Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

I just want to have massive pulls where I can do as much DPS as possible.

this is always a stupid conversation

whats the point of “equipping a better weapon” and “doing more dps” even amirite

just leave yourself in the gear you started with at level 1! stop trying to kill monsters faster!

I don’t like it, but that’s why.

They probably like other parts of the game or playing with their guild or friends at other times. Their speedruns with random players are probably just a chore they do to progress.

But yeah, if there are people doing this and only this, I dunno, I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum, but I don’t really get it. Though, to be fair, when I used to tank it was fun to see how much and how fast I could pull and not get anyone killed.

Of course they do, they forgot in an MMORPG it is about the story, the sniffing of the roses you might say… …and Remix did not help matters at all.

If I cared about story I would have stopped during TBC/WotLK.

WoW has always had horrible story.

MMORPGs are about a variety of things


Sorry, what Mount?

This is why I really enjoy the follower Dungeons.

All this, (makes arm circling motions because I can’t post a gif) right here.

I can go at my own pace and just take my sweet time and the sooner they put follower dungeons on every single dungeon option the better!

I am fine for expanding it to other entry level content. But it wont touch m+.

I don’t want to spend all day in no fail content.

I have more fun

when things can kill me.

So the implication here is that anyone whose primary reason for playing WoW that isn’t about the story shouldn’t play the game, even if they enjoy other aspects of the game. A staple of MMORPGs has also been the existence of many different systems to engage with, and frankly you don’t get to tell someone who is here for those systems rather than the story they’re wrong.

The unfortunate reality for you, and players who want an epic story in their MMORPG, that has basically never been Blizzard’s strong suit with WoW. Outside of the wrapping up the Arthas and Deathwing arcs in Wrath and Cataclysm, the story has been mid at its absolute best.

The strong suit of WoW, which still holds true within the genre today, has been its combat and instanced content. Honestly the fact that Blizzard has leaned so heavily in raids, dungeons, and now delves shouldn’t be surprising in the least. That’s what made it stand out from its competition in the first place; it stands to reason the type of player that would most likely stick around is the one that likes instanced content most.

You’re welcome to think this is antithetical to the genre, but you’re unlikely to convince players who enjoy the game as it exists today they’re somehow wrong because you feel the game has drifted too far from an MMORPG. If they find the game fun, like me, they likely aren’t going to care what someone else wants to classify the game as being today.

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The difference between Retail and classic(2009)>

The skill of players and knowledge easy given. I did a post on here for addons and outside resources. Is the game built to be overwhelming and not obvious to learn and teach without outside resources? - #122 by Shadybolt-thrall

Players have sims and a LOT of more info now than ever. The GO GO GO mindset came form players and the devs making dungeons allowing that build up to the point that speed and minimaxing is the only challenge.

Classic in 2019 was broken apart by knowledge and thats why speedruns and GDKP where very apart of it because thats the power of knowledge ruined the basic classic experience for new classic players and old.

Both has their side but retail will end up being a unending speeding wheel that will never stop. The game will require seconds moments like Cod or something.

The skill form classic is not because its slower or “easier” . Its require an understand the world and each mobs spells and skills. You can’t pull 4-6 mobs by yourself and still be 70% after doing thier hp in secs. The slower gameplay is what made classic so fun. Have to think how to pull one mob form an camp at an time for a item on the ground. You can just run in do 3-6 spells and they all be dead.

Requiring cc and stuns in classic is fun because you know that mob or spell would destory the tank or someone in secs. That why made mobs hit so hard back than because it will make you think about each mob as an team and not just stun chain mobs for 45 secs (aka DH plus etc) .

It was about actual playing around the game problems with your tookit first and not your output. Dps wasn’t the king for everyone. It was what you brought as a spec. For a exp warriors were the best at dps but brought nothing too much but you couldn’t win with just dps.

Retail the knowledge checks are insane even before stepping into something. You are “require” to have addons and WAs and have preplanned routes and minimax your dps for 2-10 mins sometimes. Its not fun for the average joe 56% of m+ players only timed a 2 form raider io.

This GO GO GO is form years for easy knowledge and devs not putting up hard walls where to make people slow down in dungeons and raids.

And I am thankful for this all the time.

You are but not everyone

Could you explain what is a “hard wall” for raiding to slow down raiding?

100% man no problem. More hasher Gear checks/Healers checks/Dps checks for one. Make tanks think about being more tanker baseline without just using cds carry the job during prog. Making fights require the dps to do something else than dps and dodge/move more common. I know theres already some but I meant as more than that few people in raid that always doing the harder mechs. Everyone need understand and know how to do an mech.

Theres much more they can do to slow down people. Its not in their best paycheck wise to. Thats why we keep seeing the same mechs every raid patch.

This is all here now in mythic raiding.

Everything you are asking for exists.

And that doesnt slow down raiding gameplay. It just slows down progression.

yeah so why haven’t in normal and heroic?

I am not trying slow down gameplay thats not retail. Yeah you never seen a raid in classic 2009 full cleared until months after

you will have to reset retail systems to be close to classic

Because normal and heroic are supposed to be easier.

well thats because classic was designed to be trivial. and in order to extend the life span of something trivial, you have to make it extremely boring and tedious.

but i dont want to quit WoW and see its sunset due to a lack of players because a few were wanting everything trivial.

They should have categories so people find groups who want to go at similar paces. Like go go go, moderate and chill vibes categories lol. Then people will have the experience they want or be prepared for what will be expected of them. You’re welcome.

Most of the people who want the content slowed down would get even more upset if you made it challenging lol. They just want to play classic.