(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

I love the notion that the Horde player base has a unique problem of imperial desires that is somehow not shared with the Alliance.

The story has not validated those positions, as it would have not made the Horde depose it’s Warchief in a civil war over it.

Certain Alliance players would not feel so confident expecting the Horde to end up under their heel (if Anduin fulfilled Varian’s promise) if the Horde was properly intended as a bad guy player faction. It would not be so weak as to crumble as soon as the Alliance commits to going after it, and no characters in the protagonist role of the Horde story would win a civil war to pull the faction back from evil (at best it would be getting rid of an idiot doing stupid evil).

Alliance superheroes wouldn’t get to flex without contending with a solid roster of Horde supervillains in such a case.

But BFA was not this. It was Blizzard deciding the Horde had a massive problem and shoving it’s face in it like a bad dog. It just was a confused mess of also wanting players to have fun even if the narrative far better justified the Alliance position. They probably didn’t think Horde players would enjoy “run away from Tyrande and her army as you get steamrolled out of Northern Kalimdor”.





Always fun to see how long you can keep up the facade of “fairness” before dropping character and reverting to your open contempt and ignorance of people who play different pixels than you.

The idea that people in 2005 were into the min-maxing meta as much as modern classic players or that they even have the same meta at all shows you’ve pretty much never even glanced at how people actually play classic, which is not surprising. As usual, you know little of the game you’re obsessed with, and your “data” is simply cherrypicked to support your predetermined conclusion.

Ragnaros took 5 months in Vanilla, he took 6 days in Classic. Not even remotely comparable metas or communities.

You have to understand Kyalin generally doesn’t think a lot of those things are problems to begin with.


Baal is like the least right wing person here dude, your politics are weird in Russian and that yall dont like gay people and such but that doesn’t mean tolerant people are extremists


My politics?

My politics are definitively against the racially supremacist militarism that the faction that you’re carrying water for represents. If you want me to stop calling that out, then stop smearing my discord on the basis of year-old comments made by people who have either stopped or were banned.

So by your own logic are you racist cuz you only care about night elves or?


That itself is a false smear. I want a good playable experience for everyone, and my argumentation reflects such.

Of all the things Baal is, and he is many things, both positive and negative, he is not a rightwinger. He’s probably the most left wing person on this forum, at least in regards to social issues.


Right-wing parties - for business, left-wing parties - for social guarantees? Or vice versa?

Go to therapy. This is an unhinged response.


Let’s say Kyalin visits a therapist. Repeatedly. If opinion does not change, what phrases are commonly used? “Didn’t she visit the therapist for a long enough time”, “did she visit an insufficiently qualified therapist” or “once she visited the therapist, then she is deliberately wrong and there is no point in listening to her”?

How does the first appointment with a psychologist take place? What do they usually talk about?
If they recommend something that you think is incapable of curing you and looks more like stupidity (keeping a diary, writing down dreams), then you need to follow the recommendations?

Am I afraid of psychologists? Am I afraid to really admit that I need him? Or am I afraid not to guess and wasting money?

No, you cannot engage in self-diagnostics.

Lol what dude

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Can you be more specific?

Yeah so about Tyrande…


Just like…if you can afford it and have some distress in your life, even if you don’t, you should speak to a therapist. It’s healthy to do so.

But yes, back to Tyrande

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I tried three separate therapists when I legit had issues and all three only made my condition worse. I keep wondering if I’m broken or all three were :poop:

The price certainly raised expectations. I’m still salty I wasted that money.

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I didn’t say in America lol, any and all health services here gut you, for people or pets.

I work healthcare, it’s a very immoral industry

These services should maybe be free.

As per therapy, either they were not a good fit for you or therapy doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t work for everyone, but if you haven’t tried and can afford it, I don’t see why you shouldn’t try

I’m not American. But regardless, the experience was awful. I don’t want to put anyone off therapists, tho, but just go in knowing that if you feel worse after the very first session, maybe don’t force yourself to come back.

Kind of agree there except for certain things, sometimes it’s good to push oneself and work through the pain and difficulty. Then again I’m talking about things like gender dysphoria where you’re your worst enemy

But there is also false psychology. Excellent short-term effect that will subside at the first stressful situation.
Work hard, endure pain. There is no guarantor of the result. You will simply endure to no avail, telling yourself “just a little more” for a long time.