Is the game built to be overwhelming and not obvious to learn and teach without outside resources?

That’s Thor from Pirate Software. He raids Mythic and demonstrates that you don’t need it up until a point. That’s why I’m not sure because of Mythic raiders saying that they need it for Ovinax. But this is an anomaly, not a precedent.

Furthermore, when you look at streamers doing high keys, mythic raid, PvP - anything high-end endgame content … most of the really good ones don’t use addons that have anything to do with the game. It is usually a bunch of UI, QoL stuff, or other things akin to that.

So no, you don’t need addons to do high content. You need to know what you are doing, and that ain’t a high horse in any way shape or form. Get off your high horse for pretending that one need addons when one doesn’t.

I really need to ask you the very same. Your first post in this thread is literally a “Let’s blame Ion for stuff”, weird assertions you cannot back up such as “pull counts is now the metric for difficulty”, and then a weird “the game was better back when moving as a group into positive and negatively charged groups.”

And now you are arguing with me, about someone else making a false assertion, that on top of it also missed the larger point I was making, making you miss it two times over.

If you jump straight into the endgame as opposed to level your character, yes. Which is why the game HEAVILY disincentivizes you from just using a boost to get into the endgame and recommends you levelling a character first.

Also, as someone who has watched Day9 for years, he’s not a gamer … he’s a presenter and entertainer. Quite literally. His big breakthroughs have always come from his work presenting games (broadcaster, SC2 caster, DotA, Hearthstone, regular presenter at different game shows, etc.), not from playing games or doing anything of the sort. His gaming literacy is appallingly poor - but he is absolutely AMAZING at presenting games and being entertaining.
But someone running around in a room going “What’s happening?! I refuse to read or to follow the suggestions the game makes because I know better!” - most of it done mostly as a joke but also because he genuinely doesn’t know better.

This entire thread is literally just some folks making assertions, and then folks know who know better telling said assertion making folks “no you don’t need that, just be better.”

It is such a weird thing folks want to pretend to be the case, when folks over and over again showcase it to not be the case. Just plain ol’ weird.