(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Why? It’s early.

And again, one of the zones you listed is an actual Night Elf only zone. Surrounded by enemies from all sides, even in Ashenvale now.

Moving the goalposts.

I was listing the zones Night Elves had, including those in which Cataclysm stated Night Elves won in the questing. You lied and said all night elves were in Ashenvale, Teldrassil, and Darkshore and thus the race was nearly extinct. This isn’t true.

Go to bed.

Night Elves don’t settle in contested zones, and they can’t settle in Darkshore when it’s surrounded by Horde.

Which one? Because the Night Elves didn’t win Ashenvale.

Yea, the civilians and most of the soldiers… you know, those that make up the bulk of the race.

What does that say about Lordaeron, then?

They settled in Feralas, Stonetalon, Ashenvale, Darkshore, Felwood, Winterspring, Val’sharrah, and I’m sure I’m forgetting fifty more.


Most of the soldiers were on a gottdamn boat.


Nu-Blizzard doesn’t care about Lordaeron. Or the Horde.
But they still clearly care about the Scourge and the Lich King, as Ion proved.
They’re aware of the value, they just put all of it on Arthas for some reason.
Rip Nerzhul.

They settled in Ashenvale before the zone’s population was wiped out. In the other zones, they only had outposts with soldiers.

If that was the case, they wouldn’t have struggled so much reclaiming their zones and they would’ve been able to atleast try to get Ashenvale back.

I am almost sure that they intent to use Arthas as a yet another Anduin boosting tool.

Not sure what’s the point of those zone lists, but so far I am not sure how many uncontested night elf zones are there in the game.

gl hf

Uncontested is moving the goalpost. The whole point of Cataclysm was to give the Horde more contested zones to level up in. Night Elves won every contested zone they took part in: even Stonetalon. They beat the Horde so bad that the Overlord nuked a druid school and got tossed off of a plateau.

Feathermoon Stronghold, also known as New Feathermoon,[1] is a Night elf port settlement on the Forgotten Coast in Feralas.
You’re a liar and completely unworthy of my time. Feel free to keep brewing up headcanon to be angry about.

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A certain dwarf would disagree. Alliance won. Horde lost. Accept that and move on. Entitled cry baby.

Well they clearly don’t care about the Alliance either so there is that.

So because Lordaeron has a connection to the Lich king and the Scourge, that means that it’s more important than Teldrassil, To the Night elves, who aren’t invested in Lordaeron in the first place? Yea that doesn’t make sense.

Also, you don’t know how important Teldrassil was comercially throughout wow’s lifetime. if anything, it might have been much more than Lordaeron or the Frozen throne. You have no clue, and neither do I. So stop using it as an argument.

Night Elves don’t matter. They didn’t push game sales. Scourge did.

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You vastly underestimate how many blue skinned humans are, and were, running around in Azeroth. Far more than the Forsaken, who would be the closest to the Scourge, would they not? So yea, they did push sales. Proably more than the Scourge did, especially after wotlk was over.

So? A port settlement isn’t a major population center. That doesn’t disprove the fact that the Night Elves are almost extinct.

Not to mention that Elegy literally states that there are “far too few” Night Elves left.

Depends on the idea. Should any races have uncontested zones in general, that’s a peculiar question to consider.

Quantity does not mean quality. The net effect is also that something was take from the alliance to benefit the horde. So, at some point something must be taken from the horde to benefit the alliance.

Number of zones IMO is not as relevant as a good questing experience. If the alliance would get like 2/3 of the zones that the horde had, but each of them would be at least on the Spires of Arak storyline, or better, that would not be that big of a deal IMO.

Need to have the thing depicted in the game. Otherwise - not going to produce the necessary effect.

gl hf

We’ve got frozen throne to show expansion sales. We don’t have any such metric for night elves. The fact that Nu-Blizzard, who loves the Alliance playerbase, would blow up Teldrassil proves that night elves were not a big draw.

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What does that have to do with anything?

Blizzard didn’t have to give the night elves any wins because the zones had to be contested for gameplay purposes. Blizzard gave them all of the wins. Every zone the night elf player took part in, that directly dealt with Horde encroaching on night elven land, night elves won in a shut out.

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Exactly. We can’t measure it. could be more, could be less. It’s utterly pointless to try and use it as an argument, because you don’t have all the facts. you understand that right?


Also, solid reasoning. Because you think Blizzard favors the Alliance, that means destroying Teldrassil wasn’t important for sales. Assumptions heaped on assumptions. What are you even doing?

But Blizzard can. And does.

The Alliance wins an entire expansion directly after an Alliance-Only Expansion of Legion, but Morghel thinks Blizzard doesn’t have favorites.

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More assumptions. You don’t have a single clue.

Right, because it toally wasn’t an armistice at the end of bfa. Totally.

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