(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Were it that you were asking for a resolution, I’d sympathize. You are not doing that however - you are taking every single instance to whine about the same three things, even when that thing has nothing to do with them. If something doesn’t pertain to Night Elf persecution, you MAKE IT pertain.

It is narcissistic, unattractive, and completely devoid of any form of self-awareness - as are you.


More doomsaying. You have a real victim complex over the Night Elves and you’d be better off if you stepped back and took it far less seriously.

Everyone needed a break from faction war bs we didn’t need to dive back into it no matter how much you think they should have.

I’m saying what’s the point in assuming the worst is going to happen when it hasn’t even happened? Speculation is fine but don’t treat it as fact.


It’s literally what I’m doing, along with complaining about the lack of one.

Are you telling me that I’m not allowed to voice my concerns about the Night Elf story and complain about it? Am I not allowed to be furious about my race’s zones and people being gone from the game and story with no payoff or rebuilding at all? Or justice?
And then you need to constantly insult me for this too, in like every second comment even though I’m not even hurting anyone. You’re saying how Night Elves deserve everything bad just because I do too apparently.
Even though the Night Elves would have gotten even less if it wasn’t for people providing feedback about them.

Seriously, just block me. You don’t have to be this toxic towards me in every single comment when all I’m doing is, again, asking for a resolution and complaining that there isn’t any, and how Shadowlands failed to address the Night Elf story in a positive way.

I mean, I guess we can also wait a few weeks to see the inevitable and obvious outcome. If you think that Sylvanas won’t be fully redeemed after SL then I have to tell you that you’re simply wrong, and you’ll see it.
Also, have you ever asked yourself why they left Tyrande out of the Sylvanas raid?

Okay but can you still see how extremely insulting it is that the Night Elves never got Ashenvale back and the Horde is currently in the process of deforesting and blighting it? Basically what they did in Darkshore. We lost Teldrassil permanently, but somehow also Ashenvale and nobody cares about it?
And don’t tell me that you seriously believe that the Night Elves will get a new home.

Because it has happened. Tyrande DID say that we don’t need justice. And then you have all that meta knowledge and a 300 page book about how genocide is okay because of how misunderstood Sylvanas is.

I get that you’re telling me to stop caring, but that doesn’t make the story any better if I just choose to ignore it. Especially when they are taking away one zone after another and it’s even affecting gameplay negatively. Having to constantly talk to an NPC to see your race’s forever lost home again, or only being able to access darkshore 50% of the time. For the other half, it’s Horde controlled. When you transfer your character to Night Elf, guess what happens. You spawn in front of the burned tree in a destroyed darkshore that also has a 50% chance of being Horde controlled. So you get attacked by the Horde in your own former home and the only zone you have left half of the time.

It’s hard for every player to just shrug and ignore that

This view you have of yourself would be the lack of self-awareness I mentioned.


Whew, it’s been really intense here again.

So honestly, yes, a CGI Cinema would be great, a well designed Cinema would be great, but I’m all about the story and even though it might feel unfair here - watch this very nasty opinion - Saurfang’s story wasn’t better just because he got 5 CGI Cinemas, it was unfair in terms of resource allocation, sure, but it wasn’t ultimately better for his story. Would all races deserve as much attention as Saurfang’s little Sad story and thereby the Horde got in BFA?

Sure, but it’s not going to happen and getting upset about it now…well, it’s a wasted effort, because the ship has already sailed.

The pandemic also makes it even more difficult to create CGI cinemas. But I will say this to all the people who are clapping their hands in glee.

Yes, the night elves have had negative experiences time and time again, but do you really think Blizzard will focus on night elves forever? If that’s the standard you want for your story-telling, then that’s what you’ll continue to defend Blizzard for, and that’s what you’ll get as a result.

And let’s assume that the story would then be better, how do you explain the qualitative difference then, with bias? With “night elves have only themselves to blame”? We´ll see.


Well that’s part of the problem. It’s all damage control after the catastrophe that was bfa, and all it has ammounted to so far is rubbing in just how disastrous the fourth war was for the Night elves, and how utterly pointless the Night warrior questline was. Did I mention that we haven’t had any resolution for Teldrassil yet, or any news of that even being a possibility, despite three years passing since then?

I don’t think you understand fully just how bad bfa made things. Because if you did, you’d understand people are still upset about it. Because absolutely nothing has been solved.
And until that happens, this will go on, and on, and on, forever, until the game ends and the forums are shut down.


