Bitter Sweet Clean Death

I have a hunch that this is where Cdev is headed. Sylvanas’ soul was manipulated by Zovaal, now that he has seemingly restored her soul she’s gonna revert back to her old Ranger General self. I think this will involve feeling regret/remorse for what she has done and either sacrificing herself again to protect those she care about or literally asking for the axe.

Even her Banshee Queen dark magic induced version wanted to commit suicide after seeing Arthas death. Imagine the gut wrenching reality that the Ranger General must face now.

It sucks that Sylvanas won’t be a part of the story anymore but I’m extremely happy about the possibility of Sylvanas getting the clean death that she deserves.

She will very obviously just return to the Horde after Shadowlands since everyone will have (or already has) forgiven her

Then she can start another war or whatever


At this point anything is possible; you may be 100% right.

I’d like to think that cdev won’t write the in game characters as if they have the metadata that we have. Everyone won’t forgive her, those that may can peer into the soul may detect something different ie Shamans and Monks(there may be more).

Looking at the cinematic, there’s a chance Thrall and Co. doesn’t even know that he restored her soul.

If they can’t remember what they saw or heard then nothing has changed within Sylvanas except her eye color. At this point they are probably like “cool story bro”

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It’s looking more and more likely that it’s going to be this.



Don’t worry, you’ll have the amazing opportunity to watch someone (probably Genn) refuse to get over it and be the reason the next faction war kicks off. What’s better, everything in and out of game will make it clear that probably-Genn is a villain for not getting over his dead son, demolished kingdom, and incinerated adoptive home.

Saved-and-morally-superior-Anduin will lecture him about it or something. Everyone will love it. Baine will gift-wrap his own head and mail it to Anduin as a gesture of love.


Or, if they still existed, the Night Elves could attack Ashenvale through a minor skirmish and the Horde will use it as a justification to commit genocide and obliterate the souls of innocents in wow hell again

No need to fret, populations in this game are more of a Schrödinger’s Army kind of situation. The Orcs have been wiped out like eight times and we can still slap together a massive army every time the awful metaplot demands a new villain for the Alliance to face.


That seems pretty unlikely. Blizzard didn’t introduce Calia to NOT use her.

I’m pretty sure Sylvanas is just going to become one of those neutral 3rd party NPCs that hangs around doing stuff when the main plot is happening, but goes off to be a wandering drifter in between world ending threats.

i would forgive garrosh before sylvanas. at least he was mostly honest about what he intended to do and why.

i wish tyrande had taken her head off. it would be hilarious to me to see tyrande walking around with sylvanas’ still living head hanging from her belt like mimir from god of war. i imagine malfurion would find it a bit awkward tho. XD

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XD volley ball with sylvanas severed head should be the new BG! no death, no combat, just sylvanas’s head bouncing around and some pandaren cook nearby handing out burgers and hot dogs. XD true peace at last.

I’d bet that there has been a lot of rewriting going on lately, otherwise they wouldn’t have promised so many people (especially Night Elves) justice just to have Sylvanas go friendly suddenly and have Tyrande forgive.

But then again they have been saying that Sylvanas isn’t evil even when she burned Teldrassil, or that the Night Elves had it coming for them, so what the hell do I know?

I don’t remember them saying that.


They said they think it’s what Horde players think. Not what they think.

(Source: Polygon intervew with Kevin Martens, September 2018.)

It can go three ways, but death is only the outcome in two of them.

1.) Heroic sacrifice as you describe that doesn’t really redeem her of her actions but gives her a classy way to go out - essentially what Garrosh got but probably with a better cutscene.

2.) The Illidan route. For whatever reason the Jailer cannot be outright destroyed so someone has to watch over him and make sure he doesn’t get loose again, so Sylvanas volunteers to be his Jailer and accepts her ‘fate’ at last to remain in the Maw forever. (How long forever is depending on if they ever want to do anything with the Shadowlands setting again as this is more of the ‘put on the shelf’ option.)

3.) Sylvanas helps the heroes defeat Zovaal and everything is fine (sort of). She decides to stay in the Shadowlands and look for Nathanos. However, just as everyone is about to part ways Lightforged soldiers of the Alliance start pouring in through a portal and kill her and kill or capture everyone else, as the first hint we have of the holy war that has been raging on Azeroth while we’ve been gone that is led by Turalyon. (This is sort of the wacky tie in ending. It would likely satisfy no one but the most Human Paladin of Human Paladin players, but it’s a possibility.)

Send Sylvanas to Revendreth. Plus I doubt the Forsaken will have her back after what she did in BFA.

Umm… What? All she did was leave, sure leaving Voss and Calia in charge isn’t great, but that is hardly a we hate your forever offense, especially given Calia ran off to the Shadowlands. Summary executing people trying to defect isn’t an issue either, and nobody seemed to care about that on the forsaken side anyway, so I doubt they’d start.

Let alone if we get back the rest of the soul halves, which should happen somewhere in dealing with Zovaal, that would be a fairly good reason for them to not care.

The Alliance is really the only side there is a major hurdle on, and their forgiveness isn’t something she needs.

Meanwhile on the Horde the way the rebellion handled itself was so backwards that just about everything can be thrown back in their face, as turning traitor because their feelings were hurt.

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She will survive, don’t you worry. Survive to suffer for her actions.

I eye roll each time I see the sentiment that Ranger General Sylvanas need to be redeemed for anything.

Unless Ranger General Sylvanas is actually evil, which I highly doubt that’s the route they are taking her character, then I don’t see why she needs to be redeemed.

I feels as though certain fans took a look at the 9.1 Sylvanas video and completely disregarded the part when she becomes a complete soul again. The Dark Lady aka Banshee Queen died when Zovaal stuffed the rest of Sylvanas’ soul back into her corpse.

At best he shot the mustache twirl out of her; at worst she’s a completely unrecognizable character(which I highly doubt.) that will eventually get the clean death that she deserves. The very first thing she does when reverted back to her whole self is try and warn her comrades of danger. Maybe Sylvanas is finally the Sylvanas that a few of her fans thought she was before and after EoN.

Anyway yes, If we’re at the end of the road(which I hope we’re not), a heroic sacrifice that ends in a clean death is acceptable.

You know I have imagined this until now; it could work! Maybe her first task would be freeing all the souls stolen by him as well.

There are 1,000 more boring uninteresting characters that should bite the dust before Sylvanas, but as long as she get’s her clean death I would be happy. A cinematic with Sylvanas, Blightcaller(if his dead dead) her parents, her brother, Rhonin and all those Sin’dorei that died during Arthas invasion walking off in an eternal sunset pastured field would be ideal.

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Ah, so the Jaina treatment?