(Spoilers) Saurfang's deserved fate

Aww you don’t enjoy it? Damn what shall we do? Should we feel bad about your unhealthy obsession to dictate what people find important as obsession?

Fair enough it’s amusing to you. I don’t have a problem with that.

I don’t like people lecturing others to not be interested in a game on the game’s forum. That’s plain silly and weird.

No. I find it to be quite sad.

If you wish to keep struggling then that’s on you.

It’s your choice. :man_shrugging:

Deflection is also unhealthy.

Go watch the cinematic again when they burn down Teldrassil. Clearly Saurfang was like “WTF ARE YOU DOING?!”

Saurfang is not at fault for the burning of Teldrassil. You can put a lot of death at his feet directly and by proxy, Teldrassil is not something you can blame on him though.


Damn maybe they need to make a cinematic about you.

[insert my eyes have been opened dramatic dialogue here praising Theon]

So basically you have nothing to say because I didn’t care or rise to the bait of you trying to mock Night Elf posters?

Just as I thought. :stuck_out_tongue:

Deflection of what? Telling you you’re wrong to tell people they’re wrong to post about the game in the game’s forum.

Do you even know what is deflection? You seem to be doing a pretty good job of that lol

Would be nice.

I wasn’t trying to mock anyone. I’m genuinely concerned.

Yeah and they’re re-releasing Legion. I believe you :stuck_out_tongue:

I never said not to post about a game on a forum.

They already did re-release it in the form of BfA. Basically the same xpac with a stat squish.

I would like OP and Lilithia to argue

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But you want to control how interested they are about that topic? You think you can shame people into not being passionate about it?

How hilarious.

Now THAT would be popcorn worthy.

I said there is a difference between passion and obsession and that triggered you into making this thread about how valid that obsession is.

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Sure you were saying that :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that would be something!

I honestly think that guy might be dangerous. He seems rather unhinged.

That’s exactly what I said.

Looks at poster’s “Don’t mix reality with games”

Looks at this

Huh :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I’ve never seen him this aggressive. Usually he’s way more calm and levelheaded, which was one of the main inspirations for my concern.

He just needs some tea and some meditation.

saurfang model > orc model.