A Resolution for Teldrassil

Before I start, I’d like to say that I know that there are many other races that need to be rebuilt after BfA and other expansions, and they definitely should be (including forsaken). I just wanted to make this post to explain my own personal take on what it takes to resolve Teldrassil and the War of Thorns. I decided to create this since I’ve rather often seen that Night Elf players (in general) are being painted as unreasonably demanding and ungrateful with their desires for a resolution. I wanted to know if my suggestions fall under that category too:

1. Reclamation of their Zones - This includes the reclamation of all the zones Night Elves had prior to BfA. It doesn’t include Azshara or anything else, merely Darkshore and Ashenvale. Darkshore is seemingly already back in the hands of the Night Elves, but there hasn’t really been any official information on the state of Ashenvale, so I think it would be fair if the Night Elves got Ashenvale back since they had control of it before BfA. I know that Teldrassil is gone, but perhaps the Night Elves could settle in Hyjal as it was hinted in “Shadow’s Rising” and the “Dark Abduction” cinematic. This also brings me to the next point:

2. A new home - Yes, I know that Blizzard isn’t really good with rebuilding things they have destroyed, especially when it comes to capital cities. It would, however, still be nice to know that the Night Elves are rebuilding and building a new home for themselves in the story. Sadly there hasn’t been much information about what the Night Elves are currently doing and how their remaining population is looking like.

3. Rebuilding and a Future - As already mentioned in point 2, I think it would be neat if we could get an information about the state of the Night Elves’ population. Obviously, it would be better if not too many of them died in Teldrassil and that they still have a somewhat healthy population to build a future for themselves.

4. Freeing the dead from the maw - Now this is a tricky one, in the Ardenweald questline you were unfortunately forced to permanently kill many Night Elf souls in the amalgamation. It was a pretty sad moment that after eternal torture, the only rescue for them was to permanently destroy them. I’d like to see the freedom of more Night Elf souls that were burned to death in Teldrassil, and to bring them to their rightful afterlife.

5. Justice for Teldrassil - With this I’m probably going to spark a lot of controversity, but I still think that there should be justice against the main architects of the War of Thorns. Unfortunately, Saurfang was killed by Sylvanas. Nathanos was killed by Tyrande which was really good, but there’s still the high probability that he could just return to Azeroth after he’s done with his business in the maw. Tyrande killing him also didn’t feel like a clear victory since he seemingly planned his death and is now somewhere in the maw with Sylvanas.
As for Sylvanas herself, I’ve heard that she’s getting a redemption which I’m personally not too opposed to, but I still think that Tyrande should get to kill her over Sylvanas returning to the Horde. If Tyrande has to die for that then that is fine for me, I’m very unhappy with how they’ve been treating Tyrande in the recent years / expansions and if she dies while freeing her people from the maw and seeing some sort of justice done for the genocide of her people, I think that would be okay. Furthermore it would also be neat if Tyrande sacrificed herself to revive her people after she got that killing blow.
I’m not asking for a Horde city to be destroyed, or for Horde zones to be taken. I know Horde players didn’t have control over the burning of Teldrassil and they shouldn’t be punished for it.

I’d like to hear some thoughts about this, and I’d also like to know if I’m being unreasonable here or if you could actually get behind (some of) my suggestions. Keep in mind that I’m only talking about the story here, I’m not actually expecting a new capital city built into the game and all of our zones revamped (though I’d love to see a world revamp for everyone at some point).





A little clarification - the shape of it all? Book, comic, prepatch, cinematic, cinematic, cinematic series?
And whether all this will be equally provided to the Horde, otherwise there will be a howl about “favoritism through the budget of commercials.” Okay, he already exists, and I need reading.

We definitely needed yet another thread instead of putting this reply in any of the already existing two dozen threads about this exact same topic.


I wanted to discuss this more specifically, and being reply no. 1200 in an already existing thread doesn’t really work that well for that, so I thought that I’d create my own thread.

I posted a shorter version in there too, but it was drowned in different arguments.

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While I wouldn’t say this is outside of the realm of possibility, there’s no hard confirmation of this actually happening yet as far as I know. And it doesn’t mean she’s going to be redeemed in the eyes of Tyrande. I’ve only seen this spouted by one person, who used pre-BFA ambiguous developer comments and would try to say it was solid proof that it’s already going to happen.

