(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Am I missing something here?

This certainly can change, but with all the missing content and the current dialogue in the corner … it sort of appears that the conjoined forces of the covenants were being overwhelmed up until that cutscene point; and then Tyrande appears and all the enemy forces disappear? And that its sort of implied that she single handedly pushed them back? With the WQ actually being the one to drop the ball by essentially hiding the mcguffin stone elsewhere in Ardenweald and that was hit while everyone else was defending that specific quest point?


You’re not missing anything, with so much of the content not implemented, the cinematic obviously not up, that video shows a lot of stuff that’s simply out of context until we know how it really goes down


So we’re essentially freaking out because of the incomplete content and lack of context? Where as it currently honestly seems to imply that Tyrande one-woman-armied back the forces of the Maw; that were overwhelming the conjoined forces of the Covenants? And that it was actually the WQ who screwed up?

EDIT: And given much of that missing content occurs in a cinematic placeholder, its possible we might actually get another very cool cinematic for Tyrande there? Like when she completely bodied Nathanos? Which the NE players discounted because … I guess Nate was acting as the characteristic sass-machine he is?


Essentially? Yep, people are freaking out due to content not yet implemented and the Winter Queen screwing up. Par for the course for the story forum though. Taking a out of context video and just running with it :smiley:


Well, to be honest, it’s a double edged sword: on one hand until we get a full picture, there is not much point in the feedback; on the other hand, given the blizz development speed waiting till they make the final version will mean that the feedback won’t be used anyway.

So, it’s a balance between being open-minded, but still provide the feedback about what would rather not be there, even before all pieces are placed. IMO.

Another? There was something?

ah, killstealing at 10%. Yeah, that was glorious. (/s)

gl hf


There was also some “black video” that was missed, no?

You mean like every other antagonist we fight that gets killed in a cutscene? Because “gameplay” needs to also happen in an MMO? And somehow Tyrande not getting preferential treatment there just invalidates it.

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I mean that Nathanos is someone who is hard to call a foe worth of attention. There could’ve been a cool cinematic showing her dealing with the Mawsword who tried to abduct her. Or more about Torghast.

What does that have to do with Nathanos being 3rd tier character?

I just hope that if we get a cinematic of Rokhan killing a boar in Durotar with his bow, you’ll be eager to call it a good character development or something worthy to be proud of as a horde player.

gl hf

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There really isn’t much way to spin either of Tyrande’s encounters with Nathanos as a win. Hell, when she killed him, he still managed to get the last word.

I don’t have any issue with him being at 10% when it happened but to consider it a win compared to what nearly every other lore character gets isn’t very accurate.

Edit: As for ‘freaking out early’, it may be early on, but we’ve seen what Blizzard considers acceptable if not immediately and loudly called out on it. And often that doesn’t even make much of a difference in the end anyway.


The cutscene might not have been a super display of godly power but I feel like this is underselling what importance Nathanos had. As acerbic as he was, he was still basically the second most-important forsaken character.

Which might not have been much, but now the race doesn’t even have that.


He was important for the forsaken. But was not a target to portray that the Night Warrior power could accomplish, why it was necessary, or how it made a difference.

gl hf


Nice false equivalency there. Starting to really think that despite Blizz truly treating the NEs poorly in BfA, part of the problem beyond that expac is that the NEs have just been placed so much on a pedestal of unreachable expectation that anything and everything will fail to reach it. Which is why I regularly see Cata Firelands and Legion Emerald Nightmare used as examples of “beating up the NEs”. Because anything even challenging the NEs, even forces that are their conceptual kryptonite & led by old NE foes, is Blizz hating NEs.

Also, we got the Rokhan moment you were talking about. When our new head of the Darkspear WITH HELP got effortlessly bodied by “Lightforged with Sword” Talaamon. Our new Darkspear lead; a WC3 Legacy character; and our premiere Shadow Hunter (and his escort) … got beaten down easily by a barely named Draenei with a mask. He sure as hell didn’t get a win, or a cinematic. We just have to rescue him from being axed by his “boar”.


We sang for two years about how bad things are.
Were moaning and angry, asked to be silent,
“A little patience, everything will be fine,” but we continued and will groan.
You can endure for a long time, you can endure forever, endure, suffer. It’s time to KILL!
We will be patient again, we will swallow the bait, while the orcs will pull out their eyes.


Мы пели два года о том, как все плохо.
Стенали и злились, просили молчать,
“Немного терпения, все будет неплохо”, но мы продолжали и будем стенать.
Терпеть можно долго, терпеть можно вечно, терпите, страдайте. Пора УБИВАТЬ!
Мы снова потерпим, наживку проглотим, пока орки будут глаза вырывать.

The horde literally does not have anybody to put up the kind of fight necessary to properly showcase Tyrande’s power-up, nevermind somebody to actually spare for the role. I think the fans will just have to take what they can get for that specific cutscene.


As I have been saying for a long time Blizzard cant have a female character win.

That is, we cannot repair our bowl because it is large and beautiful in the opinion of others?

You are kidding right? Stop defending the writing team.

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99% of your posts I’ve seen in this forum are about telling people not to expect anything good and to give up on hoping for anything better. When I say it, it’s somehow defending the writing?


You said “the horde didnt have anybody… that could showcase tyrandes powerup.”

Which is pure unfiltered bull they could have had Saurfang clash or any horde member with her.

I know this is Blizzard and dont lecture me on that bull, the truth is the possibility existed but the devs are lazy and cant think of anything else other than making women look retarded.

What they could do =/= what they do obviously in this case. But the possibility of having saurfang or anyone else isnt removed from the equation because of Blizzards incompetence.


Not really. While Nath was a good ranger, good enough to be the 1st human among the elves, it was not a character to show what wraith of Elune can do. Power difference would’ve been so vast, that a random animal is an ok-ish analogy when compared with a skilled hunter such as Rokhan.

Nah, people just want narrative consistency. Do you see in how they are portrayed, a force that was able to win the original version of WotA? Does Tyrande and co. look like those who are capable of it?

Some might see it that way I suppose. But they were portrayed as the biggest threat in the eyes of the Legion afaia. Is it portrayed that way in the game? Eh. Maybe should not make them like that to begin with, but if blizz does not respect their own lore, what should we expect from the players?

Why do you bring it in comparison then? If you want to tie it to Tyrande, how do things like “lesson in patience” or using dangerous ritual, characterize a warrior with thousands of years of experience? Or overall a nation that got through things like WotA, war of Shifting Sands, satir wars.

That’s the problem. What was shown does not reflect it. If we would get an abduction cinematic with her - that would’ve been a totally different story.

I mentioned both Mawsworn from the prepatch and potential of following her more in Torghast. Both were possible. Both unused.

You know really well it’s a road to nowhere.

gl hf