(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Both of them, clearly.

I can’t say much about the 1st one, because it’s from another “iteration” of the game and had it’s purpose as a narrative tool at the time. To establish Varian’s character, Jaina’s one, it had peculiar interactions between Thrall and Sylvanas, etc.

But now we have this “Wrathgate was on her command” which makes me scratch my head, and I do not understand what is the purpose of it. I feel like that version of Sylvanas, who was both ruthless and did not think twice about picking the tools for action, yet had some sentiment toward the forsaken and the blood elves, and supposedly wanted to free all the scourge, was just ripped out of the story to use her image for promo materials, yet replace the personality with who knows WTH.

To me this alteration changes a lot. What is now the place of Thrall in all of that? Or the blood elves? How that corellates with her interaction with Varian then, and evolved into events with Varian in the later stories? To me there is no “flow”, it’s just now a random mesh of events.

Because I do not get how it even supposed to work I can’t say what it supposed to mean from the perspective of where the lore got to currently.

When it comes to the BfA one, also not avalable afaia, it’s… bizzare? Like, they’re acting against Sylvanas, but not ready for blight… after Wraithgate story being one of the most well known in the in-game history?

Siege of Ruins of Lordaeron… without Turalyon? How is this even?..

And the list goes on. I do not have much opinions about this one because to me it’s one of those events, that I can’t even say, why was it added to the game, other than someone thinking that it would be cool.

It does not accomplish anything. Shows the alliance as idiots. The horde evacuates most people. And there is Sadfang stuck with the alliance to absorb a doze of human potential.

It show the horde as willing to stand for Sylvanas after they learned about the tree™. What does it tell about those leader? Are they cowards? Are they spineless? Are they actually happy to seek benefits from such devastation?

They were used as narrative tools, but I do not understand what is there left out of their characters. Like Valtrois, iirc, compared the horde with the Legion. Valtrois! (unless I mistake her for someone else). This is the character who was part of missions. Among those missions there are also those that prevent civilians from evacuating to Azuremyst. This is the person who in blizz opinion should sound convinsing talking about the Legion comparisons?

TL;DR: something about “problems the players don’t have” and “solutions the players don’t want”.

And even more comical (in a bad way) was one of comments from Ion:

“And yes, we do find ourselves fettered by something that was a small piece of a campaign in an RTS game when no one ever imagined for a moment this was going to be taken and built into a world of this scale – and it gets in the way of telling the story we need to tell.” When that happens, things are “flexible.”

While many people just focus on the “flexible” part, and it is kind of bad, to me what stands out is this “the story we need to tell”. What does “need” even possibly mean? They pick what to tell and how. What is this running away from responsibility?

edit: actually I do know what it supposed to accomplish, and mentioned it a bit earlier. But it is overall a thing that blizz did and I have no idea who among the fans asked for it. How to ruin good things 101?

gl hf


Man I love how you sound in English, like ik the language barrier makes pple sound different, it does it for me to. But start punching your own face is amazing

What does this have to do with the invasion of the undercity not mattering because it was no longer in game, like you earlier stated?

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Ah, my comment was probably not clear, sorry about that.

What I meant is that in your post you highlighted that the Lordaeron story is important / marketable, etc. and mentioned the siege of Undercity.

To which I replied to say that this was probably important at the time, but blizz just outright removed it from the game.

It supposed to be in context of other mentioned things that people like, but they are warped or removed.

gl hf

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Okay, but the War of Thorns was removed, too.

Yeah. And it shares IMO most of the problems. It is a peace of content that was heavily advertised yet not avalable. It is a story that supposed to have meaning, yet the new players would not have an option to experience that. And it messed up with things people liked for the same goal of “let’s justify transmutation of the horde”.

gl hf


I know reading comprehension isn’t your strong suite, but not once did I say the Night elves had it the worst, like check yourself bro and sit the hell down.

Id just like to mention we see a hint of a full fledged cutscene with Tyrande on the announcement page. It is set in ardenwealde so take that as you will.

To be fair you might not have said it here, but you did say it from time to time. I know that you try hard to admit that other race also had it as hard, but on the other end you also make some comment as worst as the worst NE poster.

I don’t know if your account is share by two different people but you do contradict yourself alot lately. On one post you say thing like this:

but then you just go on many other thread saying that horde player are unfair just because they don’t want to get beat up just for one race artificial feel good moment.

On one post you said that night elf don’t have it worst than other but than you go on about how most other race have more feel good moment than the night elf ( which is just completely absurd since most race don’t even have any relevance at all).

You did make it easier and easier lately to put you on the same level as those other insane NE poster even if you do have some more grounded moment.

You or anyone else thinking I’m like the other insane NE posters is irrelevant, because I don’t care what you think. I just voice my opinions and respond based on how I’m feeling in a particular moment.

Tough if you don’t like it.

Yeah but your opinion change back every thread. Its ok if you just say whatever you think but then don’t get angry at people for keeping what you said against you. If you don’t want to get lumped with a certain kind of poster, maybe you should not act like them 50% of the time.