It is very disingenuous to state that “all Night Elf Players” are being painted in any such way. To the point that this resembles the typical NEFPA attempt to troll the Forums. I suppose it is Sunday.

I often make a distinction between actual Night Elf Players and the NEFPA (Night Elf Forum Posting Alts) - such as the OP. He is a low level Alt with few achievement points. I would classify the OP more as Forum Posting Alt than a Night Elf Player.

Actual Night Elf Players can be fair minded and have interesting perspectives. I wouldn’t insult them as a group. I was a Night Elf Player in Legion. I started Legion as a Night Elf Druid, and finished Suramar as a Night Elf Druid. I agreed with Tyrande - and still do - that the past actions of the Nightborne before the Sundering should at least be considered.

But that Night Elf Druid became a Troll Druid mid-Legion, and I don’t have any other Night Elf Characters, so i haven’t considered myself a Night Elf Player since at least the Argus Patch.


I guess I should’ve worded it differently, but I often see that Night Elf posters are being dismissed because “Night Elf Players are unreasonable anyway, and they will never be happy”, and usually I see that term being used over specific Night Elf Players being called out by their names.

If you think that I’m a forum troll, then I guess I can’t really convince you into having an actual discussion about the topic at hand.

Edit: I changed it now.

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What if a player provides a link to a profile on another server?

Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, Bliz ordered a song about Dark Lands for a long time ago to the ru-group, probably it’s not worth throwing here … I don’t know why I’m doing this. Passed through an auto-translator.


The wind has narrow eyes and a hard wing
And the white braid gets wet in the freezing rain.
I will explain to you the stingy craft of war,
I will show you the route we are taking.

We do not need neither hope nor faith,
Our sister is anxious.
I remembered all the names of the heroes, pride and honor, and passion,
But in the end they will be left with fear.

And the breath of the plague will enter the Dark lands,
And the heavenly Bastion will tremble in the clearing of clouds
I will give freedom to you enemies. Freedom from prison
After all, I carry with me the law of war and this is my law.

We do not need neither hope nor faith,
Our sister is anxious.
I remembered the names of the heroes, pride and honor, and passion,
But in the end they were left with only fear.

And the treasure of the Horde will fall asleep under the mounds,
And time will start counting back steps again.
Come back for me, find me, find my tracks.
Death has a white face and very black eyes.
And black eyes.

What the hell is this?


Very interesting, thanks.

You know, I don’t think I’ve seen a single demographic outside Night Elves asking for their people’s souls to be freed from the Maw. Nor have I seen Night Elves desire the souls of their allies freed from the Maw.

Just making an observation, not an accusation.



I just think that all those innocents that were burned alive painfully in Teldrassil shouldn’t be tortured forever. As we free some of them, they have already been tortured for a very very long time, and having them destroyed or leaving them in there just feels (felt) terrible. They were already taken away many thousands of years of living, and even children were part of them and are now getting tortured in the maw, I think atleast some misery should be taken away from them.
I think this is even more necessary the closer we get to a possible Sylvanas redemption, hopefully this won’t justify her actions and all those innocents suffering because of her.

Furthermore, the Night Elves are also the only race that has most of their population in the maw currently

There’s a simple reason for that - Night Elves were the only race that were uniquely focused on as having a lot of people in the maw.

That’s what happens when the devs reduce a playable race to pity objects.


We just love ourselves and no one else. Some beat us, others don’t help … ugh on you. Weep only for yourself. However, this is what happens.
Others rarely cry for us either.

My thoughts:

  1. Rebuild a night elf capital in Hyjal. Doesn’t need to be a Darnassus/Stormwind tier capital, but something sizeable like Theramore or Stromgarde from which the night elves can say “we live here”.
  2. In the eventual Light Crusade / Alliance-as-antagonist expansion, have the Army of the Black Moon go HAM in northern Kalimdor - the kaldorei equivalent of what the Forsaken got up to in Cataclysm. Basically this across the subcontinent.
  3. Tyrande should spoil Sylvanas’ meme plan, whatever it turns out to be.


What % of the Night Elf Population is in the Maw?


You know, you could have shortened your post to the above since you went that route anyway.



Looks at the horde writing over last few years and lets out a long belly laugh Got to love certain NE fans huh? :gift_heart: