*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

The only reason Tyrande has bigger influence is because Malfurion was in the Emerald Dream. The Night Elf people are already split anyways, as Tyrande losing faith in Elune planted doubt in a lot of people’s minds about her. They will live on with just Malfurion.

You know what TRUE loss of a faction leader is though? Kael’Thas who was a beloved prince betraying everyone. And all his people loved him. Losing him left them leaderless.


I added it to the title too now, but it was always in my post as the first line. I didn’t think people would skip the first line of a post…

Or hide the spoilers within a spoiler tag.

I don’t know how that works though, I couldn’t find that option in the forums UI when I created the post so I just added the spoiler warning as the first line.


Were you guys not paying attention in the final war campaign scenario for Alliance where you go in to lay siege to Orgrimmar again? Sylvanas comes out and kills Saurfang, but before that…your character asks Anduin Wrynn, “Where is Tyrande?” He tells you that she has refused to answer his many letters and he fears that she is lost to her revenge.

This is a huge tell in a huge finishing line scenario of BfA that Tyrande will play a huge role in the upcoming story.

She is out for Sylvanas’ blood (or whatever that woman has in her veins now), and the story is not over. The Night Elves are rightfully pulling away from the Alliance and going their own way, and Tyrande is on a mission.

So…calm down. It ain’t over.

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Here’s how I see it,did losing Teldrassil suck? Absolutely But to blame an entire faction because of the actions of a terrible leader and a handful of incredibly easy to dupe loyalists seems a tad extreme. Posting on one it’s clear I like nightelves but playing the oppression card isn’t really going to get anybody anywhere. All it does is make us look like we have a victim complex and rather than paint any and all horde player with one broad brush because of something that caught many offguard,focus on taking the queen bint down. That being said, I never really liked Tyrande as a leader like…at all,to me she’s always been reckless,impulsive and came off as a petulant child whose difficult to work with even in WC3.

Sure,there were SOME rare moments where we saw a compassionate side but she in a way is no better than those she swears to destroy [plus her voice is super grating on the ears] I wanted to like her after seeing those tidbits and a small portion of Legion but that quickly shifted back after BFA when she decided going night warrior and being a raging B-word to Anduin who was more level headed and understood the situation better. An ideal leader keeps a cool head and looks over the situation with impartiality [not everything is black&white] and approaches it with a logical standpoint rather than let their emotions alone rule them. Tyrande was way too emotional to be a competent leader where I’d see Shandris a better candidate as she’s more level headed and was willing to listen to reason and help with the coup in Orgrimmar.

TLDR- I like Nightelves but not gonna hate all of a faction because their leader was an evil b-word. Best to calm down and not take this so seriously/perceive the Ls as a personal attack and/or conspiracy to keep nightelves down.


for 10,000 years, then went back into it for the first 3 expansions of WoW, and even when he resurfaced did nothing to actually act as a leader just left it all to tryrande as he focused on the druids and his personal stuff.

No the people had doubt about Elune in general Tyrande herself is still widely reguarded as a well respected leadewr the people look up to.

Again, you honestly think Tyrande’s death won’t send Malfurion off into the deep end? They are clearly setting up Shandris to be the new leader, not Malfurion.

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This is how to hide spoilers

You enclose the spoiler in a details tag.

[details=This is how to hide spoilers]You enclose the spoiler in a details tag.[/details]

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Even Nathanos did a second take when Sylvanas gave the order.


Oh wow didn’t know that, but for that I would’ve had to hide almost my entire post

If the entire post is spoilers, just warn readers in the title, so they can choose not to click on the thread if they want to avoid spoilers.

But yeah, the details tag is helpful if you want to share something that maybe not everyone wants to see.

I explain it better in a thread I just recently made if you want the full details.


I expected this might happen…the question for me will be is the story good…does it make you feel…is it both quality and tragic more so than Ysera’s “brief” tragedy. Will such an event have profound changes for alliance and their leadership? These are important things in a story.

Sorry, but this was actually a war started by the Alliance in Legion.



You should give people that link and tell them about the short story a good war as it clears up everything about most of BFA. Plus its just a good read.

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Can someone direct me to where I can find this datamined info that Sylvanas is redeemed in SL that the OP just assumes everyone knows and is a given. I see nothing on the usual places and you would think info like that would be exploding here.

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As someone who can forsee and predict extremely well and is paying close to attention to the lore as it was some drug I have not seen any thing about a redemption arc but i am very hopeful of it.

Not fun for you. This may shock you, but not everybody wants to play a noble hero (Or I’d be an MHP). And I enjoyed every second of my killing spree, and wish it could have continued before Baine sold us all out to his buddy Anduin.

How dare you have fun roleplaying a darker role in a roleplaying game. You must be a complete monster! Don’t you realize this isn’t Politically correct? You need to have some thought for basic human life even if that life is only digital…

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Genocide against innocents is not heroic and it shouldn’t have been glorified, period.