(Spoilers) Saurfang's deserved fate

It’s not way overboard. Are you new to the concept of forums?

Ooh nice. Good for you. So why should we care? No one’s behaving like we’re mixing IRL and this game.

It’s you who has this dumb notion that people are mixing IRL and fantasy. We put it out of our minds the moment we leave the forums or the game. I’m pretty sure every Horde player does that too.

Stop acting weird.

why would they need names instead of just being called “the slaughtered night elves” or something to that effect

also they deserved it
sundering cough cough

They weren’t named when they were burned. Why would they be as souls? Other than known npcs. They do have a little dialog when you save them.

Blood Elves a.k.a the majority of the Highborne caused it.

What now? Genocide your own faction’s race? :wink:

If they’re named npc’s then you’re only freeing them once. If they’re called something like “Night Elf soul” then it makes sense that you’re freeing more than 8.

I only had 1 quest where I saved 8 and I believe they were named npcs.

For gameplay purposes, people have portals, hearthstones, other stuff and can easily walk out of the Maw as and when they wish.

People have mistaken this to say “Hey we saved 10 souls every week so everyone’s safe”.

They misunderstood it and formed an opinion which is wrong. In reality, in the lore the Mawwalker would have saved a few souls out of the thousands which are suffering in the Maw.

You are acting this way over one of my posts about a fictional story. Yes, it’s overboard. You are acting like it’s an offensive thing that really happened and how dare I mention the quest that saves elves each week!

Like who really cares? I was being as facetious as the op claiming the trinket was Saurfang’s soul.

And yes, I’m familiar with forums. They’ve been around since webrings went away in the 90s.

This much tilt over fiction is never not silly.

Good. If you don’t care why are you here?

We care about the game, the lore and so do other players. Don’t act weird by saying “Lol don’t be passionate about the game it’s just a game”.

We know to discard this the moment we leave this place. You don’t need to tell us what to do.

It’s not silly. You’re being the weirdo and silly one posting in a thread you don’t like.

Choose to exercise your right not to post if you’re this triggered over someone being passionate about the lore.

The first time I did it, they were named NPCs, the next three times were nonspecific “Night Elf Souls.” Coincidentally, there are a couple of unnamed Night Elf Souls wandering around the Heart of the Forest now.

Pretty sure that, between the covenant campaign and Ysera’s quests, we’ve canonically pulled 15-20% of Teldrassil’s victims out of the Maw by this point. Not a lot, but we still have several patches to go, and I’d imagine that the Night Fae being present in the Maw in 9.1 onward will speed up the process of helping them out.

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There’s liking a game and being obsessed. It’s clear that line is invisible to you.

But shine on you crazy diamond!

Maybe, but 80-85% are still way way way too many. Even 1 is too many, they were burned alive, tortured and then killed again? Like come on…

I’ll try to find out more about it, but I’m still fairly certain that I can’t repeat the quest.

This is probably the most realistic explanation of what is happening. I don’t think the mawwalker would have focused his/her efforts into freeing Night Elf souls because the Mawwalker is not just Alliance plus there are other things which are important and far more of a priority than that right now in the Shadowlands.

Oh gee. Should I be worried?

Yes, very.

Why so? From your random philosophy, you don’t seem to understand basic human psychology.

You don’t even grasp the simple concept of being passionate enough to discuss about the lore and then forgetting it and going about your own business in life.

Why would anyone take you seriously in this thread when you try to act smart by saying “lol it’s a game”?

You can’t even admit you’re the odd one out trying to stop people from discussing what they want to discuss on…shocker…the game’s forum.

You are taking things seriously enough for everyone.

Effing yikes.

That’s what I said in my first post to you? Taking it seriously/passionately where it actually makes sense and then forgetting about it once I leave the game or forums.

You are definitely weird. Just because you don’t like something you declare everyone else obsessed with something.

If you can’t let go of something fictional when you go back to real life it’s your own problem so maybe deal with yourself first?

Dude, calm down.

No I like the game just fine.

What would you say if I told you the same thing? Calm down bro.

These night elf posters should seek help. Their obsession is unhealthy.