[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

What a good doggo :wolf:


Bottom line- Sylvanas and olives are a matter of taste, but no one can resist cute doggo? Sounds about right😊


I think whoever is left over by this point is already a fan. The only thing thats left is to differentiate from the normal fans and the fanatics :rofl:
And unfortunately most Sylvanas fans we have left over here fall into the fanatics category. Oh they pretend to be good understanding but after a few posts they out themselves pretty consistently.

For the rest I kind of agree, its just the story as always tells us “this is smart” versus “this is just happy coincidence.” which is where Sylvanas and Andiun typically fall respectively.
If a character was actually making smart moves then we can see they are smart moves and see the calculation in them. Like Tyrion from Game of Thrones where you can see the smart moves he makes and appreciate when they get desired effect.
There are other examples but I think everyone is familiar with Tyrion.


I like them as villains. We can think they’re cool in a dangerous why, but are bad people and still hope they end up failing badly. When you see Sylvanas appear in an in-game scene, do you honestly think “Oh no! Sylvanas showed up!? I sure hope that the heroes can escape/defeat her/foil her plans this time! I sure hope that she ends up a a boss we can beat like a piñata at the end of the expansion!” ?


Is this comment because I joked the other day that I wanted her to get a small slice of the “she was right all along pie”? Because this seems highly hyperbolic and accusatory for nothing. If you want more clarification on what I want her to be right about you can ask me instead of putting words in my mouth.

I don’t feel like I should have to constantly defend what I want from this story.

You don’t want the same things as me, and that’s fine. How many times must we establish this impasse?


I’ve noticed people here have this amazing talent of responding to stuff we didn’t say vs what we actually said in a post


I’m getting tired of people reacting to what they think I said vs what I actually said.

It’s even more annoying when they try to claim I’m being “the over emotional one” they are out here listening to respond, not listening to understand.


WHAT!? You two really want people to chew on tinfoil, then drink orange juice right after brushing their teeth? I’ll never understand Sylvanas fans, they really are the worst.


I love it that I explain how Sylvanas fans take pleasure in seeing their favorite character cause the other players who have interest in other characters or races unhappiness by killing an important character or destroying iconic locations to feed that character’s power fantasy.

And here you are doing exactly what I said the Sylvanas fans do.
You do Accolonn proud. Nice.

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Nah, pretty sure that’s the entire problem some people have here. Admitting you like the bad-wrong character gets you nothing but hate by people.

Some of y’all are very small-minded.


I remember that one week when the “cool kids” were calling Sylvanas fans simps. My SF pretend ego was crushed!!!

There are always dedicated trolls that will try to piss in your cheerios for simply showing your enjoyment in a Sylvanas. Never mind that you actually have your criticisms and dislikes of Sylvanas; just the fact that you like her more than you dislike her will throw haters in a frenzy.

I personally tend to focus on those parts of the story I enjoy. Imagine the mental/health toll it takes to troll someone that actually shows enjoyment and or complain 100% of the time on these forums. Shhheeeeeeshh I would need a therapist.


I remeber that thread. It bought me a lifetime subscription to Ben Grandblades hit list.

Shambala was bullied right out the SF for that thread. All he said was “Sylvanas fans are not simps” he was a gay man and was accused of only liking Sylvanas because she’s hot.

I got nothing but agreement with your post, until…

I’m feeling targetted with this line. Very judged and targetted.


This thread?


Probably the best trolling I have seen. This is… art. its just art.


You being a female poster that likes Sylvanas:

Im not targeting anyone in particular. I wouldn’t know. Sometimes you can identify these things in yourself, sometimes people that are close to you could identify something in you.


That’s the one! That was just the last straw though.

Can we all just appreciate how funny Skarm is. He’s a ray of sunshine. Never phased by the fighting.


It was a pretty terrible thread, though.

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Being fans of things you’re not a fan of is trolling.



That was when the forums were extreemly toxic. Everyday was like that.

Look at the Sylvanas Vindication thread. It’s an Erevien thread. That was one of the most intense threads I’ve ever experienced.

I got a forum vacation for calling Driote a narccissist. Maybe she wasn’t and I was dead wrong, but she liked to misinterpret lore all the time. Worse than Ethriel.

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