Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Oh by the way, if it’s not abuse then I hope you’ll allow me to do it to you.

“I didn’t say WoW was dead” - Gorg

I also saw you act like you’re not one of the rude people who make others leave this community and game.

Also you:

And do you just not know how to make up your mind with things or do you enjoy being this much of a hypocrite?

Also you:

And there’s this one.

Don’t you do the exact same thing just with your posts?

So are you gonna be the big man and “own” all this hypocrsy? Fully take it on the chest that this entire time you do and are the very things you say against people?

Boy am I glad your profile is public when you come here to call people with hidden profiles cowardly and “hiding something”.

Maybe you should take your own advice and go back to almost never posting like you said you were going to last year.

Since you still can’t seem to handle the responses you get on a public forum after all this time.

I can’t wait for you to hide your profile because of this. You were right, not all forum trolls hide their profile. You really are a troll lol.

I’m literally not taking you seriously at all from here on out.