[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

I can only be negative because the Night Elves only had negative things happen to them in the past 4 years, even in their resolution.

It wouldn’t even matter if it was someone else because “setting things right” is complete nonsense when Sylvanas got away and the Night Elf Souls were obliterated in the maw.

Not sure how forcing Tyrande to forgive Sylvanas is making Alliance fans happy, Erevien.

Sylvanas and the Horde: get 2 expansions all for themselves where they can completely destroy the Alliance and end the Night Elves entirely just to be forgiven in the end



Nice reading comprehension, NEFPA genius :

Notice I said it doesn’t. Blizzard should know that nothing will make the NEFPA spammers such as yourself happy. At least I can enjoy your eternal misery, and laugh.

I don’t use low level Alts to post, like you NEFPAs and him. I can stand by my posts on my Max Level Characters.

And I don’t make insane attention seeking “I am quitting because Blizzard is so mean!” threads, then roll new Alts to troll the Forums, like you, Elesana.


What you said:

is a worse level of trolling than what Erevien does.

Explain how Blizzard steps on Horde and Sylvanas fans by forcing Tyrande to forgive Sylvanas for the genocide and complete torture and obliteration of her people.
Go ahead.

How could a Sylvanas/Horde fan like you be unhappy about being able to wipe out an Alliance race, torture and obliterate their souls and being forgiven for it afterwards.
You are complaining about that and saying that Night Elf fans will never be happy because they aren’t happy about only getting negative things in the last 4 years.

Okay Erevien. You got more than you could’ve ever wished for and yet you’re here making troll comments about “Alliance bias”. Lol.


We don’t know if that is the case. As others, even the OP of this thread, have pointed out, and you ignore :

See… it does matter, because we do not know. So your “point” is just a guess, at best.

I know reality doesn’t matter to you, Elesana, and you only exist to make overly dramatic “I quit” threads, then you make new NEFPAs to troll the Forums. But most of the other posters here try to stay grounded in what is actually there.

As I said - the quote from Tyrande seems to point out that she has eliminated an enemy, and that likely is Sylvanas.

Firstly, I didn’t get to torture and obliterate their souls. I play a Warlock - that’s my bag, baby. As a Horde Warlock, I would have appreciated a side quest to use some of their souls for our spellwork - but we got no such satisfaction. Instead, the Jailer gets all the fun and we get all the blame.

If that quote from Tyrande in the OP is true, being threatened with destruction is not exactly forgiveness, by most standards.

Tyrande still wants to destroy the Horde. And it reminds me of the end of MoP, where Varian says he will end the Horde, which Blizzard claimed was the Alliance’s fist pump moment.

Yes - Blizzard puts on moments specifically for the Alliance to make them “fist pump”. To the detriment of the Horde. That is Alliance bias on the face of it .


Yes we do, unless we’re forum trolls like you.

You don’t know maybe, everyone else does. And maybe if you stopped closing both your eyes and ears, maybe you’d know too.

Nope, they already made it clear that they consider justice and renewal to be mutually exclusive, as Tyrande wasn’t allowed to get justice against Sylvanas in 9.1.

There is no threat of destruction, did we even listen to the same quote? I guess not.

So far, everyone that has assumed anything bad to happen to the Horde or Sylvanas was wrong, and everyone that assumed something positive to happen to Night Elves was also wrong.
That was the past 4 years, what world do you even live in at this point if you think that Tyrande would get actual justice against Sylvanas after all of this? I have been saying this years ago that it won’t happen, and after all of this you still have the audacity to spill such nonsense and claim “Alliance bias” when the past 4 years have done nothing but spitting on the Alliance and catering to Horde/Sylvanas fans.

If you drop glass 500 times and it breaks 500 times, what do you think happens the 501th time?

Cursewords: “It won’t break!”


Even the OP of the thread pointed out that you are just making an assumption. He isn’t exactly a Sylvanas fanboy, from what I can tell. So it isn’t just folks like me.

Nice try at being wrong - it is what you are best at.

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After being right everytime in the past years just by assuming the worst case scenario for Night Elves.

Sure, you’ll be wrong like you are everytime, Erevien.

The Night Elves never got a victory, resolution or any positive moments in the past 4 years of the story, Tyrande forgiving Sylvanas has been set up in 9.1 already, but keep being wrong as always.

You make it easy, Elesana, when you are so blatantly wrong within the same thread :

I would think it might be a language issue… but the word you deny is the word being used, lol!

