You have powerful fantasy, but you don’t like it. Oh, how much strength, power, the ability to destroy mountains and destroy legions, she moves in darkness quieter than shadows, with raw willpower she crushes the Old Gods, and her mind is genius and omniscient.
Monstrous Horde. You just need to get out of the glass dome of morality and you can do EVERYTHING!
Then what is the point of developing technologies if they are destroyed by old methods anyway?
The player has solo’d multiple armies with a little gizmo and a flying machine that manages to wipe out hundreds of NPCs in seconds for a small quest. I call those the AC-130 quests.
Maybe if it was in a cool cinematic than it would be fun to see but Tyrande running around shouting nonsense and moon beaming people is not exactly awe worthy.
Regarding OP.
So are there 9 Valkyries or 3 that we have to face? I am confused.
They should not have used Tyrande then to be honest. She wasn’t even in the initial line-up at first, which shows how half-baked the entire BfA storyline was from the beginning.
You mean all the things the Alliance did, and the Horde were just sort of optional observers for? I mean, its not like we didn’t have plot threads and relevance that could have tied us into those conflicts; its just that they weren’t used at all. Like, truly it was the Alliance that defeated the Legion. The Horde was so much a tagalong in that expac that Turalyon didn’t even know the Horde had Paladins until the Arathi Warfront lol! Even though Liadrin was one of two Horde reps actually allowed in the Argus campaign.
Well I’d take it a step farther and say that I wouldn’t have written BFA at all, or at least not the burning if I absolutely had to have a faction war expansion. But yeah, I guess picking some patsy warrior for the blessing would have made for a better contrast, at the very least.
No, I’m talking about the Horde. About undead, which moves quieter and more imperceptible than night elves. About druids who, in the form of cats, lose to the robber of the blood elves. About Garrosh, who did not succumb to the corruption of the Old Gods. About Saurfang’s ingenious plan for the night elves to react.
Just let yourself be a monster. You will then be killed, but in the moment you will be so epic scary … A dream, not a horror.
You mean like how the NEs don’t have a monopoly on stealth or guerilla tactics (yet are frustratingly expected to), and since they aren’t the most adaptive folk they are theoretically easier to plan around? And even despite that Blizz outright writes a short story telling us how if both Malf and Tyrande were on the field at the same time; or if 90 percent of the NEs military forces weren’t deterred away; the ENTIRE Horde could not hope to defeat them alone? And how just Malf alone and a skeleton civilian police force were able to hold the line against like 8 to 1 odds, and even grind the Horde forces to a complete halt twice?
Yes, truly, I feel empowered. Because I barely one the one battle I had to to be labelled a villain for the rest of the expac and story (and beyond); and not win a single other battle after.
Would you have preferred that Blizzard write how uber mega awesome the Horde rofl stomped the NEs with their big uga buga green muscles? Would that make you feel good?
You realize all that gibberish Blizzard writes is supposed to make the battle sound more gritty, give the Alliance/NEs something to be happy about and semi depict that home ground terrain advantage is worth something in the warcraft universe? But thats too much isn’t it? Damn.
Ten thousand years of stealth training. Well, even the blood elves, fifteen hundred years old or ten, becomes difficult to distinguish. But the undead! They are forty years old, no more, while they are dead for twenty years! Why did the undead not notice!
No, I would prefer Blizz not force my faction to be a plot-device forced to pick fights we are told from the offset we could never hope to win if the Alliance weren’t constantly hit with the stupid and nerf sticks. While being allowed no such privelaged “luxuries” like motives to do that punching (let alone valid ones). Or at the very least, Blizz investing in the Horde enough to justify how we’re a threat against the people we are forced to be aggressive against; rather than all that investment going to the Alliance (who have to just get nerfed through the ground to allow the Horde to do the “evil thing” for the story to work).
But, if we’re being honest. No, I don’t think the NEs maintaining their massive lead they enjoyed in Vanilla while doing absolutely nothing to maintain it … is anything but arbitrary.
You know just because you do something for ten thousand years doesn’t mean you are that good. Skills have a cap rating, The NEs could have probably figured out everything that anyone needed to know in stealth training in a few hundred years. The +9000 years after that should have been spent training in another skill.
It should also be noted that their “Stealth Training” was developed in relation (and in opposition of) the military tactics of the Legion and the Highborne. Which doesn’t mean its a 1v1 transfer of effectiveness to facing groups that fight in different ways. The NEs also largely enjoyed about 10k years of peace (outside of a few select conflicts, like the War of the Satyr and the War of Shifting Sands) up until the WC3 Horde landed on their shores. Which means that to some degree much of their upkeep of their skills were ceremonial, since they didn’t have any natural enemies to fight for long periods of time. On top of the fact that if there were any fantasy race in all of the fantasy genre that proved that Age =/= Wisdom … its Warcraft Elves (and not just NEs, ALL of the sub-races).
Yeah, this gave me some weird contradictory feelings when the prepatch stuff was announced. It’s like…I hated the villain bat stuff, but it seemed pathetic to put the whole horde against civilians and barely win, but-but I didn’t actually want to see the horde win in the first place. It was like an assembled Triforce of ugh.
This is the perfect way to explain the WoT from the Horde’s perspective.
I hated what I was being forced to do; I hated how I was doing it; but I also hated how weak and ineffectual I was while doing it. It truly was a trifecta of suck.
I think even Bruce would agree that ten thousand years is too damn long practicing stealth in the same patch of forest year over year. Though thats definitely enough time to rotate your entire population in various skills so when you need fighters you got an entire vetern pool of population to call on. But hey thats just me.
Sure that too. But are you done bullying the NEs?
You realize the whole point of the NEs is the sleeping grizzly mother bear trope right? Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.
Don’t mess with nature/balance (the cub) and they won’t maul you. As long as the Horde left the NEs alone the NEs would have never attacked the Horde so I don’t get why you are so hostile towards them lol.