[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Nope, I’m not considering myself happy with my race being wiped out and tortured and obliterated in the maw.

Weak troll attempt.

The Horde is attacking the Night Elves in Ashenvale.

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Oh actually I’m quite certain Pandaren fans would be delighted to be finally given some focus and return to Pandaria, even if it means suffering terrible blows.

Already the case. Overall they suffered about as much as Kaldorei in BfA, though in different manners.

Also, Orcs certainly don’t need more development right now compared to other races

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But you’re not… supposed to mourne the losses of “your” fictional race. I’m nowhere near trolling because I obviously didn’t mean that had this been your fate in real life, you should be happy ?.. It’s a game with many races and yours is given particularly important focus and development, that’s (arguably) good for you as a player and a fan, that’s what I’m saying.

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Um … Where can I see the reaction of the pandaren? There are no singers from Pandaria on the history forum, at least I have not seen a single one.

No it’s not good when the Night Elves are nearly wiped out and have their zones destroyed, then have their souls tortured and their resolution is… the obliteration of their souls and being forced to forgive the Horde and Sylvanas.

Sadly this is true and the reason why I’m not as excited for Sylvanas’s redemption as I should be. Blizzard will find a way to sour it for me by neutering Sylvanas and turning Tyrande into a generic bully looking down her nose at everyone… like they always do.

Meanwhile the Alliance continues to thrive in moral superiority.

This story is causing me to hate the Alliance more, not less. There is something extemely demoralizing about submitting to the judgement of your enemy. The Sylvanas I loved, would never. (I already miss The Banshee Queen)


Truthfully, this is soo true for me personally. The more that blizz keeps up the alliances moral superiority via Jaina and Anduin as their mouthpieces, the more I hate playing the alliance more and more every day. There are days where it’s just….well painful, though I know most horde fans can relate to that.


To be fair the same is happening on the Horde side with Baine and Thrall. It’s equally painful to play Horde.

We all play WoW for a subversion of reality, no one likes being preached at about morals.

If I wanted that I’d go to church not log into WoW.


I created a thread last year about this:

I still feel the same way. I would much rather she get the clean death and happy ending she deserves than getting flushed down the Maw toilet boil screaming “I’m melting noooooo I’m melting” that so many of her haters are drooling over.

I’ve always speculated that Sylvanas would revert back to a whole soul, which means she would receive positive emotions/characteristics ie becoming a hero for all, taking responsibility, feeling remorse, etc etc etc.

In short, I’m happy with this development if it ends in her receiving the happy ending/clean death that she deserves.


Jaina: I will never trust her.
Uther: Then trust in me.
Jaina: Always, Uther.
Jaina: Very well. We will prepare to enter the Sepulcher and save Anduin… together.

With 180’s like that Jaina is going to guest in the next Tony Hawk game. I don’t blame you for disliking her.


Since cata, she’s been so inconsistent as as a main character. And blizz wonders why most don’t like her anymore.

But they keep forcing her down our throat

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Sure is a lot of forcing characters to submit this expansion. Just sayin.

Those hoping this means Tyrande kills Sylvanas or deletes her from existence somehow come off as kind of deranged to me - at the end of the day no matter how ‘savage’ the Night Elves are supposed to be Tyrande is supposed to be a good guy and that’s not something you let your good guys do. At most she’ll condemn her to hunt the afterlife for any Night Elf souls that didn’t get saved or bind her into some sort of symbolic servitude that has her help rebuild the civilization she destroyed - and I don’t even expect it to go that far.

Likewise, those saying it’s going to be nothing but Tyrande forgiving Sylvanas, or even thanking her, seems deranged too. Yeah, Tyrande isn’t going to decapitate Sylvanas but it’s clear that they are emphasizing how unforgivable Sylvanas’s actions were. This is them trying to have their cake and eat it too, which is exactly what they have been doing with Sylvanas the entire time.

Expect whatever happens to be highly symbolic but not really resolve anything and then hear from them later about how they brought that ‘important chapter’ of WoW to a close.


They should be used to the abuse by this point.


Hi, Pandaren fan here.

Absolutely not.

I don’t want the devs to touch anything about Pandaria. It’s fine as it is. I don’t want them getting their grubby, disgusting, sub fan-fiction writing tier hands on one of the last great worldbuilding pieces in WoW lore. Leave Pandaria alone, leave Pandaren alone.



How can they do that? She’s the Night Warrior. Although, it’s possible she would abdicate if they hated her that much.

Didn’t she lose the Night Warrior power after getting bodied by Sylvie?

She never lost her powers. After the campaign, she has full control of them.

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at this point, I guess I really don’t care. These content drought has made me numb to WoW…used to care when Blizzard would constantly put out content like in Legion…but now?

I predict 9.2 and 9.2.5 will be the ONLY “content” patches that will come out this year. No new expansion…maybe an announcement…but that new expansion is at least 18 months out.

We are a year into Shadowlands and I still don’t know why the big bad of this expansion’s motivation or even his own backstory…and somehow we are supposed to care? Is remaking reality really a bad thing? We don’t even have a clue what that even means. Remake reality? Bah humbug! If they mean by remaking reality is that BFA and Shadowlands never happened and the g3nocid3s of the Night Elves and Forsaken never occurred…then I don’t think anyone would actually fight the jailer…talk about the world’s longest Mythic 1st race…

So getting back to topic, Sylvanas being judged “by” Tyrande doesn’t mean anything. Tyrande has been told by her Goddess to forgive Sylvanas. There is no agency there on the part of Tyrande. This “judgment” is already been made…not by Tyrande or her people but by their Goddess.

This “judgment” literally means nothing along with the lore of Shadowlands…as we are simply Mary Sues running around doing extraordinary things that breaks the suspension of disbelief to even the players at this point. We are Gods masquerading as simple adventurers. smh.


Because her people are desperately believing that Tyrande will seek justice for her people, if they find out that she forgave Sylvanas after she inflicted all of this misery upon her people then the Night Elves should hate Tyrande for it.

Tyrande wasn’t the one who had to experience the genocide, torture and oblivion first hand, if she just forgives Sylvanas how could the Night Elves accept that?

I just asked how the Night Elves would be able to overthrow Tyrande, since she is so powerful.