(Spoilers) Saurfang's deserved fate

Sylvanas did nothing wrong and requires no punishment nor redemption. Death itself is broken and she is using whatever powers are at her disposal to fix it.

“In the end, death claims us all” --Sylvanas

But what happens AFTER that? So many souls sent to the Maw without cause, what about THEIR redemption? Sylvanas is carrying the burden for us all, and you hate her for it!

Every three things I say gets this whole rant each time. It’s amazing!

Ok good for you then! Enjoy the game.

Maybe you need help because you’re seeking attention in a place where you don’t want to be? :open_mouth:

If I didn’t want to be here then I wouldn’t be here.

So you chose to be here? Good. There’s no problem then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Classic denial.

About what? Your need to look important like you said something important?

Why are you so hostile about a forum post? Did your dog die or something?

If I wanted that id post on something that isn’t a strictly rp toon.

Why do you think I’m hostile?

A poster is dismissing this thead and I’m dismissing the poster’s opinion.

Ok did you want to say anything else?

You don’t have that kind of power.

Not unless you give me more things to say. I already voiced my concerns for you night elf posters.

I need some “power” to dismiss someone’s opinion when they dismiss a thread?

And I have given no indication about your concerns. Happy? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hostility. Go do something else that brings you peace.

Way to go cherry picking to suit your smart post instead of including that other poster’s vain attempts to say “Lol you’re taking this too seriously”. And use it to call me hostile.

Feel good?

Your’s is the opposite. Because if you skipped over my post, many would have just scrolled past it. Instead you chose to make this thread all about it. It did everything but dismiss it.

You really need to calm down. We don’t want to read about you in the news.

Nope. You’re the one who just went along with the mocking tone of “lol so obsessed”.

You’re not able to take a different opinion which says “Really? So why do you want to be here and tell people what to do?”

Maybe stop acting like a cool kid and back track?

Maybe you need to calm down? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t say that I am. I don’t enjoy watching people struggle with unhealthy obsessions. :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m not trying to dismiss anything though. I was making a joke post to match the op.

I’m fine with this. It’s amusing.