(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Not at all. Want your repaired bowl. Just stop pretending the powder shattered remains of bowls around you are better than what you have. Solely because Humans have a prestine goblet. Also, don’t expect the NEs to be demigods. WC3 has built up way too many unrealistic expectations about what to expect from the NE power fantasy, most of which are based off a largely out of context quote from Grom. When what he really said was "they are extremely formidable, not overwhelming (Until a Demigod immune to their weapons arrived).

BfA was garbage, especially for the NEs, but the ways NEs were handled two enemies they should absolutely struggle with (the Firelands and the Nightmare) … they made a pretty good showing. They took losses sure, but they prevailed over their kryptonite. That’s far more than most PC races can say these days. Hell, most Horde races are lucky to have their entire relevance in plot-threads not evaporated in most expacs.


prestineeeee looool

The Mawsworn? You mean, the people she fights in this new patch? The people she stops an entire army of? Those guys?


That was literally Nathanos’s role in the cutscene that people are complaining about. It wouldn’t have changed a damn thing if it had been Saurfang or anyone else, because what the fans were expecting was a double divinely-powered demigod-tier legacy character brandishing her metaphorical double-edged sword against someone strong enough to call it a worthy challenge, yet mop the floor with them anyway.


We are able to defeat kryptonite, but we are killed with a knife (Horde). Maybe kryptonite isn’t that bad?

I mean, compared to others. They got their problems, but with them being on cusp of reclaiming 5 of 7 Human Kingdoms … Humanity is in shocking good shape. Even without Blizz’s defaulting to them as their safe-space for storytelling.

I mean to show in the abduction cinematic, or as a follow up, her encounter with the mawsworn. Yes, the mawsworn that were portrayed in the pre-patch time as those with whom Jaina and others were unable to deal with.

gl hf

I was merely pointing out that the dev team could have showed off Tyrandes powers more, Instead of pushing it to the side which is super obvious.

The devs are a bunch of spineless morons.

Didn’t they try to show that as well in the Battle for Darkshore intro questline, but people were complaining that she should have been able to do that sans powerup anyway? I remember people citing a bridge in WC3 as evidence for that.


I’m glad we agree then that the Mawsworn are very powerful and fighting an army of them is an incredibly impressive showing.


Yes the entire idea that Tyrande needed a powerup in the first place is the most idiotic thing ever.


I hope you are being ironic.

I’m glad that you totally can agree that we were explicitly shown in the pre-patch time how she managed to do so. Oh, wait… it did not happen in the time frame relevant for what you’re arguing about :scream_cat:

gl hf

What win? Even the WotA content does not portray the NEs in the way NE fans seem to expect. Canonically, they were getting absolutely pushed to the breaking point until Jarod decided to reach out for outside help. And even then, the tides did not change in their favor until the Wild Gods, Aspects, and Stone Giants came in to burden themselves with most of the heavy lifting. There are rare individuals amongst the NEs that are profound, like Malf, Illidan, and Tyrande … but they truly are rare exceptions.

The NEs have always been portrayed as “Formidable, but not Overwhelming” unless they get some DemiGod 3rd party to come in and aid them. And those beings have never involved themselves in what appears to be “Political Conflicts Between Mortal Races”. And that doesn’t even get into things like the NEs having a relatively stagnant military; their tech and tactics dating back to (and heavily reflecting) the enemies they were designed to combat (the Legion and Highborne); and the Horde (if nothing else) being HIGHLY adaptive. The Balance of Power should be slowly shifting on Kalimdor so long as the NEs do nothing really to maintain their once great lead.


“I want Tyrande to solo an entire army of Mawsworn”
“She actually does in 9.1”
“But I wanted it to happen in 9.0 so IT DOESNT COUNT AND DOESN’T MATTER!”

I love how every time you people get exactly what you ask for, your immediate reaction is to find any possible way to ignore it and keep whining. Every single time.

Don’t you have a discord to go be racist in?


The Horde doesn’t want to be genocidal monsters.
We should have started to resist massively earlier!

Edit. What are you dissatisfied with, the Horde got what they wanted?

I dont know what you are referring to with that. But to get to the point the mawsworn are about as much a threat to azeroth as the Iron horde was.

Or any other “Expansion mooks” were

They are literally led by a guy called “The jobber”.

Maybe I am just too tired to see anything other than desire to argue in your answer. Regardless, moving goals in not a useful way to discuss things. I am not whoever you’re talking to regularly. I highlighted that relevant things were not shown in relevant time.

Example given: we were told she managed to escape in the pre-patch. We did not see it. That I call a missed opportunity. You know, like when you can at the same time show power of Tyrande and not kill a horde character in the process?

I am not sure what is the image on the night elf fan fiction that you mean.

Sure. When conveniently the draenei from nearby island are nowhere to be found, or portals can be used to get elves out, but not the army in the night elf territories. But that is just about questionable narrative decision.

So, this https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/races/night-elf

The night elves of today still remember the War of the Ancients over ten thousand years ago, when they halted the Burning Legion’s first invasion of Azeroth.

is how blizz sell the racial fantasy. Like, right now, in the marketing materials.

the fate of Azeroth rests on their resilience and willingness to aid other races.

So, yeah. There are some things that could utilize more thinking on the dev side, and understanding that for every thing taken something should be given. And that mixing pvp and pve things is pointless (I remember a lot of negative feedback about having to do BGs for legendaries in MoP and WoD).

The whole story is a mess. We have simultaneosly races taking a huge hit because of the Legion, yet the horde finding people and all of the needed resources to start a war campaign, etc. BfA did many thing rather badly.

gl hf


Not worth mentioning technology. Lightforged Draenei exoskeletons are susceptible to voodoo and spiked wheels.


Bringing in the accessory races aye? And no, I have never once implied that the Horde is stronger than the Alliance. We just shouldn’t be weaker than the NEs alone anymore. Which is a arbitrary Power Fantasy that largely is maintained by ensuring that Horde races don’t really get power fantasies. By enforcing glass ceilings upon them (outside of those brief moments Blizz wants to hit us with a villain bat, then shames us for it for 4+ years). I can safely say that conceptually the Alliance should be able to defeat the Horde.

EDIT: And I do hate bringing this up, but it was the BEs that brought down both the Exodar AND captured and cannibilized Tempest Keep for their own personal use. So its not as if the Horde doesn’t have its own Arcane Tech experts who have a long history of breaking the Draenei’s crap. Hell, the BEs and NBs actually had extensive access to the Vindecaar for the entire campaign of Argus, so they even know where and how to hit it.