There are a bunch of players that insist that tanks charge through a dungeon at maximum speed. It is like they just want to get the dungeon-run over as fast as possible. They don’t want the tank to stop, they don’t want to give healers the time to heal. They just want to get to the end-boss in 5 minutes, and leave the dungeon group asap!
I have to ask: what’s the point? Why even bother playing Wow? Why don’t they just go and play a Mobile game instead?
Because it’s more fun to me than dragging it out all day. I like seeing a screen full of chaos and numbers.
Instead of telling other people to go play something else, maybe take your own advice if it’s such a problem for you. Or do follower dungeons…
It’s fun to go fast my fellow poster of good faith.
I didn’t tell people to go play something else. I asked Why they don;t play mobile games instead.
PS: I do like Follower Dungeons. Yep sure do!
Because it’s the 100th time they’ve done the dungeon and it’s not fun. They’re only doing it for the chance at a reward from the end of the dungeon or for the vault slot. It’s like working a job they don’t enjoy just to get the paycheck at the end of the week.
That is exactly what I’m questioning. It appears they dislike playing the game.
Or maybe its the opposite. When im on a tank alt I love doing huge pulls because it’s a way to make trivial content fun.
AS long as everyone is doing their job, and the tank is pulling relative to the skill level of the players in the group, going faster is fun, like why would i purposefully wanna drag out the dungeon or raid?
Going faster is simply the natural progression of a good run, more damage=faster.
Faster=tighter pulls and they last less time.
It’s a satisfying feedback loop.
Obviously if pulls are massive but nobody survives anything either because the group is not good enough or there are weak links in the group, then it becomes unfun.
Because there’s are some parts of the game that they do enjoy, like playing with their guild to down the next Mythic or Heroic boss, or climbing the PvP ladder, and doing those dungeons are the only way they can prepare for the actual enjoyable stuff.
Ill have to ask whats the point staying forever in a dungeon?
because back in the day there were lockouts. and if and when you got something you needed, you were good on that slot. no upgrading it.
now there is no lockouts in m+. so you blaze blaze blaze blaze over and over until you get that item. because you can. then when you finally get that item you have to blaze blaze blaze blaze blaze all over and over again to get that currency to upgrade the item you just got. then on top of that because there is a timer involved you will get deductions in the currency reward which is needed for them upgrades.
damn legion and post legion wow is a rats nest plague.
Have you played a tank?
Pulling slowly, one pack at a time when you are not even remotely challenged is not engaging. Strange to compare mobile games to fast gameplay because mobile games tend to be incredibly slow in comparison to where a lot of them could be ‘played’ while completely idle.
That’s literally the reason. I want to get the dungeons done as fast as possible to get the reward and move onto the next one. Especially something like Timewalking where the only reason I’m in there is because I level as tank or healer and I get instant queues and the objective is just to farm xp.
I don’t need to “experience the dungeon”; I already did that dozens of times. The dungeon is simply a step to my main goal which is getting to max level, or my goal of getting better gear.
Its because lower dungeons are a chore. With low end raid gear you can come pretty close to soloing heroic dungeons and the main reason to do them is often weekly chores or farming rune caches. It also doesn’t help that tanks generally aren’t allowed to do single target damage so your “dps rotation” is more about figuring out how to get more targets than to optimize a rotation.
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I can understand that. But what I’m talking about is the players that aren’t happy with you making large pulls. I’m talking about the players who will run into the next three rooms pulling every group of mobs on-top of you because they don’t think you are running fast enough.
If we’re talking leveling dungeons, they serve no purpose but xp. If you want a slower paced dungeon experience, you have delves.
Hey partner, you just threw a heep of assumptions at me there. I just asked a question.
Ok. I’m getting the feeling that perhaps the players have done these dungeons so many times that the answer might be for Blizzard to make a lot more newer dungeons for players to have fresh and exiting and challenging experiences in.
The esport ideology I hate for the rush rush rush now now now GO GO GO!
It kills the fun for sure.
But building a speed set for my toon is fun in of itself. Also this prevents them leaving you behind
How about this: Procedurally generated dungeons. Where the dungeons are not only randomized, but all of the mobs and bosses and boss mechanics are changed every time you enter the dungeon. Making it a fresh new challange every time you enter it?