Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

You telling me what I should write when I post? Really?

You said it. Random Dungeons should not be hijacked by twinks. Not everyone wants to play like that. People joining a random dungeon should not be rushed through it because a twinks that’s the way they want to run it.

I also said:

Oh, you’re one of those… No, I’m not here to tell you what you should post. You’re totally free to keep dropping condescending, snide remarks if that’s your thing. Just don’t expect anyone to take you seriously. I know I don’t.

Again -

You make me laugh.

Earlier today I was leveling my new “Powered Armor Warrior” toon inspired by the new trading post cosmetics and we got a tank who didn’t know what he was doing.

That was so much fun being able to take our time.

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You know what’s crazy? As much of a speedrunner as I am, if I’d been in that group as a healer or DPS, I wouldn’t have complained about the slow tank.

Why, you ask? Because it was a random queue.

Unlike some people in this thread, if the shoe were on the other foot, I wouldn’t cry, moan, or groan. I’d just go with the flow, finish the run, and queue up again, hoping for a faster group the next run.

Incidentally I also got dropped into a dungeon after the dungeon group already started (5 seconds after) and I literally could not participate because I could not run to catch up with the group.

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Pressing “x” for doubt. It starts you on top of the leader of the dungeon when you zone in after replacing a missing player.

What ya talkin’bout mate. Ya make no sense. Do ya…eh? Is there somthing ya wanna gab’bout mate. Dina fash. Tis nothin ta worry bout. See, it’s all good mate, have a pint will ya. Right mate.


Who cares? Truly, why should I care about any of this? If I’m having fun, I’m going to keep playing it. It really is this simple; I’m not going to have an existential meltdown because the mode I’m having fun with doesn’t meet some theoretical definition of a mode congruent with MMORPG ideals.

You have no way to know what percentage of players like the speed dungeons are pulled.

It’s just as selfish for a single new player in a group of veterans to expect the group to pull slow. It’s really not that veteran players are unaware of uncaring that new players exist, it’s that there are 5 random people from 5 different perspectives coming together at the same time. The only functional way such a group can work is majority rule as no one’s perspective is more important than anyone else’s. The solution for both camps, and everyone in the middle, is to stop running with strangers who may not share your ideals and find a community of like-minded individuals so you don’t have these conflicts.

I have had this kind of thing happen to me.

For one, there does seem to be inconsistent behavior in terms of where you start; I’ve had the game put me at the start of the dungeon despite the group working their way to the fourth boss already.

Second, the game selects your starting position at the time you start loading into the dungeon, it doesn’t dynamically update based on when your game loads. Depending how long it takes you to load, you might very well be 20 seconds behind the group (or at last the tank). Now this shouldn’t prevent you from participating in an entire dungeon as you should be able to get to the gate of the first boss while the team is fighting it, so I agree with you there. But the idea that you might miss out on participating on some of the bosses due to loading in after the group isn’t crazy.

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To get to max level so they can…
Get gear ASAP.
Then cry ASAP there is nothing to do.

When you cut out leveling aka the journey, the ending means nothing much. And this is what they want, the players that is. They say they hate slow levling, so its fast, dungeons are fast, raids are fast, gearing is fast, burnout is fast. And if any of that is slow… This places blows up.

So they want all that fast, then cry they are bored, yet don’t want to have things take longer…Just gimme that new, new, new content. Brain rot to some degree.
Blizz and the weekly task/check list has turned it into just that.

Maybe I am just old now. I am sure someone will tell me how wrong I am, and then say its just an old game. Yet there sits Classic/Free servers showing its not the age of the game, its retail itself that is the problem.

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While there likely are players who think this way, you simply cannot reduce everyone into such a mindset. I do not particularly care for leveling nor gearing up in content that isn’t very engaging. Both are necessary evils to reach the point where I can start pushing keys, which is what I want to do. You won’t find me complaining about there being nothing to do because my enjoyment doesn’t start until the leveling and entry-level gearing phase has concluded.

Far too many people want to make claims like this, pretending that because two seemingly incongruent positions are posted it means the same groups of people subscribe to each. There are players who don’t like slow leveling and will complain about slow leveling. There are players who will complain there is nothing to do once they are leveled. But without cross referencing every instance of those posts, there is no way to confidently claim that these are the same groups of players.

Oh now look at all tha’ wind coming from this one. Like a hurricane o’ text. Just ta say the laddie doesn’t agree with others opinion. Da does da term blowhard fit here? Aye, aye.

I responded to multiple people in my response, organized by quote responding to each segment. My response to you was shorter than the post of yours to which I was quote responding. Then again, why actually touch on the points someone makes when you can just dismiss them with ad hominem?

Alright there laddie, your opinion is dismissed.

After reading both sides of the topic I still don’t get why speed racers need to go so fast. I do understand what they are saying. But its a game. The game is a grind-loop. They get to the max, then do M+++++ then that’s it. Then there’s nothing left to do.

The issue is that this acts like speeding through low level content is an indication that those players will want to speed through higher content. To be clear, there certainly are some players for which their item level is the only thing that matters to them and they’ll speed through the higher end content as much as possible, as well.

For for a lot of players, myself included, we are looking to speed through content that we view as just a prerequisite before we can run the content that we want to. I like to hover in the +10 - +12 key range this season, but in order to get there, I need a minimum amount of gear and IO. I’m not going to enjoy running Timewalking dungeons, delves, and lower M+ keys, but those are necessary steps to reach the level of key I do enjoy running. So of course I’m going to favor getting through that content as fast as possible so I can reach the content I will enjoy sooner.

Why does this keep getting asked?

If you want to do some sight seeing then find a like mided group to do so with… otherwise, you’ll be grouping with those of us who have run this dungeon 1000x and value their own time more than yours.

World of Warcraft has millions of players world wide. This is not a niche genre game with only a few hundred players. Given that. It is understood that all these players have some widely different opinions as to how the game should be played. As well as everything else. The majority of players never visit the forums. So what we are reading in this forum is only a minuscule number of the Wow population. Usually the most extreme opinions both pro or con any topic.

It’s important to factor that in when considering what is being discussed. My point being, just because a person might not agree with someone else’s opinion doesn’t make one person or the other right or wrong. It all boils down to one persons likes or dislikes.

When a topic is posted this small group of forum goers will argue about anything posted. The thing to keep in mind is the fact that everybody doesn’t think like you or me.
So people will continue to discuss the topic thread if it interests them.

And as we can see by reading the replies the topic does impact the game-play of some people.

True but some people in the forum think their opinion is the only true one. At this point I suggest that every new thread post has this disclaimer in Capital letters plastered across the top:


Rhetorical question…