Yeah, lets not bring this up. A massive fey forest in perpetual twilight with its saturation turned up. An environmental aesthetic that ONLY has one PC race associated with it. Ruled by the apparent sister of their patron Goddess, and several key quests within the zone revolving either the rescue of Ysera (who revisits her good memories of her time with the NEs), or the Night Warrior. With a single, very tacked-on, pair of quests for the Trolls and Bwonsamdi (that the story goes out of its way to remind you isn’t native to Ard). Not to mention all the “Nightsong” moments throughout all that.

While that afterlife can’t be considered a true “NE Zone” in any way, it seems either “NE Themed” or “Not NE Themed” depending on which argument an NE poster is making at any given moment. They will also throw Maldraxxus in the faces of the Horde/Forsaken as a defense, despite the fact that even if you ignore its Scourge Aesthetics (not Forsaken Aesthetics) which are different … there is absolutely zero representation within Maldraxxus for the Forsaken as of yet. With the only link or relevance they have to that realm being that they are the “Oops Babies” of the Primus’ pet projects falling into the wrong hands.


I still maintain that Ardenweald is by far the best zone in Shadowlands. The questing experience was beautiful and it was the only zone that actually hit me in the feels. Maldraxxus was unique, but the other two zones were a slog to get through.

(Not gonna lie, I kind of wish there was some worgen lore in Ardenweald, given their connection to Goldrinn) :wolf:


The experience felt kinda awkward and muted for me to play through. It didn’t seem to make much sense to me that Ysera’s ghost fetus would attach to me so strongly, and I remember thinking “oh boy, if you knew what the horde did last expansion, you wouldn’t be so quick to like me.”


Which is understandable for horde players. Yseras quest probably would’ve made more sense if it was part of the campaign instead :wolf:

Smart business decision on Blizzard’s part to create people who spitefully sub to the forums only to complain forever.


I think the possible new players discouraged by those upset with currents events from trying the game outweighs any such potential gain. Not to mention, they could still enjoy playing the game, despite the story being what it is.

One can only hope Blizzard are smart enough to fix things. On the other hand, we are talking about the same people who put themselves into this position…



Reeks as a half-hearted attempt to bury the hatchet and ignore the fallout that’s still falling, but then again I don’t expect anything but weak closure from “shock-appeal!” Blizzard anymore.

The real tragedy is that I don’t think they will learn anything from this.


Their way of fixing things is letting us free less than 10% of the Night Elf souls, have the rest obliterated and expect us to give up on justice and forgive now because Tyrande told us so.
Which is totally out of character, she ignored everyone else to bring Sylvanas to justice, and now she nopes out and instead we have Jaina and Thrall in the raid?

New home? No.
Our zones back? No.
A glimpse of justice or victory? No.
Hope? No, souls were obliterated.

If this doesn’t make you believe that they are doing this intentionally at this point, then I don’t know what would.


It looks like Elune speaks THROUGH Tyrande, and spares her, and has a conversation with her sister. Calling it now.

We discussed this previously. Unless you’re arguing that 1,000 less what we saved in the quest is the total amount of those killed in Teldrassil, something that you’ve stated is something that you’re not arguing, you can only get to the 10% figure by improperly changing your accounting method.

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I genuinely don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. I don’t need a formula with 5 variables to see that the 100 we saved is 10% of the 1000 that died in Teldrassil. And many more died in Ashenvale and Darkshore.

So, according to your logic…WOD was infact an Horde-Addon, right?

And according to your logic, bfa, cata and MOP was an Horde-Addon, aye? So at the end…you got your attention, or not?

None of the formulas were complex. They were just laying out the methods that were in use.

You must be consistent in your methodology - and getting to the 10% figure as was illustrated the last time we talked about this required you to be inconsistent.

Again, the way you described deaths was proper:

(1-A/1000)*(B-C) = D


A: Those saved in the quest
B: Population of Teldrassil
C: Those evacuated from Teldrassil before the burning
D: Deaths due to the burning

This is a proportional, sample-based method. Applying that same method to those lost in the maw:

(1-E/100)*(D-F) = G


D: Same as above
E: Those not put into the Amalgam (The majority of the 100)
F: Those saved by Maw Walkers
G: Total lost in the maw.

However, again, you switched methods to do this:

(1000 - (100-E))*D = G

(I left out F because you have disputed the impact of maw walkers)

And that just isn’t appropriate. You’ve improperly grafted one sample onto the other and switched your methodologies.

Call me the IRS here, but I’m disallowing this treatment.

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