(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

There could be, there might also not be. I’ve been through a lot of this sort of thing before - where we wait for that piece of information that surely has to be coming that makes the tides recede and the world heal and whatever else the “wait and see” crowd likes to tell me is totally going to happen and that I’m too stupid or too invested in some victim complex to see and again as I mentioned before, that tends to only happen around 7-8% of the time. I wish I still had my spreadsheet to update, but alas I don’t.

Could we hit with that 7-8%? Sure, it’s not zero. But I’m just not as stone-cold certain as some of these folks because I’ve seen this movie before.

Just replace times with years…

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Now when you say fully fledged, does this mean like the other one we’ve had or like a fully rendered cgi cinematic?

So I searched the files.

There is no “Cinematic” bar the 9.1 trailer.

Fully fledged more along the lines of Ysera’s death rather than the Saurfang stuff. Could be surprised, but given the current Blizzard climate, I doubt it’s gonna be anything like Old Soldier or the like.

Damn. I was hoping for a full cgi scene. Oh well.

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Just to clear things up, during testing, the quest plays a blank placeholder cinematic, not the “real-time cutscene” line that happens when, well, only a real time cutscene plays. There is 100% a cinematic for both this and the end of the Ardenweald opening scenario involving Tyrande.


I’m expecting the cinematic to get touched up, buuuuut it’s not like it’d be the first time Blizzard let something janky go live. I distinctly remember Sylvanas having dislocated swiveling hips during the first cutscene of BFA when she walks toward the camera boob-first. I don’t know if it’s changed since then, but it looked hella awkward when the expansion went live.

Then there was Nazmir where the finale cutscene was a lovely little view of the sky and completely ignoring whatever was actually going on. I still don’t know what happened at the culmination of that zone.

And while this other anecdote’s extremely dated, I recall one Cata cutscene in Uldum that was supposed to be the cat-taur king talking with his advisors and the camera just panned at a wall and stared at it the entire time.


Thank you - this looks like the metadata I was looking for.

Provide 1 single example. Because everything they have gotten since Teldrassil was negative for them.

I hadn’t considered that, but that would be interesting. We haven’t gotten anything for that earlier moment with her and Sylvanas yet, have we? I know we’ve gotten other work-in-progress in-game cut scenes recently, so I’d think it likely that we get something for that moment as well soon if it is an in-game cut scene and not something else.

I’m trying to remember, so anyone feel free to help me out: when we first got datamining evidence of the pre-rendered cinematics for 9.0, we could only tell how many there were and about how long each was, correct? I remember hearing that they were encrypted before launch so that we couldn’t see them and nothing in the data indicated where in the game they took place, which is why people were looking closely at advertising for hints of what the cinematics were. Am I wrong? I know I personally didn’t see a few until playing through content, but I was also avoiding some spoilers on that front, so I may have just missed them being found.

How many of these in-game cutscenes have we seen so far for 9.1? I know there’s one for Bastion (that one is really unfinished, still lacking environmental terrain last I saw), and one for the end of the initial Ardenweald stuff with Anduin and the covenant sigil, and obviously now this one with the Night Warriors. Are there any others I’m missing?

Thank you, I’m glad I wasn’t drinking my coffee as I read this.


Basically a whole SL zone is a send off to your race.


That cinematic looks like it’s missing everything, was that big “work in progress” not a tip off? It seems to be missing voice acting too, there’s way too little going on in it.

I’m half surprised the WQ doesn’t take the time to gloat and go “I see one of my sister’s misbegotten creations has gotten out of hand.”

Because it has trees?

I’m talking about actual positive development. Their resolution so far has been:

  • Having their souls obliterated
  • Watching as Sylvanas gets away with her atrocities
  • being told by Tyrande that there will be no justice and that we should give up on it.

And that’s just Shadowlands.

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Have you ever considered just letting the entire thing play out before you act like we’re getting nothing? What do you actually want out of this anyway?


Uh I let it play out? It pretty much became clear with 9.1.

Oh there were several possibilities for positive Night Elf development. I listed some here:

Or here:

I think SL went with the worst possible outcome for Night Elves. With the souls of actual children being obliterated being by far the most disgusting and disrespectful part for me. Followed by Sylvanas escaping justice.

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Did it? Or are you just doomsaying and assuming the status quo is forever going to remain like that? Hell we don’t even know how the Sylvanas fight ends yet.

Reading that 3/5 haven’t even been addressed because how is rebuilding going to happen in an expansion focusing on another plane of existence so, again, wait it out that’s clearly not done. As for justice for Teldrassil see above, I would very much argue it’s too early to make the call they are escaping judgment for their crimes.

The souls in the Maw my understanding is we did in fact rescue them all it’s just you can’t exactly stand there for 30 minutes loading a thousand souls into your lantern.

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Ethriel, have you ever stopped to think about how - even if you’re complaints were and/or are valid - pissing and moaning about the same thing every single time you post here is extremely irritating? I have major gripes with the story in multiple aspects, and I’ve voiced them a couple times. I, and many people here, are simply able to put a lid on it. Because, even if the complaint is valid, it’s important to be capable of talking about other things.

You are not. So even IF Night Elves are somehow as downtrodden as you’d like to believe, the fact of the matter is that you are just such a boring, dull, one-note shell of a person, who has latched their personality solely onto this one gripe they have. You might have some valid points here and there, but quite frankly, you are just such an unattractive poster and person, that they are smothered by the mountain of indignant whining you do at all hours of the day.

Frankly, the annoyance you provide is a great deterrent for Night Elf fans to ever get anything, because rewarding you is just something that should not occur. And that makes me sad, because I do think Night Elf fans deserve more. I just wish people like you weren’t among them - and I’d imagine most of them would agree.


No you weirdo, because it has nature, and Elune, and Ysera, and Tyrande, and Wild Gods, Night Warriors, Nightsong, etc

Hint: In the same way the Saurfang fight and the Lordaeron cinematic ended. With her flying away or something unless we forgive her right on the spot.

Uh they had plenty of time to give Night Elves Ashenvale back, for example. They even had a book. Instead they let the Horde keep it for reasons.

Well if you think that Sylvanas will be brought to justice, after so many attempts from the writers to sweep Teldrassil under the rug (by the way, Ardenweald wasn’t even planned first for SL) and Tyrande now saying that we should give up on justice since there won’t be any.

And then you also have Sylvanas talking about justice in her raid fight. There are 2 possible outcomes:

  • We forgive her right away
  • She flies away as a banshee and we forgive her later

I mean even then we are lacking actual evidence of saving all or most of the souls. We saves around a hundred, which is 1 tenth of those that died in Teldrassil alone. And we also saved them from a very specific place in the maw, indicating that the Jailer has already been forging them into weapons there.
And I have a big problem with giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming that we saved all of them offscreen because of what the writers have done in the past.

If you have to be this mean to me just because I’m asking for a resolution (and I’m actually consistent in what I’m asking for, see my threads), then maybe you just don’t the Night Elves to get a happy end at all.
I don’t see the point in arguing with you further if every comment of yours has to be this insulting towards me.
The Night Elves have gotten nothing yet, and if the souls are truly finally obliterated (which seems to be the case), the expansion did more bad to the race than good. And that’s without the Sylvanas justification.

Man just admit you got the hots for Sylvanas and move on, we all know it.

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