As for this conversation, maybe people wouldn’t get the feeling that you consider the night elf as even more of a victim if you wouldn’t spend as much time saying how much the night elf do have it harder than other.

And don’t get me wrong, i am not siding with Erevien which is 100% of a troll, but he isn’t wrong to get the feeling that you consider that night elf had it worst.

And if I did or do? Why is that such a problem? Not like I’m running around confusing headcannon with actual lore.

Because it is silly to get angry at people for claiming that you said thing that you did said?

Like i don’t mind hating Erevien for all the silly thing is said or posted. But getting angry at anyone for saying that you consider the night elf to had it worst when you did said it many time on many thread?

I’m not angry. I merely pointed out, in that particular post that he responded to, that I didn’t make the claim the NEs had it worse than the blood elves.

I just pointed out that the genocide of a playable race is just as significant as the Fall of Lordaeron. But you had to come in and make it something that it’s not.

I can’t speak for others, but for me the main problem is that he is constantly trolling by insisting on role playing in the Story Forum, followed by the fact that I disagree with almost everything he says, especially concerning Blood Elves. In-character role playing has no place in this particular subsection of the forums, that’s not what the Story Forum is for.

Honestly, I’m ignoring that comment from Afrasiabi unless Blizzard actually puts something in game that backs it up. I hated that comment, and it also makes no sense given that we have established canon showing Varimathras making his own schemes involving the Blight separate from Sylvanas. I much prefer leaving the Wrathgate in a messy and ambiguous situation where Sylvanas, Varimathras, and Putress all took part in creating the Blight, and all had their own schemes, but we ultimately don’t know which of them decided to attack at the Wrathgate.

I’m inclined to agree. I watched the Horde version of the Broken Shore and Vol’jin’s death again recently, and it just feels so weird knowing what follows in BfA. “Vol’jin is dead. Who among you will help me avenge him?” It felt like there was a moment there where Sylvanas could have done exactly what Vol’jin said she needed to do, step out of the shadows and lead the Horde, following up on the potential that she showed when she stepped up at the Broken Shore to ensure that the Horde survived the battle. I think it would have been really interesting to see Sylvanas struggle with balancing the needs of the entire Horde rather than just herself or the Forsaken and watch her grow as a character in that way. Instead, we got treated to mustache-twirling villainy and the implication that the sentiment she seemed to show in recent times was all an act, a facade to hide her true purpose, while she used and abused the Horde (and the Night Elves, and anyone else she could get her hands on) for her own purpose rather than being a good leader, and to top it all off it feels really awkward and doesn’t feel like it fits in smoothly with the story that immediately precedes it.

But with Alleria, making Turalyon’s absence stand out even more. Is he supposed to be keeping things running back in Stormwind during that battle, since Anduin and Genn are both out in the field?

One of the things I hated most about 8.0 was the lack of any sort of reaction from most of the Horde leadership about Teldrassil. Not even gossip text. It made them seem like cowards because the silence was deafening, but really we just don’t know what their reaction was to finding out about Teldrassil, because we weren’t given that information. I hated waiting having to wait until 8.1 PTR spoilers to find out if my racial leader was going to have any reaction to Sylvanas’ actions.

It’s a shame, because there are things I enjoyed about BfA, like the individual zone stories, but the war campaign and especially the War of Thorns have cast this huge shadow that continues to haunt the game even past the end of the expansion, because I don’t think there’s any resolution that can make up for how upsetting those events were. At this point I’m just hoping for something that manages to be enjoyable despite everything, but I don’t think any resolution can outweigh the damage already done.


No, Erevien problem is that he’s a German far right extremist who hates Muslims and believes Europe should be only populated by people who are “genetically” European, which in a psychotic motion of irony is likely why he mains a Blood Elf which is based heavily of Muslim-via-Orientalist motifs. Not to mention all signs seem to indicate he is gay yet supports homophobic political parties.

His twitter is public and transparent like cellophane from Hell.

He’s a troll who regularly get banned from these forums and regularly gets kicked out of discords once he misbehaves.

I do not know why he does this, actively avoiding a modicum of normalcy (especially given one assumes he wants to make friends, and he is demonstrably capable of normal takes and normal conversation), but regardless it is absurd to hold the Horde playerbase to his standard.

“Quiet part loud” for the love of God listen to yourself.

He’s not roleplaying. He’s just the Horde equivalent of those various psycho posters who think the Alliance should’ve genocided the Horde, or that the Horde should be forced into Northrend like a giant reservation mixed with an internment camp, or that the Horde should be turned into slaves.

It’s just IRL political extremism super imposed upon the game, having meme’d themselves into incoherent political ideologies that can be played out in a fantasy universe.

But neatly lining up with their IRL ideologies (or an “ironic” reversal of them).


You’d think Kyalin would have something in common with him given what I hear of their discord folks.

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Thank you for the clarification and information, I haven’t seen everything else he’s posted on the forums or anything on other platforms.

Man you’re lucky