Wrong again - they won Darkshore.

That is literally a quote that Zahir made up

:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

Wrong, since as of Exploring Kalimdor the Horde is still in there. Wrong as always.

Is that quote what you’re basing your entire argument on? A made up quote? What a joke.


Oh. I thought it was part of his spoiler. It was in the OP with a spoiler… so I thought it was part of the PTR.

If that isn’t in the PTR or part of the spoiler, my mistake.

I was like, how can anyone read this and think the Horde was forgiven? She clearly still wants to destroy us?

But I guess the OP was joking?

Yeah, actually. I thought that was part of his spoiler.

If it isn’t in the PTR, I am glad to hear it. I was getting bummed out. It felt like the end of MoP and BfA all over again.

I will acknowledge that I wrongly believed the OP.

They did win Darkshore, though. That is definitely corroborated by the Devs, and not just a joke spoiler.

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Yes and it’s absurdly foolish to believe that the Night Elves could get a positive development while Sylvanas has something negative happen to her.

That hasn’t happened in the last 4+ years.

Having to share Darkshore with the Horde that nearly wiped them out and tortured and obliterated their souls isn’t winning Darkshore.


Well, the OP had a joke spoiler and I fell for it. Thanks for at least letting me know. I was getting upset at another Horde finger wagging session.

I thought the OP singled out Erevien because he talks about destroying the Horde as much as anyone.

I was like, that Tyrande doesn’t seem like she forgives anyone, if she is killing Sylvanas after she is made whole, and is still going after the Horde.

But it seems that was a joke I didn’t get.

At this point I genuinely want Blizzard to give Kaldorei players everything they want so they just stop whining for a living

Except Nathanos though
We’re getting him back


The Night Elves have never gotten anything positive and they will never get anything positive.

The writers won’t allow it.

I wonder if the scenario the OP was joking about ended up occurring, would that make Night Elf or Alliance fans happy or satisfied?

If after Sylvanas submits to Tyrande, and Tyrande did just decapitate her, and then said :

How would that land with Night Elf fans, or Alliance fans. Would they say it isn’t enough? Would they enjoy it and finally feel that “fist pump” moment Blizzard promised? Would they lament that it foreshadows villain batting of Tyrande?

You guys were given a great deal of attention over the past 3 expansions. You have story relevancy, several very important characters as well as both of your leaders alive, your aesthetics are everywhere in the game (everything nature-related, from druid stuff to Ardenweald), you weight heavily on the current plot and state of the factions, and you were about the only race that received development in SL. That is way, way more than what races like Pandaren, Dwarves, Goblins, Worgen or Trolls have.

Sure Kaldorei have lost much in BfA, they have no capital city (like many other playable races), suffered a genocide (like many other playable races) and their goddess turned out ro be sort of sucky. But that’s still development. The same can’t be said about everyone.


A good first step but I’m gonna need to see the Army of the Black Moon pull a Teldrassil on something before I’m fully satisfied. I will settle for toppling that cannon in Azshara.


Uh it would be something positive for once in a while, but the writers would never allow something like this specifically because they don’t allow positive development to happen to Night Elves.

As victims of injustice, tragedy and suffering.

Nope, Tyrande’s story was resolved as a side plot where she just had to forgive, and the Night Elf souls were obliterated.

Nope, the Horde is still attacking the Night Elves and the Alliance doesn’t care.

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Yes. That’s still new content though. Many races are as if frozen in the time of the expansion they first became playable in. Consider yourselves happy you have new development to bounce and start new plots off

(I’m talking about what’s happening back on Azeroth)

*Night Elves are attacking the Horde because they refuse the armistice, or did I misunderstand the situation ?

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Fine. Let’s defile Pandaria with the Void; The Forsaken will begin to rot heavily under the influence of the inappropriate climate; The sunwell will dry up and the blood elves will be withered; the orcs will starve to death because they didn’t cut enough wood in the last war …
Relevance is great, but … Would you like some Fel Juice? You will be relevant. Oh, you WILL BE relevant as many as three additions! Drink the Filth and the whole world, the whole universe will dance not even to your tune, to the movement of your lips! Or become a noble blue-eyed blond man of eighteen years with unshakable moral principles.
There is a third way, but you do not want to hold in your hands the acid grenade from which you pulled the pin? Your screams of pain will attract a lot of attention, but don’t even count on medical care. A couple of plasters, no more.
These are all types of relevance in WoW, right?