[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Well, forcing anyone to do anthing against thier will for any reason is really cringe.

It’s almost
:sparkles: disrespecting autonomy :sparkles:

(Edited because I’m already on the naughty list, Blizzard mods are dumb)

Maybe try respecting people, even if you disagree with them. A novel concept to you probably.


I don’t respect anyone who attempts to pull out the r-word in the context of an internet argument as some sort of trump card.

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Well, like most things, it boils down to taste.

People like Genn for some reason. I see him as an over grown brat with plot armor who gets to step on the Horde at every turn, and I have to quest with him sometimes - like in Nazjatar. The only reason he is still around is because he popped out a human shield in the guise of a son.

I think he is lame - but I don’t hate his fans or try to convince them to dislike Genn. I hate that Blizzard makes Horde Players kowtow to him - but I don’t blame his fans.

Same goes for Jaina. Or Anduin. Heck, even Thrall. They get outsized influence and bleed into all aspects of the story. But show a little love to Sylvanas, and people want to change you lol.


Radomir doesn’t understand how to

:sparkles: respect consent :sparkles:

So cringe.


You like the mass murderer known as Arthas? No one blinks an eye. You like the universe destroying sargeras? No one cares.

But holy hell if someone should say they like sylvanas, than some y’all loose your damn mind


But Micah you don’t understand!

It’s because she’s a :sparkles: hot woman :sparkles:

And somehow that makes all the difference in the world. If Sylvanas wasn’t popular we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Liking a popular woman without hyperfixating on all her flaws is cringe, we need to collectively neg her to have our own self esteem and feel better about ourselves because bros before hoes, get with the program /s


The argument is just not fair, because no one, no fans, from this characters denies that they are evil and deserve death as their fate.

can the same be said about the sylvanas fanboys?

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Exactly, it does come down to taste. People who like characters other than Sylvanas have taste, and those who like Sylvanas in her current state have none. But the people who do not like WoW lore at all have the most taste of all.

If you liked Sylvanas before BFA and Shadowlands it was at least understandable why you would like her. I didn’t, but I could understand why people would think so. Now if you like her it’s just that you like her no matter what. You don’t actually care about her story or anything that you might say that you do, you just like the idea of Sylvanas. Now, you’re allowed to have that opinion. And I’m allowed to say it’s bad taste in fiction (because it is).

It’s weird that you bring up Jaina or Thrall fans because I don’t think any of them exist anymore either. Jaina fans at least had the sense to drop her after her 6th heel turn in emotion and their necks still haven’t recovered from the whiplash, and Thrall fans recognize that he died when Metzen left. But Sylvanas fans are the only type of people who hold the cognitive dissonance that she is a great character because she portrays the ugliness of the human condition, or whatever pabulum they want to trot out to pretend that this is good writing but also like any of the developments in Shadowlands that completely wipes away any of her prior motivations for doing anything that she did.

Jaina fans, Thrall fans, Genn fans, whoever. They at least liked the character because it remained consistent. If you still like Sylvanas after SL, yeah, that’s just a sign that you like the cardboard cutout of Sylvanas and not anything about her character that you claim to like.

I infinitely respect the position of liking what Sylvanas used to be as a character but disliking what SL has done than I do liking Sylvanas no matter what she does.

I don’t want anyone who still likes Sylvanas to change their mind. It’s funnier this way.

Calm down, don’t get your flower crown in a twist. I just said your taste in characters is bad.

Because people liked him for being a villain. He was always consistent in that. He didn’t get any redemption story that completely subverted what his character was about. We didn’t get any story about how ACKSHUALLY it was a good thing that he sacrificed his soldiers and the mercenaries he hired, about how ACKSHUALLY he was really sorry for what he did to Lordaeron and Quel’thalas but it’s all good because he helps us stop the jailer at the end and everyone who he wronged accepts his hurt feelings. The extent of Arthas’s involvement in this patch is that he is a “break glass in case of subscriber loss” portion in the Anduin fight. If you like Arthas, you liked him for what he was in WC3 and Wrath and not whatever they’ve done with him since, because they haven’t done anything with him. This has nothing to do with Sylvanas being a villain and everything to do with her being right no matter what she does. And no, her having hurt feelings over what she did and people forgiving her isn’t consequences for her actions.


I don’t like olives, I hate them. But I also don’t go around telling other people not to eat olives.

If I’m at a party and my friends order pizza and it has olives, I don’t yell at my friends for thier bad taste in pizza toppings, I just pick the olives off my own pizza and eat my pizza the way I like it.

Does that make sense?

(I’m using this allegory because this actually happened to me on New Years)


You also have bad taste for not liking olives.

But more than that olives don’t have someone writing interception for them that tries to make anyone who doesn’t like olives eat them and like them and try to convince them that actually they liked olives all along because olives aren’t so bad and all they did was one teensy genocide and betrayal of those that trusted olives to begin with.

Because here, the pizza is the wow story, and the olives are Sylvanas. So people who do not like Sylvanas eat the pizza and are told that olives aren’t so bad after all, and that you shouldn’t dislike olives because they’ve offended your tastebuds in the past and that you’re wrong for wanting to pick the olives off your pizza.

And to be clear when I refer to “someone writing interception for olives” I do not mean posters on this forum. I mean Blizzard trying to convince us to forgive Sylvanas.

The problem is not that you like Sylvanas, but that you expect Sylvanas…to come out of it well and not be pulled to consequence, to the fullest extent she would deserve.

Like I said, Arthas, Sargeras? i liked them as Villians, and expected their end, and didn’t hope they would become the good ones yet.

NW Tyrande would´ve killed sylvanas, that this can´t happen blizzard force tyrande in an “Renewal” Mode, and say hollow words later on, to make sure that sylvanas will survive her and not face the proper judgement.

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The pizza was made with olives, if you don’t like the olives just don’t eat the olives. The state of the pizza and it’s preparation was never changed the only thing that changed was it introduced a topping you don’t like.

You can choose to not eat the toppings.

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You don’t get the option not to eat the pizza with olives. The Blizzard Pizzeria forces you to eat the olives because they’re very proud of their undercooked, soggy, greasy pizza.


Maybe you should stop ordering Pizza at the Blizzard pizzeria if you hate thier pizza.


That seems logical enough to me.


I used to hate olives. I would turn them away, and refuse them! Just looking at them was gross.

But I had a roommate who loved olives. He would make snacks with them. And the olives were around in jars a lot, so I would try them on food. And now I like them, and order them on my food, sometimes.

I am not some olive freak - but I can appreciate a little olive here or there. Maybe it is an acquired taste?

I’m not even sure if we are still talking about actual olives or Sylvanas anymore.

But, yes, both olives and Sylvanas are an aquired taste :rofl:


Two days in a row, if this morning is any indication.

Show me more pictures of your doggo plz, or was it your roomates doggo?

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you!!!

What a sweetie.