*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Preach. Jaina’s purge of Dalaran was nothing more than slaughter of innocence. Well said

I’m going to TL;DR here(because CTRL+F Jaina offers ZERO results), but how about killing Jaina for the Dalaran purge? No? How about her plans to use giant water elementals to drown the women and children in Orgrimmar? No?

Stop being a giant hypocrite.


No no no. It’s only bad when the Horde do it.


Key word is “plans”.

The Horde did not only plan those crimes, they happily commited them.


She was literally stopped by Thrall. By this flawless logic I’d get off scot-free for threatening to assassinate the president if I didn’t follow through with it…

There’s also the Purge of Dalaran. That. She. Actually. Did.


Did it never occur to you the datamine is simply the scenario if you fail X objective?

Sylvanas has not been redeem, at least not yet. As for the Horde, we know from Lother’mar short story and I quote “The Horde’s armies are depleted, our treasuries emptied, our resources stretched thin. A blow to us now would . . . Well, I am sure you can easily imagine the outcome.””

but it’s okay, because the Horde bombed Theramore/


Yea, and the Night Elves failed every single one of their objectives in BfA and BfA pre patch, such as

  • Stopping the Horde
  • Stopping Nathanos in 8.1
  • Reclaiming their own lands
  • Saving the civilians in Darnassus
  • Getting justice for Teldrassil in the war campaign

all of those failed miserably.

That doesn’t matter though because there’s peace now. The Horde still got to keep the upper hand against the Night Elves and secure Ashenvale as a new Horde zone.


Yeah, if you want to sink to the Horde level, the level Jaina and the Alliance claim to be above.


Okay then you got me the Burning of Teldrassil and sending innocents to hell is entirely justified and heroic, now be done with it already. Just like 8.1 was a good conclusion for the whole thing.


I don’t recall where I said that was justified.


“Jaina planned to do X so the Burning of Teldrassil and everything related to it makes it justified and good writing”

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The Horde was stopped.
Nathanos rank away like the he coward he is.
We know Darkshore is back in Night Elven hands.
We might not have saved the civilians in life, but I suspect we will save their souls at the end of SL.
I’m waiting until the end of SL to make any predictions about if SL will get justice or not. And sometimes, you dont get justice and even if you do it takes years! The draenei waited 25,000 to see Kil’jaeden dead(meta wise we waited about 10 years at least).

We dont know anything about Ashenvale at the moment.

Malfurion is Tyrande’s Consort. And The Most Boring Man in the World… of Warcraft. Nothing more.

Hopefully he’ll die too, and stay in The Shadowlands, so Illidan can bring Tyrande back to the world of the living.

I understand bad man choices. But that can be rectified.

What can never be rectified is attempting to justify genocide as being for the overall good.

No. Sorry.

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laughs as I farm innocent mobs for leather


Your whole argument hinged on:

It completely demonizes the Alliances actions. That’s all I want to point out.



Don’t Night Elves just turn into whisps when they die, waiting to reconstitute their bodies?

Seems like a bit of a non-issue that the Horde killed so many Night Elves. They will just come back eventually.

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Wisps are just their spirits. They’re actually dead (kind of like orcs and their ancestors ghosts protecting them)

They uses to be Immortal, but after the War of Ancients they lost their immortality

The Horde wasn’t stopped in the War of Thorns and reached Darnassus to burn it.

Our objective was to stop Nathanos from raising the Night Elves

Teldrassil is forever destroyed and Ashenvale is Horde territory, what remains are ruins of Darkshore.

Yea, probably not, there’s a scenario where we fight and destroy those souls.

Problem is that the writers already confirmed that 8.1 was the revenge for Teldrassil and Tyrande as a symbol of the Night Elves’ revenge will die without doing anything.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

  • Path of Glory
  • Brennadam
  • Burning of Teldrassil
  • 8.1 Darkshore
  • Gilneas
  • Shouthshore
  • Stormwind

but Camp Taurajo and the Purge of Dalaran (where Jaina only killed those that would attack her) make up for all of it.

No, they all went into the maw to suffer for all eternity as blizz stated


Again? Ugh, well. I guess it’s better than reading about helf lite over and over. Fine, I’ll bite.

All 3 were given back as canonical endings, thanks to the developers answering that at Blizzcon.

Sure. Can’t really build back a tree in a year.

I’d argue the opposite considering they got back up in a couple of months and took war to a new level including performing a ritual all about vengeance which has killed everyone before it for the sake of killing everybody. That was kind of metal.

Welcome to war. Especially a fictional war in a video game where unicorns are common place, orcs are brown, and people fling tentacles at one another.

All of which is a war written by the writers for the sake of setting up a plot that made both sides (mostly) angry.

You always leave out the part about how the developers said there’s a lot of characters that they need to give screen time and that Tyrande’s vengeance had reached a conclusion for now, but would see more threads / story telling in the future expansion. We’re in alpha. Everything datamined right now literally means nothing and can be changed in beta, and then in the final game.

This was also incorrect, and a tweet by a developer confirmed that this nonsensical intro for the undead was nothing more than text input into the alpha for testing along with a bunch of other ones, and they already knew it wasn’t correct and it wouldn’t be something they went with. Again, leaving out facts.

None of it was glorified. It was shown to be horrible, known to be horrible, and people on both sides weren’t happy with it. Some people were fine with it, and some people (like me) can understand a narrative angle without somehow correlating it to real life. This has nothing to do with actual glorification of genocide. This is you being a little salty salmon over a story you disliked and are tired of waiting to see the conclusion of. The actual conclusion. The one where Sylvanas drops loot.


But don’t they still reconstitute their bodies using moonwells, or has that been retconned?