(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Did they says we were suppose to be happy? Because Blizzard has literally told us before they dont do happy endings.

It could, but a suggestion is not proof. Again, my complaint here is against people acting with stone-cold certainty as though it is fact that there is one (two I didn’t consider until now) cinematic waiting in the wings.

I mean, they’re selling an entertainment product here…

Shame. I saw the announcement post about how you lamenting about your crusade’s ineffectiveness and thought you’d finally move on.

Atm, there are three major story events that are totally absent from the 9.1 beta … that we know based on surrounding moments happen in the 9.1 beta. Since we’ve already seen Anduin’s theft of the Ardenweald Key, and that was just one of these body puppet moments. That leaves: 1) The combined Covenant forces nearing the breaking point in Ardenweald and Tyrande’s entrance into that conflict; 2) Tyrande and Feathermoon’s mind blowing moment with Elune, that creates a second Tear; 3) The conclusion of the Sylvanas fight, and her fate tied to it. Given that 2 and 3 are very likely to come with at least a In Game Engine cinematic … its not too much a stretch 1 (which is also being held very close to the chest) … might also have one.

Golden is VERY fond of overusing cinematics as a vehicle for storytelling … we’ll see.

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Entertainment doesn’t derive from happiness only.

And Chrono if these guys complaint about literally everything to the point that they can’t be pleased unless they retcon the story…I don’t think blizz should care.


But shaping what those factions mean in the world and how they interact with one another? That’s something this expansion really allows us to focus on and resolve in a way that will be satisfying for players on both sides.”

© https://www.polygon.com/interviews/2018/8/17/17697560/world-of-warcraft-battle-for-azeroth-interview-blizzard-horde-alliance-wow

Not quite the exact quote on my side with calling it “happy”. But I think “satisfied” is close-ish in meaning.

Not quite sure when was this stated. Last time I heard talking about it the theme was “everything will be fine in the end” for whatever is their definition of it.

gl hf

“We’ll see” is the right path to take - and again, I’m not saying that it isn’t possible.

But I AM saying that it’s not guaranteed, and the people who are trying to defend this cutscene with the promise of a better one really should a) take that into account, and b) keep in mind the track record that we’re dealing with here. Before BFA, I once calculated that, based on the content we had gotten previously that a bad looking piece of content for the Night Elves only turned out to be better between 7-8% of the time. I haven’t updated that calculation since BFA, but I couldn’t tell you that it would have improved since.

That’s the pattern I’m working with here.

“We’ll see” is always an issue with this game. But this Cinematic doesn’t sway my opinions on the 9.1 events in Ardenweald either way. There isn’t enough here to gauge what content it supports, and people are VERY right … there are currently two very important moments (if not THE most important) into this entire train of Tyrande based content still missing. As well as the most important parts of the raid story still gone.

It really feels like a waste of energy to get upset by this specific peace of something atm.


I don’t think so much energy would have gone into this but for the defense.

This is a pretty bad, low effort cinematic. I don’t exactly see the controversy in that point. Yet we had people sweep in to defend it on the basis of a prediction which they wanted to pass off as a fact. We have two threads instead of just one thread about this otherwise extremely minor topic for that reason alone.

I can only surmise that this is because people wanted to fight Night Elf fans - but if we step back and look at what they’re actually defending? The kind of embarrassing cutscene that we have? It really reveals how petty and pointless that effort has been.


Its a rare occurence that Grandblade is correct. Hell I think this is the first time in recorded history.

But… I think both sides have a good point. As the only one that has done the story content on this forum. I believe Grandblade to be correct for once.

Homever as Kyalin points out It wouldnt surprise me if he is wrong, Especially given how Terrible BLizzard are at making good developments for ANY race.

Attention from Blizzard is more of a Curse than a kiss.


Its a waste of energy to defend it too lol. Like, it is clearly unfinished. And the actual substance of it is really lacking on all fronts. It might be a passable transition moment if there is something with more meat and impact on its bones afterwards, but as of right now its about as unremarkable as that 4 second “cutscene” we have of the Jailor doing “something” to the Arbiter. Hell, the most frustrating part of all this is Blizz still playing coy and keep-away with the big impact moments of 9.1 (with even the Raid dialogue screaming, “we don’t want to spoil the surprise, so we’re gong uber generic!)”


I mean, you have to address these things when they’re in draft. Otherwise they get finalized and then there’s nothing you can do about it.

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The issue with this … thing up here is that there really isn’t enough content in the draft to address. Outside of Moonberry’s rediculous “I REALLY GOTTA PEE!” body movements.


I really do hope there is more to this in game cinematic than what we’re currently seeing, because it doesn’t bode well otherwise. I do get where the hesitation comes from though, it’s sort of blizzs thing to sideline the NE in their own story after all. :wolf:

Look, people are at least right about both this “cinematic”, the dialogue after, and the before and after of when Tyrande apparently appears. There is content missing. Clear content missing. Whether something valuable exists within that missing content or not is another matter, but the “defenders” of this weird little unfinished vid are right on that point at least. Tyrande’s two BIG “conceptually” moments are not in game yet.


We know at least ONE cinematic for Ardenweald is being developed for sure. Not sure what her other Big moment is that you’re referring to though. We know she single handle saves Ardenweald, and that she has her Night warrior powers spread amongst the other night warriors.

There are two events surrounding Tyrande in Ard that we have content before and after for. Tyrande’s exit from the Maw (and apparent pushing back of the Maw forces, that were breaking the combined Covenant forces), and Tyrande and Feathermoon’s Elune moment. For both, we have the content just before, and just after, not during.

That’s good to know. Thanks for the info :wolf:

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Yes, and the argument concerns what is in that “during”.

The defenders of this cinematic have taken a position - as though it is fact - that there will be a cinematic for the Elune moment that will make this cinematic ‘not bad’.

My counter to them is that we don’t know yet if there will be such a cinematic or not.

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Pretty much.

I just think its characteristically suspicious of Blizz writing for that content specifically to be missing. There is “something” missing there. We just don’t know the quality of it yet. And Blizz does revel in their “wait and see” BS.

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