the race that I play obliterated just because I can’t stand cows, werewolves, disgusting trolls, or Kul Tirans to play the class I want. Thanks XD

no , do a troll , is so good , is funs , u gonna love it

I happen to already know that I very much dislike trolls. The difference is I don’t want them all dead just because I don’t like them.

if all troll die , all nelf die u can do a compramise , i do a compramise , winwin

What XD

Then both our races would be dead. What kind of compromise is that?

then i gonna try a orc , i didnt do a orc a long time , dont play orc alot

if ur not nelf no troll nether , r u gonna do tauren ! tauren they so cool tauren druid

Well the problem is that no other race can be the class that I want to play. Otherwise I’d have picked something else because it’s not like I have a huge love of night elves. It’s just the race I basically have to choose because I dislike the other ones more than I dislike elves.

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compramise all nelf die , blood elf druid deal winwin ! ;(

When I see what is being done to the Night Elves and their fans, I can’t help but remember this and see an odious similarity.

Night elves fans can be seen in the stands, devs and writers are the pair of rabbits and Night Elves are the dead duck.


Ask the gnomes how much the Dark Irons did in Gnomeregon. They were some of the toughest packs in that dungeon - as I found out in Classic. The Dark Iron were the main enemy I faced from starting as a dwarf all the way to end game activities.

I completely disagree with everything else the poster said, but I do agree that the DI were always enemies of the dwarves and gnomes.

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From cata onward it seemed like the writers planned on attacking the nightelves. While skipping the other alliance races. Worgen were attacked but that was before they rejoined the alliance. But afterward with garrosh going forward the nightelves suffered alot of losses. Writers showing racial hatred towards the nightelves? After garrosh alot of the content shows nightelves on the loosing side with following expansions. Ptr storyline for nightwarrior is garbage already. One can assume that Danuser and others. Are already working on more story to screw the nightelves even more. But now players have to start expecting the worst from these “hack” wannabe writers. Can already see them trying to kill off Malfurion or do something to hyjal. Wouldn’t surprise me really. Might as well start looking ahead and guessing what garbage is to come.


What about us Worgen?

We had 2 yes 2 ! homes destroyed, Only the Draenei can match us (or beat us if you count alternate timelines)